Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sedum (17)

I am not sure what the name of this plant is. It was given to me by a neighbor when she was thinning out her planting bed. I can see why she gave me a start as it does travel a bit and appears quite happy where I planted it a few years ago.

I believe it is a variety of sedum, quite possibly the variety "Christmas tree". I thought that worked well today for a pic, as Mr. Oz had posted a pic of a Christmas ornament. Now if only someone would continue that theme and drop me off some Christmas fudge!



Have a great week-end everyone!


  1. Wow Miss Vic, you're going to force me to up my game if you keep posting shots like this one and the ones you've been posting and you're really scoring with the macros too! I've just been posting dumb shots from around my office cause it's easy. ;-o

    How about some fruit cake? ;-)

  2. Some would say I am the fruit cake,lol...

    (I happen to like fruit cake too!)

  3. I like fruit cake well enough but it is very hard to find a good one.

  4. Fruit cake? Ick....

    Love the photo though - reminds me of my Blue Spruce sedum. :)

  5. I LOVE this close up . . .

    How about if I just EAT some Christmas fudge in your honor? ;o)

  6. uuuuuuuuh I have some of those in my succulent garden, I only planted succulents and cacti in there, for fun. They are so easy to grow, by piece and so much fun, they grow quick and spread and you can share with others too.

  7. Actually Vic I think it is called 'Angelina' sedum invasive....or Sedum rupestre Blue Spruce.....Google it in Images.
    Anyhow AWESOME closeup Vic.

  8. I learned something new today....finally I can put pics in comments. is your fudge sweet Vic. Christmas fudge in cookie cutters.

  9. Ah, maybe that is it? It does look like it now that I googled it ;)

  10. I love sedums too. The one variety I can not seem to keep for long is "hen and chicks" though. It will last a year or two and then disappear. Not sure if it is our humidity or it's not situated well enough for winter...

  11. Yep, Misty that appears to be it, or looks like it's twin for sure!

  12. Thanks Sharon! What a neat idea for Christmas! I might have to steal that. ;)
