Wednesday, August 22, 2012

21....Are we bored yet?

Today I am posting a pic of a trunk of an old Japanese yew. I liked the texture of the peeling bark and it is probably the best of today's pics that I am posting.

The other pics are ones that I took today, but the two bird pics of a morning dove and the woodpecker, are a bit dark.

The last one is another pic of a squirrel in what appears to be his favorite spot of the whole tree. Hopefully tomorrow some better luck in capturing something more interesting for you, and it isn't such a big snooze fest like today...














  1. (I am assuming that is a morning dove up above neighbor calls them something else...wood pigeon? I think...perhaps one of you bird enthusiasts has a better idea of what it is...I am too lazy to google,lol)...

  2. So how long did you have to sit out there waiting for that squirrel? That's my favorite for today.

  3. I guess we know I agree with Oz that the squirrel is the #1. But all of them are good. There is depth in the texture of the Yew. As for the two being dark....there is often a call for pictures in the shadow.

    What is Mr. Squirrel eating. Don't you just love their little 'fingers"?

  4. Looks like a black walnut. Unfortunately, I have one of those on the property line. Sharp things after Mr. Squirrel gets done with them!

    LOVE the squirrel pics!!!! The bark is really cool too, and you can't go wrong with bird pics in *my* books - dark or not!! :)

  5. I seriously love that cheeky little squirrel . . . If I was his (um, or her) size, I would seriously monopolize that branch, TOO!

    The bark is a beautiful photo, too . . . SUCH incredible detail!

    And these photo challenges are not boring at ALL . . . If I knew where my camera was (and the equipment to download photos to my computer) I would seriously contemplate trying to take some photos to share . . . IF any of them turned out without being all blurry . . . I excel at blurry photos . . . which makes me even MORE appreciative of the talents of others!

  6. Half an hour? 45 minutes maybe? It's hard telling when one is sitting quietly in the shadows trying to capture the critters in their own setting. I get fidgety after awhile...

  7. Glad you are not getting tired of all the squirrel pics, I almost didn't post it as I have posted several before. He is eating a black walnut of which there are an abundance this year. I will most likely find 10 billion little walnut seedlings next spring from all of the ones they buried so far,lol.

  8. Look for that camera! I am trying to get more in the habit of taking it with me more instead of leaving it at home all of the time...

  9. Lol, I know I have to sit out there a little longer than that, just so they get use to me or forget I am there after awhile... I have learned, you can't really follow the wildlife, too much movement, so I try and be incognito near some bushes. I am waiting for my next door neighbor to show up complaining that I am spying on them or something,lol...

  10. The squirrel is a He !!! Jusss sayin me

  11. Bored?? Never !!! I love those pics of yours. You are getting really good !! The 2 bird pics are dark as you took against the sun, adjust your settings or play with the exposure in Picmonkey, that is what I do , as I am useless with my settings and if the bird is there, I shoot it there, can always fix later, as long as the focus is okay. Fun Fun. Having a look at the new Canon SX40 ....................*sigh*...................I have the money in my savings, but do I need it ?? I know I badly want it, but am so very stingy to spend the money. LOL

  12. I agree, also love that, you would just looooove my paperbark tree in the back garden, will go take a shot of it now now and my leopard tree, if you like that kind of thing. ............if you could pull yourself out from under my table, you drunken thing, get that brown Artline marker off your face......*chuckle*.....and come out back with me....................

  13. Never get tired of squirrel pictures. Took tons of those back few years ago. The texture of the tree is splendid.
    Hope to get some good pics today.

  14. Love the third picture. Very soothing.

  15. That squirrel looks kind of excited!

  16. LOL!!!!

    I guess my exposure to squirrel porn has been sadly limited . . . ;o)

  17. I had an even worse pic of a squirrel I took the other day...let's just say, he appeared very excited over that nut ;))

  18. LOL!!!!

    Well, see, if you had posted it, I would have had MORE exposure to squirrel porn and apparently it would have been very helpful . . . ;o)

  19. Yeah today squirrel porn....tomorrow you will be wanting woodpeckers.... ;))

    (I will of course have to delete that comment after you read it,lol)....

  20. LOLOLOLOLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh my gosh, I totally sprayed a mouthful of water all over my monitor and keyboard!!!!!

    BAD bad (and VERY funny!) Vic!!! ;o)

  21. Lol Oz, I might have known you would bust me....maybe if post a bunch more blogs nobody will go back and read this one?lol
