Saturday, August 11, 2012


Today I felt rushed trying to get a pic for today's posting. It's not the greatest of pics, it's a bit blah.

But I felt it was a good choice of a pic that didn't need to be cropped or have anything done to it,

other than be re-sized in order to fit on this screen.

I rather like the beauty of spiderwebs, and this one isn't really the best example, it's a bit too "webby" for me. A bit over done, and not showing the intricate weaving of a lot of

 spiderwebs, but the skies were starting to cloud up and before the day is over I thought I better log on here and post something.





  1. Too WEBBY?!?!? LOLOL

    You are a funny lady Miss Pink! I like the shot!

  2. Lol, well I meant you can't really see a pretty pattern or design to the web. It just seems to cloak everything....

  3. Everyone needs a different sort of house! ;-)

  4. The foliage is pretty though

  5. Hmmm .. I don't see the tiny spiderman .. Is that his wrist off camera?

  6. This is a beautiful plant . . . and again, I stifle the urge to take off my shoe and beat the web to death (well, not the web, but the spider invisibly and evilly lurking) . . . ;o)

  7. thanks George, it's a variegated euonymous...

  8. I didn't see any spider, but feel free to take off your shoes and practice on whatever is nearest you.... ;)

  9. Beautiful plant - and I do see some weaving. :)

  10. The more I look the more I see the patterns, but at first glance it looks overly done...(the spider was ambitious! lol)

  11. Maybe it's a hyperactive spider. :)-

    The little white highlights in the web make it easier to see the weaving. :)

  12. Have you noticed that flickr says this photo was taken 3 days ago? ;-o

  13. Well that one has the right date from this morning...I must have clicked on the wrong album! My apologies people!

  14. Ah I see... quite unlike me, an invariable anonymous.

  15. Awesome picture Vic...Should have warned me as I was eating a banana. Gag reflex kicked in.
    If you want to take a pic of a spiderweb and it's not first thing in the morning or after a light rain...Put some water in a
    spritzer bottle and lightly spray the web...You'd be surprised how all the webbing suddenly shows up not to mention how
    tee'd off Spidy gets. Then shoot under Macro...or just get in as close as you can and shoot.
    Luv how your pictures look so much better now you are using the coding.

  16. Thanks Misty! It is easier for others to view, I know some probably don't like to click to view for a larger image...
