Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Today's pics are of an old building and corn. The first two shots are close-ups of a big long building that in it's past, I believe was a lumber yard before being bought by a farmer for machine storage. That farmer has long been gone and his family still owns the property but it continues to decay and fall in. It's just a part of life, the new becomes old, the old disappears, and something eventually will take it's place. Whether it's a different building, or just Mother Nature reclaiming the land.

The third pic is of a corn field. I cropped it a bit to remove some tree branches and some tall green weeds near the base of the corn crop. It was the dry seed heads and the withered leaves that caught my eye....










  1. There's much to see around you! I really like the corn!

  2. Oh crap! Up goes the price of chicken feed! But such an artistic eye to capture it's essence!

  3. am loving the corn..... and you are almost done your challenge! way to go!

  4. Oh I luv the old building. You can never take enough because each time you go back you'll find something different that captures your eye. Another great trio Vic.

  5. The last picture reminds me of some kind of stereogram... not sure what sort of hidden image I would see in there...

    love the 2nd pic... shows more of the dilapidated barn.

  6. Thanks everyone for the comments. Something about the corn reminded me almost of feathers, and yeah John, the price of chicken feed will be going up along with the prices of everything else most likely...(groan).

  7. I love old, dilapidated buildings . . . So many cool angles and textures and sort of an aching sadness for what was . . .

    The corn DOES look like one of those magic eye posters (I didn't realize they were called stereograms but I am assuming they are the same thing) . . . Beautiful . . .

  8. Such great captures all, you are really doing well. Something sad about old buildings allowed to run into dilapidation................the stories they could tell. The corn is great ! Well not great, but pretty, sad too..................darned, my bird seeds will go up too. You have no idea what I spend a month on feeding birds. Got such a fright the other day, working it out. Gosh !

  9. Love the old building! Such character! It makes me sad to think of the day when they will all be gone, and in their place will be nothing but rusty Morton buildings instead.

    The corn pic is AWESOME!!! Love the light!! You must've traveled far and wide to find corn, being as there isn't much of it around there. :)-

  10. Love the lighting in these! I always seem to get lousy pics in bright sunlight. Guess I need more practice, huh!

  11. Lol, nope, not really I live next to a corn field,lol

  12. Sometimes it works for me Vero, and sometimes it doesn't. The coloring can be so different with just the slightest changes of light...

  13. LOL I was kidding - because of the state you live in. :)-

  14. Lol, I thought maybe you meant because of the drought... There isn't much of a corn crop here, but at least it grew taller than knee high,lol.

  15. Well, I guess you DO have a point there! LOL
