Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Well it's here, 2013. Some thought the day would never come, the world was going to come to an end in December of 2012 and yet somehow we survived the apocalypse that never came.

But what did come over night besides the passing of time was...snow.

What?!! My eyes cried upon spying the fluffy stuff first thing this morning as I peeked out the door at the world.. Snow?!! Nooo way! The snow wasn't suppose to come. Well, it sort of was suppose to come, there was a 50-50 chance yesterday, but the weather webpage said it was only thru the afternoon hours and then it was down to only 10% chance of snowing. So I can be excused for my extreme disappointment in 2013 as it brought in a new year and that dreaded white stuff.

I could only close the door, and grumble under my breath,.."2013, you are not off to a good start, I expect better from you".

I expect you to be a banner year. You are suppose to be the year of all things good and positive, where I accomplish all sorts of things, start and finish new and exciting projects, and  generally have a year of awesomeness.

Snow right off the bat is not going to cut it. I had plans today. I was going shopping. I haven't been shopping since way before Christmas. I haven't shopped since last year. It's not like I really need anything, but I had plans. I was going to cruise around unhurried, unhassled, under the delusions of tranquility and lured into the lull of possible clearance items on the cheap.

Blankety blank snow! Oh I know I can still go shopping, but it won't be the same. There will be  people fighting for those closest parking spots again. People rushing and acting stupid, and generally being a pain the butt except all the while doing it in snow. Wonderful, frigid, road covering snow.

I'll wait.

I crawled back in bed after spying the snow and figured I would enjoy this holiday by just sleeping a good portion of it away, or at least the a.m. hours. The cat had other ideas and excited over the new year, proceeded to hop across my head several times. She wanted to ring in the new year with being fed, and the dry cat food available just wasn't going to cut it. I ignored her as much as I could, but as I heard the sounds of the neighborhood, of people out and about and clearing the roads and sidewalks, I forced myself to meet the day and the new year.

I sit here with my bowl of cereal and think of my plans for the day and mentally tic off the projects in my head that I could turn my attention to. There are the kitchen cupboards that need to be organized from the holiday rush of baking. There are the last few bits of holiday remnants to store. There is a stack of garden catalogs waiting to be thumbed thru again before being weeded out to the rubbish bin to make room for more oncoming catalogs.

But I sit here and think of things I should be doing, things that I should stop procrastinating on, and things that I need to focus on in the upcoming year.

I haven't even made any New Year's resolutions. Each year I make the same ones, and this year I thought about just making practical resolutions. Resolutions that are more attainable. Resolutions that are easy and then I figured what is the point, that really isn't a resolution but a cop out for instant gratification. Not to mention making resolutions requires some sort of mental and physical effort and all my thoughts seem to drift to the snow outside. It's not even a big snow, but an annoying snow.

It's pretty though. The sun glistens on it's white frozen self, and there are patches in the yard where it fell so thick and fluffy, that it appears as if the ground undulates wildly under that white blanket. But it is all of the snow's doing. It covers and colors, and transforms the whole world for just the briefest bit of time.

Much like those New Years resolutions. For a small moment I feel energized and ready to tackle the world and make a difference not necessarially for others but for me, and yet I feel like the snow. Quiet and serene and ready to linger in the quiet and take my time. Maybe I will melt after a few days, and maybe I will just stick around for weeks and make my pressence known.

For today my plans have changed but there will be other days, and today will be a day of quiet puttering, possible naps, and scattered thougths. Not a bad way to start off the New Year afterall.