Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 9...I think?

I think today is the 9th day in the  30 days of pics challenge. I have been out of sorts with hopping from blog place to other new blog place to try and learn the ins and outs of each. I forget just where I am at times and none of them have the familiarity of home yet.

Some sites are easier for me personally to wander around in and I pretty much know of two blog hosts I am crossing off my list... LiveJournal, and Anotherblogspot. I just can't seem to fit in the groove with them, but I won't delete my account over there yet with either until down the line when we all decide as a group where to go.

It may be that I just haven't given them enough of a chance, so I will try again later on when I am not so tired and weary of thinking about change. Afterall we have til December 1st right? (crossing fingers)

Today I snapped a few pics of nothing really extraordinary, but I liked them for their colors or textures and thought they would make a good background for something in the way of graphics. The last pic is a pic of my neighbors rottweiler mix and her best friend, the tiny rat terrier. They do make a comical pair when seen out together. Their vast differences evident to all, but they remain steadfast in this friendship. I think we all can relate to that, knowing that friends don't have to look or be just like us. We just like them for them.


Have a good week-end!


  1. some of us are at

    aww didn't know you have 2 dogs.

  2. Vic. Ya really do have a camera eye. When I first got interested in photography I had lots of problems. I would see something that I figgured would make a good picture and then when the film was developed the subject of the picture was just a small immage and difficult to recognize. I finally figgured that looking at something with our eyes our brain edits what we are looking at to suit what we want to see. The camera takes a picture of whatever it is pointed to. So when I learned a litle about how to get the camera to compose the image my brain was editing the pictures turned out better. I am not taking your picture challenge but someday I will post some of my favorite pictures. Some of my favorites are on slides and I need to get them transfered to digital. I enjoy your blogs as do many others so don't think that you aren't appreciated.

  3. Gee Vic, I really like 1 and 2 the best!

    I don't know, maybe we look exactly alike, though you've never mentioned it, I don't believe I've ever seen a photo of you.

  4. So, what are your frontrunners for a new blogging home?

  5. I know the names of those plants but for the life of me I can't think of them. I had both at the old house.
    Now look at the sad sack of a kisser on the larger lol lol Who stole the bone?

  6. Awwwww!!! Look at those cute pups!! I like #s 3 and 4 the best. #3 is extremely cool!! :)

  7. The two dogs belong to different neighbors, you can see the feet of the neighbor who owns the rottie in the top of the pic. He came over today and visited awhile with dogs in tow, and I couldn't resist snapping this pic of the dogs looking in the doorway as if to ask if I was coming along too,lol.

  8. Thanks Guy! (hugs). I find that alot of pics aren't that spectacular, case in point the plant pics here. Once they have been cropped and the concentration of the pic changes to the details, it makes it much more interesting.

  9. But you know I am pink and frosty! ;))...(I'll need your e-mail if you are really curious...but then again, that might spoil the pink illusion for you!)

  10. xanga is my favorite so far...blogger would be the 2nd choice, only because several are already there. ..

  11. Most would consider a couple of them weeds. The first one definitely is, but I snapped the pic because it reminded me of baby's breath (gypsophilia) just about to open. The scraggly one is goldenrod, and despite how the pic looks, it is not blooming yet. It's beautiful golden color was how the sun was hitting it at that precise moment. The last pic is the spent blooms of a spirea bush where the petals had fallen away and what was left behind....

  12. Thanks Bee! The dogs are quite the pair, the littlest dog prefers the company of the rottie and it's owner over it's own household. I have to laugh when the owers always have to come looking for their dog to take it home. (personally I think the poor thing is hiding from the two kids that live there!lol)

  13. Aw! Poor pooch! LOL

    I wanna see you too!!!

    I've opened an account with Live Journal. Won't be going to Blogger.

  14. Do you like Livejournal? I just can't seem to get into it, but I won't give up on anything yet til I know where everyone ends up....

    (I am scary looking, you don't want to have that kind of a scare this late at night, It will give you nightmares!)

  15. I highly doubt that you are scary looking!!! Besides - looking in the mirror gives me nightmares, so what's one more?

    Oh, I don't LOVE Livejournal, but it's fairly easy to navigate. Right now, I'm not going to like anything that isn't Xply though. *sigh*

  16. That is why I am leaning towards reminds me the most of multiply....

  17. Will have to check that one out!

  18. lol ah ok. I couldn't deal with one dog let alone two. Very needy creatures... unlike cats hahaha

  19. Lol, oh cats need you...they just don't want you to know that! ;)

  20. yes whenever they are hungry... they get very vocal lol

  21. It makes me a little sad every time someone talks about where they will be migrating, or why they wont be migrating . . . I hate to see my little group of friends breaking up and scattering . . . SIGH . . . =o(

    I know that I will survive this transition, but I also know that things always change, and that some people wander off, no matter how badly I don't want them, too . . .

    I love the friendship picture with the doggies . . . I guess I would have to be the big one, since I am so tall . . . Don't you have any neighbors with a nice lanky greyhound? ;o)

    I still want to check out xanga and see if it is even possible for me to do an alternate account in blogger . . . SIGH . . .

    LiveJournal is tricky to me . . . I am not a big fan of it either, at least not yet . . . =o/

  22. I tried Xanga this morning, and it isn't too bad...

  23. I am still trying all the websites out to give them a fair chance.. I know some bloggers are dead set against some sites, so hoping and wishing everyone would go as a group to just one site isn't realistic.

  24. No, unfortunately it isn't. And keeping up with multiple sites probably won't work either. :(

  25. Are you listed as auntbee46 on xanga?

  26. No - on xanga, I'm auntbee48

    Whenever I do a new site, I always use my current age. :)

  27. I am viccles2004 everywhere...just seemed easier to stick with one name for all the sites to make it easier for people to find me...I am on blogger/blogspot, Xanga, Livejournal, the other two blog sites I already deleted...I am on fb as well as Vic Whatshername.

  28. Well, I didn't want family to find and friend me in the heck am I going to talk about them otherwise? ;))

  29. That's true!!! I'm changing my name to Bee Have. The scoundrels will NEVER find me then!! :)-

  30. they good pics Vic thanks .. we have some of those plants here I recognise the weeds lol . I didn't know the time frame of the closing of the multiply blogging.. so thanks for that... I have no idea what you look like either....

  31. Yes Glenda, if you have any pics or blogs you want to save you better think about it downloading them to your pc.
