Monday, August 20, 2007

Entry for August 20, 2007 - The Nose Knows....

The nose knows....or it use to know...

For the past few weeks I have found myself having lost the sense of smell. I am pretty sure there is a direct link from the cold/virus that I had in July and my loss of sniffing ability. I thought that given a little bit of time, my nose would be back to it's full time job of smelling, but it hasn't. The tastebuds have been on a bit of a strike as well. They haven't completely defected as my nose has, but tasting has become absent as well. I can taste sweet,salty, and spicy, but I can't distinguish flavor. It's a bit disconcerting, to crave something and eat it, and realize you really can't taste it. It's become serious. I can not....(hold onto your seats)...taste chocolate.... I can taste it as being sweet but that is it. It's tragic, not being able to taste chocolate, but the lack of being able to smell is bothering me more. I read somewhere that smelling can actually account for as much as 80-90 percent of what we perceive as flavor. There could really be something to that,... the two combining for a total sensory sensation.

Given a choice though, I think I would want my nose over my tastebuds. Don't get me wrong, I have the biggest sweet tooth there is, and maybe because I do still have somewhat of a sensation of taste I feel able to make that comment. The nose stuff bugs me though. I can't smell flowers or perfumes or baking cookies. I can't smell odors, spoiled broccoli in the back of the fridge, chlorox bleach, or things burning. I never thought I would miss my nose so much, or it's capabilities.

I got to thinking about the five sense we all have. I know some people have experienced losing one or more of those senses in their lifetime. Sight, sound, touch, taste, scent....I don't know which I would choose if I had to lose one. I thought scent would be an easy one, but I am finding out it isn't. I wouldn't want to be blind, or deaf, or be unable to feel a hug ...or the hugger. Thoughts of never tasting chocolate again doesn't set well with me either....but the more I thought about it, giving up taste would be a dieter's dream. If you couldn't taste anything, well you might as well eat all of those veggies your mom told you too. Liver would be your new best friend. Junk food would become just a memory and you wouldn't feel deprived. It would be like going thru life just eating rice cakes and celery though ... meal time would be more of a chore than a pleasure....bland would become boring.

...But then I think about chocolate...wonderful, luscious chocolate. It's one of those things that is both a blessing and a curse. It tastes good... it dances on your has tons of calories and sugar... but darn it tastes good.... or it use too, from what I remember...

It's not an easy decision, making such a choice. If you suddenly found yourself having to choose which of the five senses you had to give up, what would you choose and why?

Would it be Sight?... Sound?.... Taste?... Touch?....

or would you pick your nose?...

Friday, August 17, 2007

Entry for August 17, 2007 - My Pet Has Issues...

I think my new kitten is defective.

Hopes for a little furry bundle of cute kitten-ness has yet to appear. Instead in it's place is a stalking, biting, scratching bundle of pure spitfire. Stinkpot is living up to his name of being a stinkpot.
They say pets are like their owners but I don't ever remember being such a brat. I am starting to wonder if perhaps I had stuck with a more cutsey name like "cuddles", the kitten would have a different personality. The kitten has issues...maybe more than I can handle.

I did a little web surfing today on how to tame the kitten. So far I have only had the pet for just a couple of weeks, but it appears I have done everything wrong. I must have. Most psychologists blame everything on the mother, so I know that when the finger pointing happens, I will be first in the line of that finger. I've had cats before, in fact my favorite pet was a Siamese cat I had for over 20 years. Maybe I am comparing the kitten to that favorite pet and he feels he can't live up to his predecessor. Maybe I am expecting to much. Maybe I have just bitten off more than I can chew and the kitten needs round the clock attention.

One of the websearches I came across mentioned that kittens taken too soon from their mother's, might be more aggressive... Aggressive is an understatement. I am in desperate need of a "Cat Whisperer" or a cat shouter, either way I still don't think Stinkpot will listen. Even now as I type this blog I can hear the cat bouncing off the walls in the next room. I have the door shut, to keep him from roaming and to be quite frank,... for my own safety. I have learned the hard way not to go barefoot, or wear shorts....all body parts much be covered at all times. Just reaching down to give a little pet has the kitten jumping in a ninja like pounce on my arm while kicking and biting the heck out of it. A stern worded "NO", only makes him consider a different approach for the attack. I think I am the only woman in Nebraska who sits, sweating under a wrapped up blanket in 100 degree weather, to ward off the sharp claws and bites of a maniacal kitten.

I have yet to hear him purr....when do kittens purr? I thought all kittens purred from the get go. I have heard tiny mews, hisses, spitting, and the galloping thud of little feet tearing thru the house. I wanted a house cat. A nice,... sitting in your lap to pet... house cat,...I think that notion is a pipe dream. Stinkpot will most likely end up being an outside cat where I can feel more assured of the safety of my furniture and of me. The only thing that prevents me from giving him the boot outside is I think he is too small....and fear. Fear that I will hear from my neighbors of how the were out working in their yards and the kitten ran up and bit them, or attacked their rottweiler fluffy. I am having visions of the kitten as it gets bigger and being afraid to go outside myself. Each morning I will stick my head out the door and take a cautious look around before running like mad for the car with my keys in hand.... Hoping beyond all hope I will make it before I am mowed down in my own driveway by a killer cat.

He is so darn cute....but cuteness is not gonna cut it any more. I am going to have to be more diligent in his care. Somehow just sticking a litterbox, catfood and a few toys in his room is not helping him live up to his potential. I am just going to have to get use to wearing layers of clothes and oven mitts that go up to my elbows when dealing with the stinker. I am sure that given time and a lot of patience (mainly on my part) I can get him to be a more civil cat....and if that is not the case, beware of any boxes left on your doorstep in the dead of night..... Don't worry I will leave you the oven mitts....

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Entry for August 11, 2007 - Flirt, flirt, flirt...

Are you a flirt?

I am sure I have seen a quiz or questionnaire on flirting somewhere. It's funny how out of the blue something you haven't really considered makes you stop and question yourself. In the past couple of days I have chatted with a few different people and the question of flirting was discussed. In fact the premise for this blog was from a conversation I had last night with a fellow blogger on flirting.

We all flirt a bit. It's harmless for the most part and even some of the time I don't think we actually realize we are doing it...that flirting business.

I never really considered myself much of a flirt. I joke and tease and maybe at times even seem a bit bratty, but I never really thought of how teasing and flirting can be considered the same by some and totally different by others. I got to wondering then, if you tease a guy is it flirting?...and in the same thought if you tease someone of the same sex (which for me would be a girl), is that still considered teasing? Does gender make the difference?

In my blast at the top of my blog page is a mention of Martha Stewart. Most won't know it is a subtle teasing reference to a chat and blog friend - Softi. If you are lucky enough to be on her friend's list you have gotten to see some gorgeous flower pics and read some great recipes. I have also heard thru the, that she also sews, knits, crochets, and basically can do anything. She almost puts Martha to shame. It's just a little teasing though, but if a guy had mentioned the same abilities or even if he had told of his mechanical aptitude and I teased him about it,...would it still be considered teasing...or would it be flirting?

I use to love to go into chat and flirt. I will admit it. I would pounce on any newbie that entered the room, slide up to them on the cyber bench... bat my eyes, cross my Band-aid covered knees, and leer adoringly at them with a toothless smile. Some thought it was funny, some thought I was nuts, and some people I scared to death and they left quicker than you can press the escape button on your keyboard. I thought it was great fun, the teasing....the flirting... I wasn't interested in looking for a guy for any other reason than to have a giggle or two in chat. No cybering, no webcamming, nothing of that sort, ...just a giggle and to gauge a reaction.

Last night talking to my friend, he called me a flirt, and I started to disagree with him. After all, I figured if I was a big flirt, my avatar would at least be a pic of me with all of my teeth in and a bit of cleavage. Maybe there is something to this... the difference of the sexes seeing it as two different things. My blog friend can be silly though. He will try to get my goat every chance he can get. I then mentioned something about giving him a huge wedgie, at which point he informed he had no underwear on. I giggled, but at the same time a part of my mind went.....ewwwwwww, ...ick.

I then threatened him with my blogging the next day about him being nekkid at his computer desk. He asked if I wanted him to e-mail me a pic of his underwear for my blog. I am sure if I said yes he would have done it. He is nuts,....a bit crazy.... and even if he won't admit it, I think his mentioning about not having underwear on, could be considered as..... flirting. ...."gasp"...

It was all very innocent though. At least I hope everyone considers my teasing...even my flirting as innocent. I'm not looking for any relationship on here other than friendship. I will admit that people can get caught up in a moment, people can go too far, and some people see it all as a game. Flirting can be fun when it's kept in perspective, and when both parties know the true intentions of the other...

I feel I know my blog friend well enough to know he was joking last night while I was chatting with him. I feel I know his character from our chats and his blogs. He has never overstepped the boundaries, or what I consider my personal boundaries of what is acceptable. I will admit the thought of him sitting there nekkid at his computer sent me into fits of giggles.

It does make the mind wander though....all the joking and teasing....and afterwhile you can't help but wonder.... was he serious? I shake my head no... not my friend, surely not. He is not like that....he is just a big tease....

....and a flirt.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Entry for August 09, 2007 - Ho Hum...

Ho hum.

No news...

No controversy...

No gossip...

No drama....

No excitement to report.

In the event there had actually been something interesting to blog about,... you would have been regaled with all the details. Til then.....carry on.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Entry for August 05, 2007 - Blog Days of Summer...

It's been slow.

I've heard that a lot lately.

Blogs are fewer. People have gone missing. In the full swing of the dog days of summer, Yahoo 360 has taken a back seat. Gardens require attention, yardwork is in full swing, vacations are being taken before the school year starts again. Life keeps us busy.

But a few blogs trickle in, I see them on my updates and I try to read them every day. Some days I get behind and it will be longer than just a day or two before I make it there, but I try to make the effort if at all possible. Some blogs I may have only left a smiley face. If that is a the case, please check your settings for your blog page. I can't write a comment or leave a message if your page is closed. I understand sometimes about being leery. Unsure of what people may say or do on your blog page, but that is the beauty of blogging. It can be deleted. A person can be ignored. You can shut out all but your closest friends if you want.... If only real life was that easy...

For being such a slow time in 360, I still have read so much, shared some sorrows with some of you who have had a difficult week or two. There has been moments of joy and congratulations, of new grandbabies, new accomplishments, new homes, new gardens, and a new life.

There has been silliness too. I always seem to surround myself with sort of silliness. Stalking pickles, a chainsaw wielding wiener dog, quizzes, games, zucchini left on my blogstep, and some green tomatoes that seem to follow me to whatever blog I go ....(please return those to Vero).... Wukky and Gloggy now home from their never ending blog travels. Blog weary, it's a wonder when they will attempt such a big endeavor again. Recipes posted and a chili cook-off....guaranteed to give anyone a hotflash if the weather isn't hot enough for you.

I sit here and wonder what to blog about. Nothing exciting has happened this week. The yard was mowed but needs to be mowed again. The weeds keep popping up, work still goes on. There hasn't been any earth shattering or blog worthy news to write or gloat about. "Stinkpot" the cat is still alive, and taken to fits of energy that have destroyed one philodendron, and a roll of toilet paper. I guess as far as sacrifices go, that isn't too bad for one week. He has gone from being a timid bottle fed kitten, to an ankle biting demon that demands attention with a high pitched squeak....(similiar to the sound of a New Zealand chipmunk if you have ever heard one on voice chat)...

I don't feel it's really blog worthy though, to just blog an update on a cat.

It's hot and I am tired. Not tired of 360 or blogging, but just a general tiredness of too much and too little. Too much to do, and too little time and energy to do it all. It's a general feeling I get from a lot of bloggers lately....this being tired stuff.

I think it will pass though. It's like everything in life, there are ups and downs and moments,... lots of moments of nothing really special going least for me. I do know that one blogger has a birthday coming up tomorrow and I won't mention any names encase it is a secret. However it would be a Cyn, a sin if I were remiss in wishing them a Cyn-mply wonderful birthday with my Cyn-cerist wishes on their special day. I had plans on visiting the worlds largest,..(or at least Tennessee's largest) garage sale at Hillbilly's and acquiring a painted velvet Elvis poster, or a ceramic duck planter, or some equally treasured gift. But just a simple Happy Birthday wish will have to suffice.

Happy birthday my blogging buddy....

May your day be completely awesome .....and something for you to blog about...