Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Diamond Web (7)

I didn't think I would get out to get any pics taken today. I had company for most of the afternoon and by the time they had left, the clouds had rolled in. There was the briefest of showers, just enough to get the grass wet, and then the clouds lifted for a bit.

I took advantage and dashed out quickly hoping to catch sight of one of the many cardinals or flickers that nest in the evergreens, but it wasn't to be. I did however snap a few pics of foilage and seed pods and other garden and plant stuff before I stumbled upon this little gem.

I am calling it "Diamond Web" as it reminds me of the lightest of strands of diamond jewels created by one of Mother Nature's small creatures...





One week down in the 30 days of pics...


  1. Thanks Mr. Oz! I consider myself totally lucky in stumbling across it while the weather was cooperating...

  2. I have had flickr for years, but haven't used in was mentioned that I should try using a photo sharing site when posting a pic in the comments on one of my blogs earlier, so I have been posting that way for the last few blogs. ....(see, now you don't have to click to enlarge, I made it easy for you)...

  3. I LIKE the click to enlarge! This way is fine if I read your posts in my inbox but if I read on your page the image stretches the post out so I ahve to scroll back and forth to read, that's why I asked. It's not a problem, I was just curious.

  4. This is absolutely gorgeous . . . and I am trying really hard to curb my desire to take off my shoe and swat it repeatedly til I am SURE the spider is dead . . . ;o)

  5. Lol Souix, I was hoping to capture the spider somewhere in the foliage or on the web but I guess he had more sense than I did to come in from the rain ;)

  6. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are SOOOOO so dead . . . SO dead . . . =oP

  7. A spider web is GORGEOUS . . . I just hate knowing that somewhere, lurking nearby, is the spider that created it . . . watching me with malevolent beady eyeballs, waiting to pounce . . . UGH . . .

  8. That is a great picture :) Now if I can squint a bit to see your reflection in each drop of dew...

  9. Oh Vic....this is beautiful. Actually an amazing photo.

  10. Well I AM SO PROUD OF YOU VIC....OUTSTANDING......ahem

  11. Dynamite picture Vic. Ya got a good eye with the camera.
