Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 18

From this morning, a few shots....

The first is obviously a  squirrel, caught up in the canopy of the tree with it's mouth full.



 The second is a pic I have been trying to get for ages. There are two of these nests on my big tree that are inhabited by flickers/woodpeckers. I snapped this pic of one sticking it's head inside the nest. Not sure if there was anything in there it was feeding or if it was adding a few bits of fluff to line it's nest.




The last pic, is a rather poor pic, but I liked the appearance of the wings/feathers of the bird in flight.





Hopefully tomorrow or later this week I will have better luck in capturing some better pics of the wildlife around here. If all else fails, I will have to stalk the cat and have her pose,lol.


  1. If you're trying to get pictures of wildlife have you considered having a party with an open bar? ;-)

    Did you use a filter on the squirrel photo or did you get that in the camera? I like it.

  2. No filters were used. It was just the effect from zooming thru the leaves on the tree to focus on the squirrel.

  3. i love love love all three....

    u sure u only just started with the camera ??/

    lol...u r supercool !

  4. Great bird pic! Increase your shutter speed! lol

  5. great photo Vic love the squirrel one and the woodpecker is just brill.

  6. Well Vic you are becoming quite the photographer. May I snag the squirrel pretty please. That is just awesome. BRILLIANT!!!!!

  7. I will try that George! I had it on the "sports" icon....sooo different then a regular 35mm with all of these icons to use for different conditions or lighting...

  8. Thanks Robert, I wish it had been more clearer. I will try again one of these days to get a better shot.

  9. You sure can Misty, take what you want.

  10. Thanks Vic...the colouring is awesome.

  11. Vic. U sure you don't work as a photographer for National Geographic? Good pics.

  12. Might want to see what the default sports shutter speed is... then take it a few notches down. I'd love to more motion shots from you.

  13. Loving the wildlife shots!!! You're getting pretty dang good with that camera, Your Chocolateyness!!

  14. LOL is the squirrel the same little guy that was SO exhausted in those other photos?

    Too cute . . . He looks like you caught him red handed and he is thinking up an alibi . . . "What acorn? I don't have an acorn . . . Ohhhh you mean THIS acorn? I was just picking it up to dust under it" . . . LOL . . .
