Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Naked Ladies (13)

Sorry to disappoint those who rushed over to be titillated by the thought of anything naked. There is nothing naked here, except for the long stems of my blooming Lycoris squamigera. Also know as magic lilies.

Their strap-like foliage appears in the spring and then disappears. Then, as if by magic, tall stems appear with the lily shaped blooms.

My naked ladies are rather short this year because of the drought. In fact, I am surprised they bloomed at all. They haven't received any extra moisture by the way of my watering, and yet they have bloomed with determination all of their own making...




  1. I love the shimmery look of the petals... reminds me of fabric!

    Thank goodness you didn't post any nekkid pictures. I am afraid of those.

  2. Naked stamens are naked lady-parts of flowers.

  3. and , I might add, had to push my man out the way ...................lol

  4. they are lovely and he says he knows how to grow them, so there................nekkid ladies in our garden coming up soon *sigh* now why he don't get his own page to chat to you all???????

  5. Oh Vic they are absolutely beautiful.

  6. Lol George,you would be cowering in the corner?....

    ( I won't mention you were the first one over here....*grin*)

  7. I did notice the pollen had already stained a few of the petals...

  8. Yes! Tell him to get his own page so we can talk gardening....I will get Vero to help me twist his arm ;))

  9. Thanks Misty. They won't last long, with this dry heat they will be done in a day or two...

  10. Well they are beautiful Vic, even if they aren't the kind of naked ladies I was hoping for! ;-)

  11. Naked Ladies caught my attention but I figgured there wouldn't be any. Beautiful flower picture. Those kind of pics are hard to take.

  12. wow very beautiful! I love how glittery they look. Pretty

  13. DAMMIT!!!!!!

    I was SURE you were posting photos from your ladies tea the other afternoon . . .

    You are SUCH a tease . . . ;o)

    I love the flowers, and they DO look like shimmery fabric (I want a dress out of those petals!)

  14. Oh I was first? *looks around and behind me* You must be talking about someone else... but yes I would be trembling in fear. Hide me from corruption! *closes my eyes and thinks of pink elephants*

  15. LOL . . . you would rather think of pink elephants than naked ladies? Or is that your way of saying you like full figured women?

    LOL =oP

  16. I had some of these for years and years, so I was pretty sure what you were talking about. For some reason they have not come up the past couple of years though. :(

  17. Oh! And btw - GORGEOUS photo!!!!!

  18. LOL You betray me! Besides I wouldn't compare my favorite female shape to an elephant with pink flaps and a pink trunk. That is so wrong lol

    I would compare them to a magic fruit that would instantly replenish itself every time I eat it, never satisfying yet always desirable.

  19. Lol, yeah I kinda figured all of the guys on here would be suffering a huge let down... ;)

  20. Thank you! I just wish they lasted longer...

    (thanks for stopping by!)

  21. Me too! Though I usually tend to gravitate to darker shades. I feel a bit washed out in pastels...

  22. Wouldn't hurt to try digging up an area Bee to see IF you still have bulbs there. Fall is the time to plant most of those bulbs, so if they are too crowded you could easily thin them out.

  23. George, we need to get you a date,lol...

  24. hahaha I'm not sure I'd like one that shriveled.

  25. How FUNNY vic . . . me, too, for reals . . . I LOVE deep, rich colors, and hardly ever wear pastels . . . but that shimmery color WOULD be lovely as a nightgown or something . . .

  26. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AHEM . . . that was kinda naughty, freemandom . . . ;o)

  27. I guess I won't be getting a toy from Santa this year :(

  28. Well go ahead Viccles and ruin my day day why don't you!
    But naked ladies are pretty!

  29. LOL . . . I dunno . . . apparently Santa is pretty forgiving . . . I mean, *I* always get stuff from him . . . ;o)

  30. Which reminds me of my favorite joke (and by 'favorite joke' I really mean 'the only joke I can remember the punchline to') , , ,

    Here goes:

    Why is Santa always so jolly?

    Because HE knows where all the naughty girls live . . . DUH . . .

    LOL . . .

    Um . . . not that *I* am naughty . . . honest . . . its just a cute joke . . .

  31. Yeah... but that's only once a year!
    Need more than that!
    G. xxx

  32. Poor Geoff, hope you didn't spill your beer rushing over ;)

  33. I thought the naughty girls got the rough end of the stick... oh wait, nevermind lol

  34. I keep digging myself into a hole

  35. Ho! Ho! Ho!
    Guess I will just have to wait until December then!
    G. xxx

  36. Um . . . Santa keeps an eye on your behavior ALL year, you know . . . so he knows who is naughty and who is nice EVEN in February . . . or June . . . or NOW . . . I guess he is sort of like God, only jollier . . . and a snappier dresser . . . ;o)

  37. You lot are too rude!
    I'm not playing any more!
    Now you can all take those blindfolds off and read your 50 Shades!
    G. xxx

  38. lol yes he (Santa) sees me when I'm sleeping and knows when I'm awake... sort of like a stalker.

  39. LOL *I* am rude?!?? yikes . . . I was going for silly . . . sorry about that!

    LOL Seems like it would be kinda hard to be a stalker when you wear a bright red velvet suit and laugh like a bowl full of jelly . . .

  40. haha yeah he must have a lot of invisible elves reporting on our every move... how else would he know... oh wait... maybe he has CC TV...
