Friday, November 13, 2009

One Person's Junk.... another person's treasure.

I thought of that saying a lot recently. I spent last month cleaning out the garage and it was a project that seemed to take forever, and yes it did take me the whole month to complete. I do have to explain that once I filled the garbage container and wheeled it to the end of the drive each week, that I would quit cleaning out the garage for the week. A couple of weeks, I only spent 20 minutes, but there were some days I was out there for what seemed like hours.

Part of garage cleaning dilemma was the fact that you do an awful lot of shuffling. I started cleaning off one shelf and putting things in other spots where they were next to like objects, and it only made for more objects to move when I then got to that  spot or the next shelf. Once I got one shelving unit cleaned off and moved to the next one, I then had to shuffle everything off the shelf into a new spot so that I could sweep it down and try and organize stuff in their right spot. When the shelving was done, then I had to shuffle stuff on one side of the floor space over to the other side of the garage, and then back. It seemed like for every step forward I took, I took two steps back. I didn't want to take everything out of the garage at once because of a chance of rain, and I didn't want piles of junk just sitting for me to cart out, hence the shuffling.

Adding to my woes were the fact that I kept coming across stuff that I had no clue as to what they were or their purpose. I thought to myself, if only I had a digital camera, I could take pics and post them on here and play a bit of guessing game. If I couldn't figure it out, maybe you could... I'd even been willing to mail off that prize to the correct blogger. I had to enlist the help of one of my brothers when he came to visit to pull things off the shelf and ask, what in the world is this?...Do I need it?...Or is it just junk? While I had him in my garage cleaning clutches I loaded him down with some of my precious treasure (cough) junk each time he came to visit during that whole month. He got nails and screws, nuts and bolts, some kind of clamp thingies, storage bins, anything I could think of that I wasn't using, hadn't been using, and just wanted gone.

It was a bit overwhelming when taking inventory of just what all was out there. Even though a person could still pull a vehicle in the garage it seemed to be full of junk. Some of it good, and some of it past it's prime or usefulness. Three string trimmers, one working, one brand new and refusing to work, one kept for parts. Three lawnmowers, two riders, one push. Ten fishing poles....good grief, where in the world did 10 fishing poles come from? I remember having two, but somehow 8 more appeared. Four jugs of windshield washer cleaner. Five water jugs, five hoes, 3 rakes, 4 shovels, two sprayers, four hose-end sprayers, six sprinklers, the list goes on...and on. How does one acquire so much stuff?

I blame part of it from having a past love of going to auctions and garage sales. I use to think nothing of spending my Saturdays at an estate sale or auction. It was fun poking around and sifting thru boxes of junk for any kind of treasure I would spy. I would end up bidding on the whole box just to get that one or few items that I wanted in the box. The remains of those boxes eventually ended up in the bottomless pit that I call the garage. I gave up my auction going ways a few years ago. It seemed that more and more I stood around all day to bid on wanted items only to see the prices go to high, or watch others sift thru those same boxes and shuffle the items they desired into other boxes to combine their treasured wishes together.

Another culprit in my messy garage woes were past remodeling projects. Leftover bits of drywall, boards, molding, paint, stain, etc. etc. seemed to fill a good part of one wall. I was back to my dilemma of sorting thru what does one save or toss? It's a well known fact that if you have something for twenty years and throw it out because you have never used it, that you will end up needing that item the following week. I ended up tossing anything rusty, moldy, broken, or not used in years. I am crossing my fingers that hopefully there was nothing too important in that mix.

Eventually the garage was finished. I now have shelving lining one whole wall with all of it's items neatly in boxes or totes and everything else hanging on hooks or neatly stacked and out of the way. I found a few surprises along the way, along with some long lost treasures found. My old felco pruners, found, once thought lost out in the garden somewhere to rust. Found the fourth ball to the croquet set (small cheer, I thought it was lost forever). Two padlocks WITH their keys...

I wish life could be so easy. We toss out the old, broken stuff that isn't working and shuffle the better stuff til it fits in a way that makes it more workable. We keep hanging onto stuff that's long since filled it's purpose, or doesn't work at all, and yet we still cling to the hope that it will eventually work the way we want it to. It serves no purpose other than to clutter up things so that it's harder to see what stuff is the real treasures...

I take a sense of pride when looking at my newly cleaned and organized garage. It was a lot of hard and sometimes dirty work and something I don't want to have to do over, or let it get to the point that it becomes that cluttered again. It just involves taking the small steps needed at the time to deal with things and not to keep putting things off, something I am bad at,... procrastination has always been my middle name.

I'll keep working on it though. The only downside to my garage cleaning efforts...

Yep, you guessed it... It looks so clean and organized, I'm afraid to park the car in it...


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Popcorn Balls....A Love Story

I had to cringe a bit when I saw that it has been over a month since I last blogged. I did have intentions of blogging sooner, but time as always gets away from me. I was going to blog on Halloween and post an empty bag and ask each of you to stop by and give me a treat, and to make it as original as you could in your selection. But a big part of me was afraid that knowing all of you, I would just end up with 83 rocks or a bunch of empty candy wrappers. But I didn't get that blogged, but today's blog is a bit of a leftover from my Halloween.

Halloween was a pretty nice day for most parts, but I was a bit frazzled when there was a knock on my door at 11 a.m. and there stood 7 trick or treaters. Trying to hide my shock I mumbled a few sentences about nice costumes, etc. etc. and when I closed the front door I felt the panic set in. SEVEN trick or treaters before noon. I hadn't planned on a whole lot of trick or treaters. Every year the number of kids going door to door had slowly been downsizing. The last few years the most I ever had was a dozen. I had stuff for about 2 or 3 dozen trick or treaters at most. It had me panicking for a bit that I was going to run out of stuff. It was the first time ever that I had trick or treaters so early in the day and I was torn between running to town to get more treats or try my hand at making something.

Fearing I might miss any more trick or treaters that might feel compelled to go around early as their cohorts had, I opted to make something. Growing up as a child the thing that always stood out for Halloween and the homemade treats was ...popcorn balls. My mom made them, the neighbor kid's moms made them, and nobody seems to make them any more. I know most are afraid to make anything homemade, much less let their kids eat anything homemade, but a bee had gotten into my bonnet and I was in the mood for popcorn balls.

I had to find a recipe, and unable to locate a recipe from my mom on her popcorn balls I did the next best thing and googled. many choices, I finally opted on a recipe for "grandpa's favorite popcorn balls"...after all grandpa couldn't be wrong could he? I set about popping the popcorn, sifting out the old maids, and stirred and stirred the bubbling concoction for what seemed like forever. The directions called for boiling the mixture to a hard crack stage which is roughly 300 degrees. Finally it got to that point and I poured it over my mound of fluffy white popcorn. I stirred the popcorn and kept mumbling, "hot"..."hot" as a drop or two of the molten mixture would touch a finger. How in the heck was I going to mold this stuff into balls if it was painful just stirring the mixture? The directions said to wait five minutes before forming into balls, but after a minute or two I could tell the popcorn mixture was stiffening up and I had to act fast if it was going to take ball form. Buttering up my hands well I proceeded to gingerly grab hand fulls and mold into the balls, all the while continuing my mantra of "hot"..."hot"..."hot"... I got to the last little bit which was cool enough it no longer wanted to stick well so it just got tossed into a bowl. I sat back proudly and admired my popcorn balls and started counting them. I had to frown a bit when I came up with just a couple over a dozen. That's it my mind cried? Only 14 lousy popcorn balls? I debated on making a second batch, but only for a second. No way in heck was I doing that again. How did our moms do it I wondered? I know they made dozens and dozens of the confections and just making a dozen or so had me waning in my love of popcorn balls.

I set my popcorn balls aside as they were going to be my back up plan. As Halloween evening came to a close, I had just enough of my regular treats for the costumed kids and the pile of popcorn balls leftover. I had to try one, after all what is Halloween without a homemade popcorn ball? As I bit into one of the popcorn balls I made a bit of a frown. Hmmpph! Oh they tasted okay but they weren't REAL popcorn balls, or not the popcorn balls that my mom made. They were crispy, hard, they crunched when you bit into them almost to the point of shattering. They weren't what I was expecting or wanting. Insert pout here.... So I thought, well maybe if I let them set a day or two they will soften up a bit to the point of my popcorn ball remembrances. Fast forward to today, November 4th and they are still as crunchy as the day I made them (sigh).

There is an art to popcorn ball making. Mine were too hard. Popcorn balls are made for you to sink your teeth into them and automatically feel the sugared gooey stuff stick to your two front teeth, and as you chew the popcorn ball yumminess, you pray silently that you don't loose a filling. They need to have a bit of stickiness to them but at the same time not be too sticky. I have had popcorn balls made with marshmallows and they are too soft and chewy. The ones I made were too hard... mom's were just right.

I don't know, maybe if my popcorn balls had turned out I still wouldn't have been satisfied. We remember things differently as kids. I think the excitement we all felt while young added a flavor to those popcorn balls that are sadly lacking today. I won't give up on the popcorn ball making though, it will just be awhile before I try it again. Maybe next year.....or not.