Thursday, September 28, 2006

Entry for September 28, 2006 - Double Trouble

Double Trouble

When you were born, you were named after two of your grandpas...

When I was born, a baby monkey was born at a local zoo, and it was given the same name as mine.

You had lots of hair when you were a baby...

I didn't have any hair till I was almost two.

When you were three, I stole your cookies...

Given the chance, I would do it today.

Your eyes are hazel green...

My eyes are dark brown.

You would talk to complete strangers...

I was too quiet and shy.

You had a little yellow pet parakeet...

My cat ate your bird.

You liked math...

I liked art.

You excelled in speech and science class...

I sat in the back of the room and got detention for doodling on my desk.

Your first car was a Toyota Corolla...

My first vehicle was a Ford pick-up truck.

You graduated from high school and joined the Army...

I graduated from high school and went to college.

You traveled the world and fought in a war...

I stayed in Nebraska and sent you letters and packages.

You were always broke and borrowing money...

I was a pushover and always lent you the money.

You smoke...

I don't.

You have a tattoo...

I don't.

Your best friend is my one of neighbors...

I count him as my friend too.

In your spare time you work with wood...

In my spare time I work with paint and ink.

You try to fix all kinds of stuff for me...

My stuff never works any more after you fix it.

You like sweet pickles...

I like dill.

You drink pots of coffee all day...

I can't stand the stuff.

You married twice, had a daughter, and just this year you are a grandfather...

I never married, or had any kids, and I refuse to admit I could ever be that old.

So very different...

Yet so connected.

My twin...

And  me.

Happy Birthday Bro...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Entry for September 27, 2006 - Back from Wuk Wuk

I'm back.

After less than a week at the land of Wuk Wuk, the powers that be have set me free. Actually I think it was more  of the cost of keeping me in chocolate that was behind  the real reason for letting me go.

I personally want to thank each and everyone of you that came to my defense and valiantly tried to rescue me....

Mahvin thanks for sending in your Orc Army headed by Warlord Barghus. It's a shame that you got lost and invaded the wrong country while looking for me. It's the thought that counts...( Next time stop and ask for directions...I know this is such a guy thing).

Jim much appreciation for the offer of sending in your toy plastic green army men. And once you have gotten off the floor from playing with them, I am sure we will see you posting more in your blog.

Judy, the Star Trek action figures you brought along to help Jim with his plastic green army men was a nice addition. I tried my hardest to get one of them to beam me up some extra chocolate.  Jim though, is in the corner pouting because you are a girl and have way cooler action figures than him. Maybe you could offer to set up a play date one day with him so his feeling won't get hurt.

Mac, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles you brought, added a touch of class to my rescue party. However I am still not forgiving you for leaning over and asking Wukky if he could keep me longer. I have my eye on you.....(and it's the good one too)....

Theresa and your marching army of Post-Menopausal Woman, I know struck fear into every man between here and Wuk Wuk. There are reported cases of men offering to do dishes and taking out the trash in order not to be caught in the line of you and your army. Rumors of expansion as the momentum gains, is spreading over the blogging world. Maybe by Saturday we can storm the mall and do some serious mean shopping....

Gloggy....."the sweet one"....words can not express the look on my face when you arrived in your butterfly wings and speedo to save me. I am sure you were trying to take Wukky and the band of black gnomes by surprise. But either Wukky has bad eyesight or he has seen much worse things than you in your speedos. Sorry about you getting caught and being shackled to the wall of the cave. It was nice to have you hanging around though...

Super Secret Agent Angie...what can I saved the day. You rescued Gloggy from the evil Wukky and set me free.

There I was, surrounded by black gnomes waiting on me hand and foot, eating endless chocolates, and watching reruns of  "The Dixie Show" on tv..... gee...thanks...really....thanks a lot... (I knew it couldn't last).

So I am back...for better or for worse...

You are stuck with me, and you have Angie to thank for that...

Please don't rush her blog all at once, ....give her a five minute head start....she is still talking into her shoe.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Entry for September 22, 2006 - The Blogging Blahs...

The blogging blahs....

Yesterday I was going to write a blog. It had been awhile since my last blog entry. I had been busy reading other people's blogs, and they seemed so much more interesting than anything I could write. I just wasn't feeling very inspired....I felt bloggish.

Maybe it was the weather. It had rained all day, the sun never peeked out. It was cold and nothing seemed to be blog worthy. It was just after midnight when a message popped up on my screen from yahoo messenger from a very wise Kiwi, that said....."get to bed"...Perhaps they could sense clear over there on the underside of the world, my blog-less-ness. So I took their advice...and went to bed.

I woke up this morning with the same predicament....a blog without a clue...or a subject.

I thought of all things fallish. The Autumnal arrival. I thought of pumpkins and recipes of pumpkins, but pumpkins just didn't hit the blog spot.

I thought of the recent blogs I had read on the migration of birds and butterflies...but nothing seemed to be migrating in Nebraska....or to Nebraska....or from Nebraska.

(Twiddling of thumbs..... Ho hum....this blogging could be work if you let it be....)

I read a blog today that told me I was deleted from their friend's list because I was dumb. The first thing that popped in my head..........What?...Who said?

I thought, and thought of what could possibly be considered offensive  to land me in the dumb category....and the more I thought of it....the more I thought........this IS dumb.

I don't think I am or was so dumb....I think it was more of the fact my blog didn't show enough cleavage....(darn those turtlenecks!)

So I deleted them too....left them to float adrift on their own in 360. It might be the smartest thing I have done today...

Yesterday I posted on someone's blog and within a couple of minutes a message was winging it's way to me from them.  The blogger had accidently deleted my comment....I had to smile...I thought that was funnier than the posting I had left. So I sent a message back to them joking...."I had been censored"...and then I thought... I hope that didn't sound dumb. Once you have been labeled you start to feel so insecure...

I read on a blog this morning about a blogging friend who had been under the weather. He was busy doing stuff and he claims he forgot to eat. I knew it would happen one day to someone. They would be so immersed in this blogging stuff, they would start wasting away for fear of leaving their computer screen. I hope he gets to feeling better...and I hope he remembers to stuff snacks in his computer desk for the next time he is feeling peckish and is afraid to leave his blog.

Just when I was at my blogging end. I read a message someone sent to me.....I had been kidnapped! Wooohoo! The best blogging news I have had all day.

I won't have to think...I won't have to be witty...I really can be dumb......I can stay locked up in Wukky's blog for days...

I got to wondering then....who would pay the blogging ransom?... Or would the kidnapper pay the other bloggers to take me back? It's out of my hands....out of my control...

In any case, I am "vacationing" during my kidnapping at the land of's just what I needed....A small respite from the pressure of  all this blogging....

Feel free to drop by for a visit while I am at Wukky's....and bring me candy cigarettes......and a file baked in the chocolate cake.

I am not really planning on breaking out anytime soon....the file is for my nails....all this blog typing really does a number on them....

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Entry for September 16, 2006 - Super Gloggy Award

Wukky started it.....

As most of you know, Gloggy and Wukky have a love/hate gnome relationship. They are both cut from the same fabric, they are both nuts... But such loveable nuts.

Today I was reading in Wukky's last blog entry. He had taken a pic of Gloggy from his blog, and had done his magical graphic touch with it.

(I am still giggling over his "Statue of Puberty" Gloggy creation.)

 He then encouraged each of us to snag that same pic from Gloggys blog and to fashion our own graphic rendition.

So....that said....I took him up on the challenge, and thus explains today's blog posting....

"The Gloggy" award trophy....

....the blogging award fashioned for this week's past blogging entries....

.....and the nominees are......

BEST COMEDY IN A BLOG ENTRY......"Easy does it Rider" Misty

The tale of a scootin' grandma and the granddaughter that teaches her a lesson. A fun filled adventure that keeps you on the edge of your blogging seat....and more importantly....keeps grandma away from the curb. A blog for all ages! Recommended by the Canadian Department of Motor Vehicles...

BEST DRAMA IN A BLOG ENTRY......."Of Blog and Peace" Mahvin

The thought provoking story of a tortured blogging carpenter, turned tapestry weaver. Share his journey as he tries to keep from poking his eye out. Received a four out of five snickerdoodle rating by the Birdfeeders Building Union. A must see! Rated BG for some blogging content....

BEST MUSICAL IN A BLOG ENTRY......"The Sound of Something" Jim

Join the lederhosen clad Jim, the last remaining member of the Von Clap family, as he hums and prances his way thru his blog. Sure to keep your toes tapping as you sing along with him in his grand finale, where he climbs the biggest mushroom and yodels to his goats. See and experience "The Sound of Something" today!.....soundtrack yet unavailable....(thank goodness)....

BEST DOCUMENTARY IN A BLOG ENTRY....."Guess What's Cooking for Dinner" JD

A sobering look in today's culinary world. Join JD as he tries to fuse together his love of cooking and the prejudice of roadkill cuisine. Produced, directed, and edited by JD. Endorsed by the Arkansas Board of Tourism. Learn how you can have your roadkill and eat it too!....

BEST INDEPENDENT BLOG ENTRY......"Three Taters and a Baby" MacIII

The touching story of a man, an abandoned gnome baby, and the potatoes that still haunt him. Learn how love conkers all, except for half baked potatoes. This blog not recommended for vegetarians. Three thumbs up for "Three Taters and a Baby"....


The loveable tale of gnomes, elephants, and wombats. Join in the fun and find yourself laughing thru the whole blog. A classic tale of good versus evil. Rated best in cinematography and editing by the Australian Graphics Association. Take the whole family to see "Last Blog Standing" today!...

BEST FOREIGN BLOG ENTRY......"das Blog" Possum

Join the journey of a possum as she blogs her way across the world. Watch the drama unfold as she looses herself along the way and then finds her way back home to her blogging page. See how she grows and develops into a seasoned blogger. You will laugh, you will cry, you will stand up and cheer for "das Blog"....

Friday, September 15, 2006

Entry for September 15, 2006 - So Long Fuddy....

So long Fudwocket....

It's been fun.

With the mystery of the baby gnome solved in Gloggy's blog today, the Gnome Federation arrived to take you back home.

Bloggers gathered for one last good-bye, with lots of tears,laughter, oreo cookies, and new diapers for the gnome baby affectionately nicknamed..."Fuddy".

We will miss ya........

.......ya little pooper....

Entry for September 15, 2006

and the world waits....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Entry for September 12, 2006 - Dear Diary

Dear Diary.....

No one has yet stepped forward to claim the baby gnome. Speculation is rampant. Careful observation in the last couple of days has provided a few clues.....


Judy.....She offered to let the baby gnome stay at her blog for awhile yesterday. Upon returning I found her tied up in the corner with a head ache and the baby gnome riding her pug.

Cyn.....Spoiling baby gnome with lots of garage sale toys....Could it be possible guilt complex on gnome abandonment?

Dixie....Wants to be baby gnomes Godmother, but refuses to change any dirty diapers....Perhaps wants to remain close to baby gnome for maternal reasons?....or has a weak stomach on the diaper issue.

Angie...Baby gnome whines for "Cookie" all the time....quite possibly the most damning evidence so far in hunt for real gnome parent....

Misty....While in a knitting frenzy making booties for gnome baby, pokes self in eye.....Possible guilty conscience...or just accident prone?

Possum... Took baby gnome for check-up after he bumped his head. Was given a stern lecture on teaching gnome to skateboard before learning to crawl. Left with gnome covered in layers of gauze, much like a giant marshmallow.....Over protectiveness of a possum mother....or just sympathy for a gnome left in my care?

Vero....Posting lots of pics of grandbaby....Transferance of gnome baby love?

Theresa...Still suspiciously absent....left in a hurry on the back of a motorcycle.

Zim.....Refuses to let baby gnome set foot in her blog. Would rather play with cabbage patch dolls. Claims computer is broken but still mysteriously posts comments.

Additional Notes:

Baby gnome still screams uncontrollably at Jim's blog.....possible goat trauma......or Jim trauma?

Jd is a bad influence on baby gnome. Keeps asking baby gnome to pull finger. Baby gnome now passes gas a lot while giggling.

Gnome will only eat oreos now thanks to Mac....

Gloggy still in "fragile" mental state...

Wukky....could pose international incident if gnome heritage is somehow traced to him.

Mahvin crafted baby crib for baby gnome.......crib looks suspiciously like a giant bird feeder.

Skipper rants over baby gnome in his blog, but was seen bouncing gnome on his knee while wearing rubber pants....

Hillybilly, Spotty, and Cayce keeping quiet, and bolting at the mention of the word "baby"....

It is my only hope that by FRIDAY...someone will own up to the baby gnome....they will step forward in their BLOG and claim the gnome...their conscious will continually eat away at them... till they fess up.

Till then the blogging world can only sit back and wonder.............WHO?

Monday, September 11, 2006

Entry for September 11, 2006

A Nation's Strength

What makes a nation's pillars high

And it's foundations strong?

What makes it mighty to defy

The foes that round it throng?

It is not gold. It's kingdoms grand

Go down in battle shock.

It's shafts are laid on sinking sand,

Not on abiding rock.

Is it the sword? Ask the red dust

Of empires passed away,

The blood has turned their stones to rust,

Their glory to decay.

And is it pride? Ah, that bright crown

Has seemed to nations sweet;

But God has struck it's luster down

In ashes at his feet.

Not gold but only men can make

A people great and strong;

Men who for truth and honor's sake

Stand fast and suffer long.

Brave men who work while others sleep,

Who dare while others fly...

They build a nation's pillars deep

And lift them to the sky.

...Ralph Waldo Emerson

Entry for September 10, 2006 - Scandal in 360

Scandal in 360...

It wasn't me.

I think I should say that right off the bat to dispel any rumors that have...or will be flying.

It was just an ordinary day...a typical blogging day....but in a moment that typical ordinariness of the day changed. I didn't see it coming. I didn't have a clue. It shocked me to my very 360 blogging core.

A message popped up....."you have mail"....

I hopped on over to check my e-mail ...and there it was.....

A baby gnome......a baby gnome was in my in-box.

(Well, I guess that shot the lettuce theory down)

"It" arrived all bundled up complete with it's own little cone shaped cap. Cute little thing. I oooohed and ahhhed over the little gnome...and then reality hit. I don't know anything about baby gnomes. I can't handle taking care of a baby gnome, and who in their right mind would leave a baby gnome on my doorstep...

Now before tongues start wagging, I assure you once again that the gnome is NOT mine. It just came to me in my e-mail.... in an attachment. There was no fessing of where the gnome came from, who it belonged too, how it came about...but there it was, staring at me from my e-mail.

My head gets weary thinking of all the blogs I have been at, and wondering if I need to backtrack to all those blogs and compare the baby gnome's eyes with each of those bloggers? Most likely they will deny knowing of any baby gnome's existence, slam their blogs shut, and peek out from the curtains of their monitor windows.

It's a scandal......a baby gnome.

I thought of heading straight over to Gloggy's blog to ask on the care and upkeep of a baby gnome. But I am afraid Gloggy is still reeling over the tattoo his gnome attained on our last journey and mention of a baby gnome might send him over the edge. His own gnome is still grounded and can't come out to blog for awhile.

I considered going over to Wukky's blog. Wukky adopts and cares for orphaned wombats, how much different  could a baby gnome be?

As I stare at the baby gnome in my e-mail, I realize that a baby gnome is a lot more challenging than a puppy. I can't just set it on some newspapers and hopes that it does it's "thing". I have a feeling that eventually it will want to be fed,  and the nuked burrito I was planning for lunch might not be the best baby gnome fare.

I sigh once again.... Oh the whispers there is going to be.... the sideways glances... the hushed tones as soon as I step foot in another blog.

I get ready to hit the reply button on my e-mail when the baby gnome catches my eye. He is a cute little fellow....pointy head and all.

So I guess I will keep him for a bit.

Till I can find where he really came from,... where he really belongs.

I will either strap him on my back in a little papoose or place him in the basket on the front of my tricycle as I wander from blog to blog.

I think I will start my journey at Angie's blog page. She posted a blog on the birth of a candybar,...that could very well be the first clue to the baby gnome.

All I know is once it is diaper changing time, I am heading over to Gloggy's blog page... and hopefully he will have some newspapers lying about....

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Entry for September 06, 2006 - The Confession

I did it.

I took the gnome... I took Gloggy's gnome.

After much interrogation in a dark,dank New Zealand room, I broke down under the bright light of three gnomes mooning me. I cried like a baby and told them I didn't mean to cause so much trouble. In between my blubbering hiccups I told of my plan to ransom the gnome for chocolates.

But I swear....I swear the gnome wanted to come with me.

It all started so innocently one day in the blogging world when I came across the gnome. He waved at me from a distance on Gloggy's blog and soon we found ourselves in deep conversation. I told him of  the great wonders of the blogging world and more importantly, of the wonders of Nebraska. His little gnome eyes grew big and he asked me if there were treasures galore in Nebraska... I said no...but we have corn. He asked me if we had tropical forests and the ocean waves....again I said no,...but we have corn. He asked me if there was all the chocolate that a gnome could wish for in Nebraska... I leaned in closely and we have corn. He shrugged his little shoulders and said okay he would come.

I took his little gnome hand in mine and off we went on our blogging path.First we went to Wukky's page to leave as many confusing gnome tracks as we could. With all of the gnomes in black we were sure we could blend in and not be seen.

Then we went over to Angie's page and stole some cookies, danced under the moonlight, and left a note saying it was Angie that stole the gnome. It was the gnome's idea though. He knew Gloggy had a soft spot for Angie and wouldn't chastise her too much.

We strolled over to Vero's blog and warmed ourselves by the fire, ever mindful if she were to bring out the snakes again.

We tiptoed past Dixie's blog as she lay sleeping at her computer monitor. Her face was pressed firmly in the keyboard and we giggled as we left a post-it note on her forehead for her hubby to make coffee in the morning.

We ran into Cyn's blog, certain we would be caught. By this time Gloggy was hot on our trail. We hid out in her fishing pictures and puckered like we were blowing bubbles.

We snuck over to JD's place, but the smell soon drove us from his blog. Before we left, we placed air fresheners in every corner for future blog wanderers.

We made our way to Jim's blog but he never noticed, he was too busy being chased and nibbled on by the goats. I got my knickers caught on the fence when we climbed over it and I left a scrap of fabric behind.

Weary of our blog travels, we stumbled into Judy's blog in the hopes of fresh muffins. She was always going to Cracker Barrell, and we thought we could be in and out before anyone noticed. But she saw us... She gave me a stern look and asked what I was doing with the gnome. I begged her not to tell and told her I would return him soon. She told me I had only the week-end, and then she was going to the proper New Zealand authorities.  She helped us make our escape over to Theresa's blog where we were almost caught when the gnome decided to hitch a ride. Lucky for us we had disquised ourselves along the way to elude capture.

We hung out at Poss's blog for the longest time. But possums keep strange hours and we soon tired of  hanging around. We fell from our perches and it took me forever to get the gnome's pointy head out of the mud.

We dined on fish and chips at Spotty's blog ....and Spotty if you are still wondering about the tea kettle... it was us...

Just before our destination we peeked in at Mac's blog and he just winked at us and gave us three oreo cookies and said he didn't see a thing...

It was just as the sun was rising that we crested a hill to Nebraska....okay it was a small hill because Nebraska is pretty flat. Gnomes have short legs though, so even the smallest hills seem big.

He saw it then....acres and acres of corn in the rising sun. The gnome stood absolutely still for a moment,... so quiet.....and then he shrugged his shoulders and said, "okay".

I swear we were on our way back to Gloggy's blog when the Federation of Gnome Tribes intercepted us.

As part of the plea bargain I have to sign a confession containing the following things...

1. Admit how remorseful I am for nicking the gnome.

2. Admit how truly sorry I am for all the trouble I caused.

3. Regret sparking off an international incident between "The Australian Evil One" (Wukky) and New Zealand's own "Sweet Gloggy".

4. I have to be willing to accept all punishment.

5. Release framed gnome in 48 hours and he must be in good condition.

6. Failure to comply will result in a world embargo to the Americas of all chocolate related products.

My hand shook on that last statement as I made my little "X" on the dotted line.

Gloggy gave me a stern look and I threw up my hands over my eyes and said NO,,... don't gnome moon me again...

So there is my signed confession.

I did it...

I stole the gnome...

In hindsight....... I would do it again....

And maybe after Gloggy has cooled down a bit...I will tell him about the matching tattoos the gnome and I got.... inked over at Mahvin's blog......

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Entry for September 03, 2006

Well, it's the end...

It's the end of Romance week in the blogging world. Part of me is glad to see it go. It was hard being romantic and trying to find romance. Oh others didn't seem to have that problem, posting new romantic things of love every day. I only blogged once on romance and then romance kind of lost it's luster.  Perhaps it was apathy on my part, maybe it was my cynicism, but romance never really caught on in my blog. It  sparked once and had a tiny glow that went out quickly.

I thought I would end Romance week on a big bang. I googled and looked for one last bit of romance to end the blogging week with, and I thought I had found the perfect match. As I waited for the webpage to load on my slow dial-up I could see that things weren't going to work out. I left as quickly as I came to another link,.... one that offered more.

Romance 101. I had found it! The perfect title, ....must be the perfect webpage. I should have had this from the beginning, it could have answered everything.  I started scrolling down my new Romance 101 page....and I started to get that sinking feeling..... Romance wasn't looking to optimistic...

Did you know in Halethorpe, Maryland that it is against the law to kiss for more than one minute?  I can see the folks in Halethorpe, Maryland weren't too keen on romance either.

Midway down the webpage was a section labeled..."Pregnancy Dictionary"...that is one sure way of cooling those romantic notions. I scrolled down faster, I didn't need to be caught by some spybot reading about pregnancy. It's bad enough getting the male enhancement viagra e-mails trickling in, sent to me on baby wipes and First Response Pregnancy kits are the last thing my e-mail needs to be privy too.

Scrolling  down was a section on "Wedding Advice".....HA! ..should have thought of that before the pregnancy dictionary....

Romance wasn't seeming to be so hot after all.

Further down on the page was a fact on kissing. It claimed that kissing first started as a way to taste or gauge  someone's mood. Heaven only knows how the person is feeling if you taste brussel sprouts on their face. ...I think I will hold off on "tasting" anyone's face or mood till after they have had dessert.

By this time I was getting a bit frantic. If a webpage listing it's self as "Romance 101" was not giving me a clue than how was I suppose to manage on my own? Oh they had lots of urls for you to click on about romance. Those links took you to other links on romance and so on and so on...

Romance was either playing hard to get or it was giving me the run around.

Misty was yelling at me earlier that it had been three days since my last blog, and that I needed to get my butt in gear, she needed new reading material. Geesh, I was ready to tell her to find her own romance. I never knew there was going to be this kind of pressure when I first started blogging.

At the very bottom of the romance page I spied a little purple box. It said..."Quick Honey Search".

At last!...I had found it!...Why wasn't this posted at the very top of the page? It would have saved me so much time looking......

I clicked on it........

Okay the first "honey quick search" didn't go very well since I forgot to change the box from male to female and change the ages....

Second lucky spin for my honey.....crossing fingers...holding breath.....and ....I am booted off my computer.

Seems my computer has something against romance as well. Maybe it is even more pessimistic than me? Or maybe if just didn't want to see me make another stupid mistake like the first spin. Maybe my computer had more sense than me, after all I had been visiting a webpage that boasted of a pregnancy dictionary and of "tasting" peoples faces for moods.

Romance week was fun......but I am glad it's over.... My blog and I were starting to feel so inadequate.



(13 total)

Well Vic. You saw how my romance week went on my blog. I'm not the man I used to be. Getting caught dressing the lettuce leaves was a lil humiliating too. But, I can't say I was ever the frantic romantic you are now. I did frame the note you left me though. hehehe

Sunday September 3, 2006 - 05:12pm (CDT)

Dear will NEVER be inadequate! I relish the way you observe and describe life, ok, AND love lol. A being the choccie-munchkin that you are, it's a wonder that suitors from far and wide aren't lining up - chocolate sure beats brussel sprouts or *shudder* anchovies! (hugs)

Monday September 4, 2006 - 08:14am (EST)

Jim....a note? *strokes chin* I've had one of those notes...not from ms viccles, she's a girly-wirly, but a special little note that I'd like to frame. It was signed.....'frog'.....AAARRGGGHH! LOL :)

Monday September 4, 2006 - 08:19am (EST)

Awwwwww, Vic. Come here and let me give you a big HUG!

Ummmm, what's the bowl of lettuce for? Feeding rabbits? Have you been b-a-a-a-a-a-aad?

Notes being left? Framed? This is starting to sound like a funny cartoon movie.

Sunday September 3, 2006 - 03:42pm (PDT)

Just wait. Love is coming for you. And, you'll have butterflies in your stomach.

Sunday September 3, 2006 - 07:42pm (EDT)

Strangers in the night exchanging glances
Wondering in the night
What were the chances......doobedoobedooooooo OUCH!!! stop flinging 'maters!

Sunday September 3, 2006 - 08:06pm (EDT)

oh bull Judy..those aren't butterflies buzzin Vic..they're just flies. Hoses the maters off Dixie so Vics flies won't bug her.

Sunday September 3, 2006 - 07:55pm (CDT)

Aw shucks glad someone had the nerve to point out those flies. When you think about it maggots when put on a egg scale do have weight. Twasn't butterflies in the stomach but maggots thus the twinges, gas and full belly feeling creating an aura about Vic's head/bod which Jim so curageously pointed out as an infestation of flies. Man them suckers was to big to be of the fruit variety.
Plugs nose and waves to Vic....Oh and thanks for the readin material. Bout time.

Sunday September 3, 2006 - 11:10pm (CDT)

mumbles..."I might have to hurt someone"......

Sunday September 3, 2006 - 11:36pm (CDT)

hehe Hi ya Misty!!!!

Monday September 4, 2006 - 12:38am (EDT)

snicker snicker hehehehe

Monday September 4, 2006 - 12:38am (EDT)

Flies.. maggots... lettuces.. brussel sprouts.. Think I lost the plot on the romance bits.. hugs ya

Monday September 4, 2006 - 10:40pm (NZST)

OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH !!!I sure hope Mac doesn't see that about maggots. Putrid will be back. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Monday September 4, 2006 - 07:43am (EDT)