Thursday, August 30, 2012


I felt like I should have named this blog, "missed opportunities". That seemed to be the case for me today. I went out for a bit to try and snap a pic or two. I didn't have time to take a drive or felt like walking several blocks to capture something different and exciting. So I opted again to just walk around my small bit of yard and immediate neighborhood to find a subject for today's blog.

I guess I felt some sort of added pressure, that my blog pics should be ending on a high note. That each pic I take should be better than the last one and the last two blogs I do for this challenge, should have something pretty spectacular.

Ha! So much for good intentions. I don't know what it was today that had me a bit scattered brained and not fully concentrating on my surroundings. I would aim my camera to capture a bird, only to look up and find a baby squirrel just a few feet from me in the branches looking down spying on me as I spied on something else.

I tried to capture a pic of two chasing squirrels, only to see out of the corner of my eye, a hummingbird drinking from the blooms of a hosta. I snapped quickly, but not quick enough.

Today, while uploading the few meager pics of today, what should my eye spy while uploading a ho-hum pic of Japanese yew berries, but a praying mantis. Trust me, I have mentally kicked myself over and over for concentrating so much on the red berries I totally missed the huge bug just a few inches from them. But it's there, in the pic, and that is why I have included it today.

The other pics I included are some goldenrod that has been blooming like crazy and is on it's last hurrah of the year. The other pic, is a hosta leaf that the sun backlit and I liked the stained glass effect it created.

Tomorrow is the last day of this 30 days of pic challenge. I can't guarantee that it will go well. I haven't a clue what I will come across and try to capture in a moment of time with my pic. You will all just have to wait and see along with me.

I am crossing my fingers, it will be something extraordinary, but most days aren't so extraordinary and it's what we have to find in those days and in our selves to make the most of it.











  1. Oh Vic, these are great, in 30 days I didn't post ONE as good as any of these (or course I'm not really a photographer).

    You know, we have so much goldenrod around here that there is a little town just down the road called Goldenrod. ;-o

  2. I have one more day to go....haven't got a clue what to snap a pic of, there has been so many moon shots posted I am tempted to go try my hand at it as well.

  3. Awww, do something original, shoot the sun! ;-)

  4. Lol....well, that would be different....and I might be seeing spots for awhile...You may have to volunteer to be my seeing eye person when I go blindly groping....not that I am groping anyone...that just sounded so bad... ;))

  5. LOL I always knew you much be a perv in disguise! LOLOL ;-o

  6. vic.....close your eyes....take a deep breath......forget the blog....and then lazily....languidly....look thru the need to click....just look...
    focus on the thoughts that come inside your head....just that...they dont have to be spectacular....but trust me....when you will capture matter what the picture looks like...and what anybody says ....shooting it and looking at it will make you feel spectacular....always....xox

  7. That would be BAD!! During the last eclipse, I was reading an article on how to take a photo of it, and it seems that if you don't have a special filter or something, the sun will ruin the sensors in your camera, just as it would ruin your eyes.

    Not that I *really* think you were going to, but just in case you were....

    Y'are kinda crazy, y'know....

    And where's that gum you promised me yesterday? :)-

  8. I think you ARE getting better at this every day!! Love the way the goldenrod glows!! The stained glass effect is awesome on that hosta! And I don't care about no nasty bug - I love photos of red berries! I really don't know why, but I just think they're beautiful - doesn't matter what kind either - I just love red berries, and this a GREAT photo of them!! :)

  9. Lol, thanks Bee. I thought the bug might be rather kewl as I didn't really post any bug pics during the whole month. It has been so hot and dry, there has been nary a butterfly or dragonfly or anything of insect interest about...

  10. Now, THOSE I would like!! LOL And lady bugs and such...

  11. These challenges should be FUN, not stressful . . . This has been a really interesting one, and I don't even take photos . . .

  12. These are all really good, Vic. I love the bokeh effect you have managed to capture in all 3, but especially the last one. Wonderful.

  13. Oh....awesome Vic. Golden Rod makes for a pretty picture. The berries make one feel like Xmas.

  14. Love the close up on the leaf, how the light comes through the lines...

  15. Beautiful photos Vic ! I am slack ... to much going on here ... no time to blog .. I have even got behind reading blogs and I love to read them all.......sigh...
