Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wizard of Odd....

(click pics for larger views)

Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road....

Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow-brick road...

Follow the yellow-brick, follow the yellow-brick....

Follow the yellow-brick road...

You're off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Odd...


Saturday, March 1, 2008



 It's been a bit slow in the blogging world lately. I think half of the bloggers are out with the flu and the remaining bloggers are all suffering a bad case of cabin fever. Spring is taking it's sweet time arriving and a lot of us haven't been having much excitement in our lives to blog about. It's been awhile since I wrote a blog and today I thought I better get on the ball and post something...just blog for blog's sake just to have some kind of activity to stir up the staleness of my page.

So today's blog is going to be out some of my own personal bits of wisdom. Not that I am particularly wise, far from it. All of my personal bits of wisdom I have learned the hard way, but in reality isn't that what wisdom is all about?...Learning stuff the hard makes a lasting impression on you...

Vic's Bits of Wisdom....

Don't lend friends and relatives money. If you feel you have to,... don't call it a loan, call it a gift that doesn't expect to be paid back....because you won't be paid back. Thinking of it as a gift, helps you to deal with watching them buy motorcycles, new cars, big screen tvs, and all kinds of other fun stuff instead of paying you back...

No matter how big of an attitude you have, your cat's is bigger...

Don't throw a bag of frozen gooseberries in a fit of anger, will be finding gooseberries for months afterwards....

Don't put a hot glass pyrex dish on a damp will explode...

Sweet little old ladies are few and far between....

Don't tell your niece and nephew you are an alien from another planet...they will believe it as long as they believe in the Easter bunny and Santa Claus..and possibly longer...

Don't say anything in front of a three year old that you don't want their parents to hear...

Don't correct or chastise a child who is tearing your home apart while visiting... Do expect to hear a lecture from their parents on how since you don't have any kids your opinion doesn't count...

Don't take away anyone's fantasy world by trying to get them to face reality. Some people need their fantasy world in order to function...

Not everyone who attends church is a Christian...

Not all atheists don't believe in something...

Socks are only meant to last one year...

Buy a good bra...

A good neighbor is worth more than a new car...

Do your spring cleaning before May or you will never get it finished the rest of the year...

Pet your neighbor's rotweiller puppy to make sure it grows up to like you...

An active imagination and a bucket of rocks will keep a kid entertained for hours...

Don't steal someone's thunder,even inadvertently...

You don't have to wake up perky and chirpy in the morning...just be glad you woke up...

A good pair of shoes is hard to find...

Four cups of uncooked macaroni makes a heck of a lot of macaroni salad...

Silver has to be polished often, and that dipping stuff doesn't work worth a darn...

Dusting is futile...

Quickest way to learn how out of shape you are, is during the first full day of Spring yardwork...

Don't expect everyone to like you, some people you just rub the wrong way...

Don't expect everyone to read you blog and comment...

I know I have a lot more to learn...and I am sure I will learn it....the hard way...

Have a great week-end peeps!