Sunday, June 23, 2013

There is no "N" in Butter

I was told I needed to blog at least once a week. They may change their mind after today's blog. It's not going to be a popular blog. In fact I may not be too popular with many after today's blog. And for the very first time I am going to get to click that little box up there at the top that labels it as a post that contains controversal content. Yeah me.
It all started the other day with a post on facebook by one of my contacts bemoaning the firing of Paula Deen. How could they? How could they fire the queen of butter? She had apologized for using that "N" word, that should be enough. Why punish her so severely?
So I wrote a comment on their posting and they replied back with the excuse that nobody is perfect, everybody says those words, and one needed to take in account the fact that she grew up in the South and that was just the way those old timers talk. It took me by surprise that she was using Ms. Deen's age as an excuse. Young and stupid I had heard of, many will give some leeway for those who are still inexperienced , give them some benefit of the doubt. Old and stupid as an excuse was a new one on me. One I may have to personally try out myself some day. I was itching to post a reply to them, but trying to juggle two other people in personal chat, I let her comment go. Which may have been the wisest thing to do in this case.
I have been reading with interest the amount of outrage from Paula Deen's fans directed at the Food Network for her non renewal of contract. I wondered if it was really from her admitting to using racial slurs in the past, or was it the deciding factor on whether it was time to give her the boot. There are newer shows on Southern and home cooking on the Food Network, and it may be they thought it was time for new blood. As was the case with Emeril, he had been there awhile and was suddenly let go too. Who knows?
I watched one of Paula Deen's apology videos on-line and wondered why she couldn't have said all of that on the Today show instead of blowing them off? It was posted only a short while later. Perhaps it's because she was afraid of those no holds barred questions that would be coming her way? The last time Paula was embroiled in controversy, she had already signed a deal to be spokes person for a Diabetes company, her son had a new show lined up with healthier cooking. All the ducks were in a row, everything was planned and laid out before the big news of her revealing to have diabetes.
Interesting...and quite brilliant on her marketing department to have everything covered like that. I think that was part of the problem with the Today show blow off. She couldn't control every aspect of what was going to be said...but she could in her own video.
All of this controversy and the barrage of positive Paula comments had me following a link to Scribd to read about the actual case she was involved in. Some of the comments made by people had villified the person suing Paula Deen and her company, and had already labeled her as a black disgruntled employee....AND if she was already in management position, how in the world could it be considered racist when evidently she was promoted along the way?
I love how people just assume of my many eye roll moments while following this saga.
For one thing, the woman bringing the suit, is caucasian. One of things she objected to was being called "their jew girl". Wow, surprised you didn't it? It did me. It's quite a read, and I encourage everyone that has an interest in Paula Deen to read it. It's an eye opener. Is it all true? Don't know. Is it all made up by someone targeting her rich employers just to get some cash. Don't know. It does make an intriguing story line that rivals a good Faulkner novel.
You have the villian, a shrewd, loudmouthed woman at the control of the reins of an empire. Her brother, a drunk, womanizing, equally foul mouthed and lecherous jerk unable to control himself or run a business. You have the woman's two sons, spoiled boys who frequently rule the boys club that embraces the Old Southern way of life, with segregated toilets still in existence.
If just a portion of any of it is true...It's disturbing. I have no doubt the Food Network has been following everything closely. I am sure their PR people have researched and read and documented everything. An admittance by Paula Deen on using the racials slurs may have put the final nail in her coffin.
I wish I knew more of the story. When questioned by the lawyers I would like to know was it by her lawyer or by the other side? Because she gave quite a sly answer when one thinks about it. The excuse of the 60's, people not knowing any better like they do now. And her excuse about yet, using it when she was held up by a robber and later talking to her husband about it. She was sure she probably did use that word. But who can blame the poor woman? She was traumatized, robbed, a poor southern lady she can be excused in that instance.
 What I want to know is did the lawyer follow up that questions with what about now? Did she recently use that "N" word? Did she in fact call that formal employee "her Jew girl"? Did she say all those things about having all black waiters for her brother's wedding reception and if they could tap dance or whatever it is they do at those old true Southern weddings.
I'd kinda like to know. I'd kind of like to know if there is a pattern here and we see the one face of Paula Deen that is marketed to us daily with her cooking shows, restaurants, and book deals. Because that is what she is. A product being marketed to us, as is any celebrity.
I had to do another eyeroll when the headlines screamed out, "Food Network fires Paula, she responds with Thank you". Seriously,what else could she say? She has to remain marketable. She has to keep an appearance of contriteness, fraility, vulnerablity, and have people continue to feel a forgiving connection to her. She has to keep her options open. There is the cooking channel after all. There are her sons and their shows or future shows, cook books, tours, etc. to consider.
I guess I am a bit baffled on why the embracement of Paula Deen and not so much for Mel Gibson, or that guy from Seinfeld when they went off on their racists rants? Was it because one could watch or hear for themselves what was actually said? Or is it because Paula Deen is a genteel Southern woman and she appears remorseful and one feels like they have to protect the poor old gal?
I don't know. I can only read the comments, and whisper, "get a clue people". It seems to be my mantra lately. I mentally say it in my head when reading comments posted online when people fly off the handle without double checking, doing some fact finding of their own. Instead there is a mentality that we all do it, it's okay, she said sorry, doesn't matter any more. You messed up Food Network because deep down she is so nice.
She very well could be. I don't know her. As most of us don't. We see a personality  that is marketed to us. We see what they want us to see.
Some are going to argue that I just don't like Paula Deen so I am biased. Could be. She isn't my favorite. I use to watch her. Until her show seemed to become less about cooking and more about entertainment. Her channeling of Dolly Parton hair and make-up, and her agressively sexual inuendo on one of her shows called Paula's Party. It gets kinda of old after while. It gets kinda creepy after while.
Despite everything I don't think we have to worry about Paula. I think that after a bit of time, the case will be settled out of court for an unspecified amount with gag orders all around. Or it might just fall apart, money can make that happen too. I expect to find her with a new show somewhere with more ooey gooey butter cakes, so rest easy disgruntled viewers of the Food Network. It will most likely happen. You can go back to your mentality of it all being okay because everyone does it, and as long as you apologize after the fact all is forgiven.
Well maybe not everything....I don't think I can ever forgive you Paula for that recipe of fudge made with a brick of velveeta cheese that one needs to, according to the directions, blot off the excess oil on top of the newly created fudge.
Oily fudge, I draw the line at oily fudge.
Sometimes one just has to take a stand...

Friday, June 7, 2013

Catch Up...and Some Birds

It's been awhile since I have blogged. I have been out of the mood, a bit unsettled with the remodel, and just plain tired.
Don't ask on the remodel, it's going sooo slow. I don't know why stores offer products they don't keep in stock but have to be ordered. It's a constant back and forth trying to find what a person wants, and then the constant surprised one finds when tearing anything apart.

I mentioned I was going to remodel the kitchen. That remodel has grown a bit, and with going with standard cabinets, countertops, etc. I can afford (or think I can)to go ahead and replace the carpet in the living and formal dining room. So basically instead of having one room torn out, I now I have several rooms torn apart.

It of course has now lead me into looking at paint swatches, might as well paint before laying new carpet, maybe some new drapes, etc. etc. and the headache grows. It doesn't help that the carpenter keeps finding other things that need to be fixed. A couple outlets that should be replaced, maybe a window or two, a leaky pipe. One can't decide on whether to fix it all or just move.

It will get there...eventually. I have told the carpenter to just have it all done by Thanksgiving. It would be nice to roast a turkey in the new oven at Thanksgiving. Which led to another discussion on gas or electric ovens. Currently it's gas, but he hates gas. And proceeded to tell me of why, and the story of how a house blew up with one tiny pinhole in the line and he was lucky he and his family hadn't been in the house at the time.

That of course lead to the discussion of the ease of running a new electric line, maybe my electrical box should be replaced, it's so small, and if I am going electric, might as well get rid of the gas watertank and go electric with it as well.
I told him to leave the stove out of the equation for now. It's funny how the stove going bad was the crux for the original remodel. Now it will most likely be the last thing that goes in. Such is life.

On the positive side, it's been nice here. The weather has finally gotten past it's rainy spell, and with over 10 inches of rain in the past couple of weeks, the garden is growing gangbusters. So are the weeds.
Leaving you with a few pics I took of some jennywrens yesterday. Wish the "angry bird" pic had turned out better, but again, (shoulder shrug) such is life.

Have a great day bloggers!


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Snow Sniffles...

What a difference a day can make.

It snowed.

Of all of the nerve!

More snow possible tomorrow.

I got an e-mail my roses ordered were sent and will be here in 1-3 days.

I'd say the odds of them being frozen in transit are pretty high.

Thankfully it wasn't a big order.

(grumble, grumble, grumble)...

Today calls for brownies or anything chocolatey to go with my dark mood.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Emerald Green

You can't see the neighbors for the trees.....Or at least I am hoping that will eventually be the case.

It all started with a chat with one of my neighbors and we both had remarked how open everything felt with the removal of the giant elm tree last fall. Having had to take down a few trees that were encroaching on those same power lines, my neighbor was feeling particularly exposed.

I echoed that sentiment.

I like to think of my gardens and back yard as my own personal retreats. A place that I can go in the quiet of the day to do my planting,tilling, weeding and just general thinking...sometimes even outloud to myself.

My neighbor has a love affair with Emerald Green Arborvitae trees, and even though they would not be my first choice. I contacted him when I found some on sale at a chain home improvement store about an hour away.

Numerous calls back and forth to all the stores in a 100 mile radius was not yielding good results. Sold out was the reply we kept getting at our querry. So it was decided that on the off chance my neighbor could get a raincheck, we might, fingers crossed, be lucky enough to have another shipment come in before any seasonal sales were over.

It was later that day I got a very excited phone call from him that he was at the store. They had gotten some trees in and to come now...RIGHT NOW. Tomorrow was not soon enough. Yes we could pay for them and have them hold them for pick up in the a.m., but nothing would do but to drop everything, acquire some sort of transport and to be there ASAP.

With the help of a couple of others, we managed to get there in time, get the trees bought, and loaded for the long trip home. There is nothing quite like trying to wrangle 20 6-7 ft evergreen trees on a windy day on the freeway. And despite only having to pull over once for retying of loosened rope, and that brief moment upon hitting construction and finding us going down the wrong side of the road, all turned out okay.
We got home, just at dark and unloaded the evergreens in the drive.

I do not know why it never dawned on me just how heavy a potted 6 or 7 foot tree is going to be. I lifted a couple of them, but then realized, there is no way I was going to walk a greater distance than 3 feet while carrying a tree.

Thankfully, I have a great neighbor that was so darn tickled at having his favorite evergreen trees, that today he came over to plant some of them for me. Half of the trees I bought for a border between our two back yards, and the other half he bought to line the alleyway to provide more coverage for him from our other neighbors.

I wonder though, how much my neighbor will enjoy his Emerald Green Arborvitaes after he plants his share of the trees tomorrow. Not to mention the additional 10 trees he went up the next day to get for a family member of his that he will have to plant as well.

It seems rather fitting that we should be planting our trees on Arbor Day week-end.

Go plant a tree, you will be glad you did down the road. My trees (if the live!) already have a great story to tell and my neighbor and I will be giggling about it for years to come.

Thursday, March 14, 2013



Just what is reality? Is it our version, the world's version or just a version unto it's self?

We are bombarded daily with shows on tv called "reality shows". I often roll my eyes at the seemingly lack of realness about them. I watch hardly any of them. I avoid the vast majority of them like the plague.

I have never watched a bachelor looking for a bride, I have never seen the efforts of the hopeful trying to dance or sing their way to the top. I'm not interested in bored rich housewives across the country, nor do I wish to watch grown men play with and try to catch gators.

Some of those reality shows I almost find a bit offensive. Amish bad guys, or I am assuming they are bad guys seeing as they call themselves a type of mafia. Preacher's daughters that has me wondering what kind of preacher wants to go on tv to play the role of the strict out dated father while their young, bad little girls try to find as much mischief as they can. It isn't the kind of preacher I would want to preach to me about choices and how to live my life.

I have multiple friends and family members that are addicted to reality shows though. They can't miss a single episode of men out in the dark searching for a mythical bigfoot that never can be found or a decent photograph of them taken. It's the adult form of the boogie man, and if they would have paid attention to their childhood, they would know the boogie man can be found under the bed or in the closet. But still they watch for an hour or more, as the characters stumble around in the dark only to hear rustling or howling or whatever it is bigfeet do in the dark.

I will admit to watching two reality shows. One on the Sci-fi channel about a competition of make-up artists that try to create and paint creatures, and another one on being top chefs as they battle each week with their own skills at making dishes to tempt the palette. I like the idea of being able to see someone's talent and how they use it and how their mind thinks in their efforts. Similiar to some other reality shows some might say, but for some reason those other shows don't interest me.

That's the thing about reality. We view our reality and the reality of others differently. What may appear real to us may not be so real to others. That chasing huge hairy beasts thru trailer parks, and gator infested swamps with gypsies and the Amish hot on their tails is someone's vision or version of reality...and that is okay. We all are different in our views and beliefs and our realities are in  part of our own making.

Over on facebook, a gardening group I am in, are having a growing contest. A variety of plants and ideas were suggested and zinnias ended up being the top vote getter. So many have already mentioned the variety of zinnias they have bought or ordered and some members overseas have already got zinnias in the ground, growing and starting to bloom.

I spent some time looking thru all of my catalogs, just looking for that perfect zinnia. Something new and different from what everyone else was growing. I ordered my one packet of seeds with high hopes and dreams of big swaths of giant pink cactus type blooms of my variety of zinnias that I would plant.

Imagine my distress to learn that my gardening nemesis "Vero" had ordered the exact same zinnias from the same catalog. Grrrr! But the reality is I should have expected it. Vero and I get a lot of the same catalogs, have a similiar taste in plants and are always looking for something new to try.

The reality is that most likely Vero will have those beautiful drifts of pink zinnias that I dream about having, and that I will in fact, most likely won't. Last year we had a terrible drought that we are still in. Despite the large snowfall amounts this winter it has made hardly a dent in our dry conditions. It takes a heck of a lot of snow to amount to an inch of rain.

My reality this summer most likely will be more drought. My high hopes of tall masses of the bright pink flowers will most likely be stunted, crispy plants with hints of mildew from over watering to try and  make my zinnia flowers grow.

It keeps me going though. Those dreams of big bold colorful blooms. It's what keeps me growing every year, this hope of having "pow, in your face" flowers and gardens that rival any English garden or Chelsea flower show entry. It's a sad attempt at a reality that won't most likely ever match up with the visions of my mind.

But I still try, much like the elusive bigfoot, I know it has to be possible. I just don't want to come face to face with the reality of either.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ink Blot Blog

Some days, I feel as dumb as toast. Seriously you would think with the increasing years and time spent on the computer that my computer prowess would be up there, really up there. That I could spout computer jargon, ramble off html codes, and know exactly what all these buttons do on the keyboard. I have to confess, there are some buttons I haven't even used on here...ever.

The same applies to anything that is associated with computers, routers, external ports, or electronics in general.

You would think the simple act of running a printer would be no big deal, and it hasn't been in the past but for some reason it's become difficult.

First off, the ink required for the printer I have to order on-line. Living in a rural area, there really are no options except to order from a local business and then they will let you know when it comes in, so I just have it delivered here in the first place.

So I was quite happy the other day when my new ink cartridges arrived. No longer is one cartridge required for printers but two. One with black ink, and one with color. I should mention in my defense I have replaced ink cartridges before but for some reason yesterday was a total fiasco.

Step 1... Turn on printer...check

Step 2....Remove old cartridges...check

Step 3....Insert new cartridges...check

Step 4....Align new cartridge, press "OK" button...test pattern prints ......check

Step 5....Scan and print new document...check... Sort of ...

What the heck? First page prints okay-ish, second page prints with line of red in the middle, third page prints half red. Fourth, fifth, sixth pages look like blood bath. Ack!

Step 6....Read on-line manual, follow steps to clean cartridge carriage, remove carriage, ink cartridges and reinstall.

Step 7....Align new cartridges again, Press "OK" button..again....prints test pattern okay.

Step 8....Try to print documents again, print carriage out of align, warning to open printer again and reinstall carriage and ink cartridges.

Step 9...Clean and re-align carriage, insert ink cartidges...Align new ink cartidges for third time...(why is there nothing to skip this step any where?)...lovely 3rd sheet of colored squares of proper alignment.

Step 10...Print works.

Step 11...Print 6 more pages, 7th page very faint.

Step 12...Take out black ink cartridge only and replace back in making sure it clicks into place, skip the color cartridge in order to trick printer from doing cartridge alignment.

Step 13...Doesn't work, printer yelling with flashing words to click "OK" button to do alignment.

Step 14...Alignment is blank.

Step 15...Next 5 attempts at printing are blank.

Step 16...Open printer, remove carriage, cartridges and stare at printer innards blankly and stuff everything back into place.

Step 17....##!!!!!**!##!! Alignment again, click $$%##!!!!* "OK" button again.

Step 18.... Nothing.... Out of ink

Shipping and handling and cost of ink, $38 for 8 pages.

Step 19.....Visit copier at library today.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Washing with Chuck

I am not exactly sure when Chuck showed up. But there he was staring boldly at me the other day while doing laundry. Maybe he had been there all along and I was lost in my own little world and never took note of him. But despite his diminutive size, there he was, staring out with steely gaze on my bottle of detergent.

It took me a moment to make the connection. Walker Texas Ranger and clothes detergent? Why was Chuck on my soap? Wouldn't it be better to have Martha Stewart? Evidently Martha isn't as tough as Chuck, and only Chuck would suffice to fight my life of grime.

I have to admit I never really was a big Chuck Norris fan. Even a bit less so now. Oh Chuck my mind could only cry, has it come down to this? Are you all washed up? Have you battled all of the bad guys and now you are karate chopping your way thru grass, grease, and food stains? Would you come out on top as still a winner? Or would evidence of your failure be left behind for me to only gasp and curse your name?

I know, I know, celebrities have always lent their name and likeness to products for a quick buck. It has me wondering does it really help to sell the product though? Will someone out shopping, spy Chuck and make a mad dash to the soap display to snatch him up because of it? Will they be like me and be totally oblivious to Chuck until they take him home and discover him in the cupboard staring back at them?

I haven't really noticed any change in my laundry detergent. It doesn't feel any tougher. It doesn't seem to be noticeably improved with Chuck's approval. It does have me rolling my eyes and wondering who thinks up these things? And why Chuck of all people? Why not George Clooney? Why not Gerard Butler? Why not Batman or the Hulk? Surely a superhero could fight stains better than Chuck.

I'm not going to buy because of Chuck. Chuck, no offense but I think you are a bit cheesy and not at all what I want to see staring back at me from the bottle. I want boosting power, I want ultra clean. I want to know my whites will be white and my colors won't fade. Can you promise me that Chuck? You better be able to, I am holding you to it. You better deliver. Or I will karate chop you off my list and go back to Tide or some other washing detergent with big promises.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Well it's here, 2013. Some thought the day would never come, the world was going to come to an end in December of 2012 and yet somehow we survived the apocalypse that never came.

But what did come over night besides the passing of time was...snow.

What?!! My eyes cried upon spying the fluffy stuff first thing this morning as I peeked out the door at the world.. Snow?!! Nooo way! The snow wasn't suppose to come. Well, it sort of was suppose to come, there was a 50-50 chance yesterday, but the weather webpage said it was only thru the afternoon hours and then it was down to only 10% chance of snowing. So I can be excused for my extreme disappointment in 2013 as it brought in a new year and that dreaded white stuff.

I could only close the door, and grumble under my breath,.."2013, you are not off to a good start, I expect better from you".

I expect you to be a banner year. You are suppose to be the year of all things good and positive, where I accomplish all sorts of things, start and finish new and exciting projects, and  generally have a year of awesomeness.

Snow right off the bat is not going to cut it. I had plans today. I was going shopping. I haven't been shopping since way before Christmas. I haven't shopped since last year. It's not like I really need anything, but I had plans. I was going to cruise around unhurried, unhassled, under the delusions of tranquility and lured into the lull of possible clearance items on the cheap.

Blankety blank snow! Oh I know I can still go shopping, but it won't be the same. There will be  people fighting for those closest parking spots again. People rushing and acting stupid, and generally being a pain the butt except all the while doing it in snow. Wonderful, frigid, road covering snow.

I'll wait.

I crawled back in bed after spying the snow and figured I would enjoy this holiday by just sleeping a good portion of it away, or at least the a.m. hours. The cat had other ideas and excited over the new year, proceeded to hop across my head several times. She wanted to ring in the new year with being fed, and the dry cat food available just wasn't going to cut it. I ignored her as much as I could, but as I heard the sounds of the neighborhood, of people out and about and clearing the roads and sidewalks, I forced myself to meet the day and the new year.

I sit here with my bowl of cereal and think of my plans for the day and mentally tic off the projects in my head that I could turn my attention to. There are the kitchen cupboards that need to be organized from the holiday rush of baking. There are the last few bits of holiday remnants to store. There is a stack of garden catalogs waiting to be thumbed thru again before being weeded out to the rubbish bin to make room for more oncoming catalogs.

But I sit here and think of things I should be doing, things that I should stop procrastinating on, and things that I need to focus on in the upcoming year.

I haven't even made any New Year's resolutions. Each year I make the same ones, and this year I thought about just making practical resolutions. Resolutions that are more attainable. Resolutions that are easy and then I figured what is the point, that really isn't a resolution but a cop out for instant gratification. Not to mention making resolutions requires some sort of mental and physical effort and all my thoughts seem to drift to the snow outside. It's not even a big snow, but an annoying snow.

It's pretty though. The sun glistens on it's white frozen self, and there are patches in the yard where it fell so thick and fluffy, that it appears as if the ground undulates wildly under that white blanket. But it is all of the snow's doing. It covers and colors, and transforms the whole world for just the briefest bit of time.

Much like those New Years resolutions. For a small moment I feel energized and ready to tackle the world and make a difference not necessarially for others but for me, and yet I feel like the snow. Quiet and serene and ready to linger in the quiet and take my time. Maybe I will melt after a few days, and maybe I will just stick around for weeks and make my pressence known.

For today my plans have changed but there will be other days, and today will be a day of quiet puttering, possible naps, and scattered thougths. Not a bad way to start off the New Year afterall.