Saturday, August 4, 2012

Leaf Litter

Today started out with promises of being a rainy, stormy day, but just as quickly as the dark clouds rolled in, they moved back out. I was left with only the briefest of rain showers that didn't even get the ground wet under the patio furniture and other protected places. It is cooler though and I am embracing anything remotely cooler than what it has been.

Today I wandered around and came across this bit of "leaf litter" and it reminded me of fall. I love the colors and textures against the bare concrete and today I am posting another close-up of things that I find interesting 

Who knows, maybe one of these days I will talk someone into being my subject matter for something different or stumble across a rare opportunity in my photography efforts. Til then you have to suffer thru these bits of randomness that I snap.


Have a good week-end!



  1., it was mother nature..I just opted not to pick up after her ;)

  2. Thanks Sharon! Hope your Saturday is going well!

  3. Lol... that is all she does is think up more chores for me to do!...Vic mow the grass, Vic trim the yard, Vic go weed, Vic rake up the leaves... At least she hasn't pulled out a wire coat hanger.......yet ;))

  4. Oh Vic what a neat idea for today. You'd be surprised what one can find interesting and this litter is just the ticket.
    Mine for #3 is at:

  5. Vic, this is really good..... I love the colors too! and it is not suffering, lol... I look forward to your posts!

  6. Go find an old-timey barbershop.

  7. Thanks Misty, yours leave mine in the day...(sigh) ;))

  8. George, you were smelling smokey skunks the other day....are you on new meds? ;))

  9. Thanks, I know I need a lot of practice...

  10. Funny you should mention that, my great grandfather barber'd on the side. He did it out of a room in the house though. Way before my time, sadly my grandmother didn't keep any of his stuff...

  11. Lol mother natures way of recycling...
