Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day number ?

Good Morning Multiply, happy Sunday!

I am not quite sure what day it is in the 30 day challenge. I will have to go back and check to see which day I wrote the original blog on blogging for the consecutive days. I know it's been difficult for some of you and it always seems harder when you aren't quite even half way there. So I thank you for sticking with it. Those that have been writing blogs and those who have come by to read them and leave comments. For most of us, it is those comments that really are the highlight of the original blog.

I know it's hard to think up something new to write each day. I think we put too much pressure on ourselves to write a blog that is informative, witty, or thought provoking. A blog can be all of those things, but it can be easier. It can be a pic of something you came across that day. It can be a new recipe you have tried, or your experience at a new place or thing.

Sometimes we make it harder than it needs to be. Not only in blogging but in our own personal lives. I tend to do that a lot. I always have to do things the hard way, because I think that is the right way, the only way, or it is the only way or option that I feel I have.

When my twin brother was back last year he moved into a small house with a huge yard. Very different from the 3 story house and postage stamp yard he use to have. It was a big adjustment for him, and I will never forget what he said when he decided to move back to his old stomping ground back East.

"I don't want to be a slave to the land".

I could only roll my eyes at his declaration. Having never really done much yard work in the last 20+ years, I am sure he felt overwhelmed with his big yard. You would think having 3 dogs, he would have loved to had the space for them to run. Instead he fenced off a small area for them and did nothing with the rest of the yard except mow the grass and take a chainsaw to the trees.

He mowed, weekly. He raked, weekly. He trimmed trees constantly. He burned brush piles monthly. He trimmed, he sweated, he complained. He started trimming past his property line, onto alley ways and contemplated trimming trees at an empty house across the way. It wasn't his duty. It wasn't his responsibility. He has a set mind of how things are suppose to be done and it was his way all the way when it came to yard work.

He made it harder than it needed to be. He made himself that slave to the land. The land was just there, growing, existing, and beautiful in it's natural state or when it was neatly groomed. He just wasn't cut out for the outdoors. He saw it as a chore, a burden, something that had to fit into his idea of what it had to be.

Funny how twins can be such opposites. There can be times I get sick and tired of weeding and trimming and outdoor chores. But I find a joy in digging in the dirt, watching something grow, and trying to go hand in hand with mother nature and the beauty she creates. I see it more as an opportunity, something positive.

And yet, when chatting with my mom about doing some fall planting, she exclaimed, "don't' you have enough"?..."Don't you think you have way more than you can handle?"...

My immediate answer was "no". But it has me thinking today as I thumb thru 5 new fall catalogs that have come in the mail this week, that maybe I should rethink planting anything new. I have already ruled out planting any more iris as it is too hot and dry. Mid-July thru the 1st of September is when tall bearded iris are usually planted. With 100 degree temps, and no rain in sight, it would be foolish to attempt to plant anything right now.

But the pictures of the blooms keep calling me. I find myself dwelling on the pages of peonies, alliums, daffodils, and tulips. I keep reminding myself, no tulips...can't plant tulips. The squirrels eat the tulips, so I, with a sighing regret, bypass the tulips too. No iris or tulips this year....

But peonies, I want new peonies. I want peonies in colors and shapes and forms that I don't have. I want pink ones, white ones, red ones, coral ones. I don't have a coral colored peony. I feel deprived. I feel the need to plant not just one, but bunches of new peonies. I have 6 tree peonies already, and I have 6 herbaceous peonies. You would think a dozen peonies is enough. Adding more peonies, bulbs, fall perennials is adding more toil and sweat, and weeding to my work list.

Am I a slave to the land? Quite possibly. Sometimes it is hard to break free of those chains, and sometimes it's not really seen as chains, but as an investment. An investment of the land and of yourself into making something, growing something, beautiful.


  1. I make myself do some yard work every day, just to keep it up but it IS too hot here in the summer and I don't have the time or the interest that I used to so it's been very much simplified! I LOVE you yard photos though, it's impressive, what you do!

  2. What a provocative thought . . . That we make our own chains for our personal slavery . . .

    I have NO natural ability for gardening, other than a keen appreciation for OTHER people's talents (in that as well as every other arena, really) . . . I keep WISHING that I enjoyed gardening, but it just makes my knees and my back ache and I HATE hate HATE bugs and dirt under my nails . . . but I am absolutely fascinated by what people who enjoy it can do . . . and I LOVE homegrown veggies . . .

    Back, though, to your insight on your brother's comment . . . As I was reading it, I suddenly saw all kinds of areas in MY life (um . .. but not gardening) where I am burdened and even exhausted by my own perceptions and expectations for how things 'should' be done . . . Those expectations have sort of long since sucked most of the fun and satisfaction out of those activities but I still persist in doing them JUST that way, because that is the RIGHT way to do them . . . and DAMMMIT, *I* do things RIGHT . . . LOL . . . sigh . . . =o/

    I am going to let these thoughts sort of simmer in the back of my mind, because I think I need to make some difficult, major changes and I need to figure out how to let go of my OWN chains that *I* have so carefully crafted myself . . .

  3. Yes, the heat does make it unbearable. I have the garden hose running now watering some things. Don't know when we will see a break from the heat either..

  4. I have that problem with traditions....One likes to carry on family or personal traditions but there does come a point when it no longer is enjoyable and let's face it, other people get to expecting you to do the same thing all the time too. Suddenly they get all bent out of shape if you should vary from that path. Seldom do they step up to carry on that tradition or make one of their own...

  5. SIGH . . . soooooo so true . . . BUT your insight made me realize that as confining and 'trapping' as OTHER people's expectations and perceptions can be, they are NOTHING compared to the power of my OWN expectations and perceptions . . . That was a VERY profound insight, vic! And one which I NEEDED to contemplate . . .

  6. I think you are attached to the land with "roots" that reach deep into your spirit. The land feeds your soul. And peonies are wonderful and keep ants busy. And Vic....that thing you said about making things harder than they are. Well I needed that little thank you. *hug*

  7. We do tend to expect a lot of ourselves, we can be our own worst enemy. Guess it's time we started being more of a cheerleader for ourselves too... Morning Sharon! I feel the same way about those roots, it does help feed the soul.

  8. Vic,
    I don't know what day it is either but my hat is off to you for all the cosecutive blogs you have written for me aand others to enjoy.

  9. Thank you too Guy for taking the time to read my ramblings!

  10. Your clone is inferior to you.

  11. A clone of there is a scary thought!

  12. lol just tell him to quit farming.

  13. The mad ramblings of the attack and hack on the trees in your yard seems like that was just a few blogs ago, lol. How are those trees doing now by the way?

    I don't think that when one does something that they really enjoy doing makes them a slave to the act. It's not like someone dressed in tight leather, spiked collar and a whip will spank you because you didn't for instance, weed the garden. If that were the case, then more would probably be growing their own food.

    All things enjoyable have their tedious moments. If one decides to have kids, do they once they become tired of the responsibility, feel that they have become a slave to supporting a family and move on? If someone gets a pet, then decides that feeding it and loving it is no longer fun, out goes the pet? If one goes fishing and spends so much time untangling fishing line or freeing themselves from snags, do they give up on fishing? No, it's all part of the experience. We don't walk away due to the challenges but stick around for the rewards. Be it for love, companionship, the beauty of a flower, the 1st tomato sandwich of the year or reeling in a whopper of a fish tale.

  14. With my home as you remember I did a lot of yard work as it was something I loved to do.
    Then we moved into a home that had a huge garden that I took over and babied along. It was gorgeous by the time we left...That was the time I was in my glory always finding something new to talk about or ask about not to mention the photos I took and turned into calendars.
    Gardening I guess is not for everyone but it sure is a wonderful way to spend the days and like you looking thru catalogues planning for the next season or just getting out to the garden centres to stroll about.
    I miss my garden but have taken to a new kind...Container gardening on a balcony. Better than nothing.

  15. Very true Mac, nothing is perfect all of the time. I think it is when those other factors slip in that we become more frustrated by the inconveniences. That they intrude upon what was our ideal plan or vision. Hope your garden is growing well! No new tomatoes here yet...(sigh). They are blooming but not setting fruit...

  16. We still enjoy seeing those container pics too, so post away! I am glad you have the balcony and can still grow plants and enjoy the view without the mowing or the more mundane tasks. All gardens change and evolve over time, yours is just now more compact....and with LESS weeding! ;)

  17. don't let this go to your head....or change our friendship in any way .... are just the sweetest little honey every!!!

  18. Puts on a pink beehive wig and pretends to be Vic's clone.
