Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Well this is it, this is the last installment of the 30 days of blogs challenge. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to make it there for a bit. This past week was especially hard for some reason and I will glad tomorrow to be able to kick back and catch up with those of you who are still writing blogs for your 30.

I was hoping for a great blog today. A blog that would top all of those previous blogs. A blog of something big, big and powerful and leaving you wanting more.

Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but it's not going to happen. Today dawned like any other day this past week. Hot and humid and nary a drop in the forecast. The only dark cloud on the horizon was the one that developed over my head.

I went out to water a bit. Being in one of the worst droughts we have been in since the 1950's, things are shriveling up quickly. Missing one day of watering, can result in the loss of several plants.It has me depressed and putting away all notions of getting anything accomplished this fall. No plants will get thinned and relocated. No iris will be separated and shipped to promised friends. No new thoughts of bulbs and plants will be entertained unless rain somehow materializes by August. It doesn't appear like that will be happening any time soon.

After staring at my problem tree again, I sighed and went back indoors and made another call to the utilities. It has been almost a week and no one had gotten back to me or been out to view the culprit. I again talked to one person, was transferred to another and then promised to hear back from the guy in charge. I waited all morning and finally just after 1 pm he called. The gist of our conversation went like this:

Me: I called last week about having you come look at and trim or remove a tree near the power lines.

Utilities: We have a very long list of trees to be trimmed, it will be weeks before we can come out.

Me: Can someone at least look at it to see if it is an emergency? It is developing a crack in the crook of the tree and I am afraid it will split and fall and take out the line.

Utilities: We have changed our tree policy

Me: The tree is right next to the line, not long ago you removed a tree several feet from the roadway that was no way near the line before.

Utilities: Home owners are responsible to keep all trees trimmed near lines leading to their house.

Me: The line to my house is buried underground, this is a main line that runs North and South and connects several of my neighbors.

Utilities: What is your address

Me: 1st street. The power lines run down an alleyway between 1st and 2nd.

Utilities: I have a map in front of me, there are no lines on 1st street.

Me: In an alleyway between 1st and 2nd, running North and South, just west of 1st street.

Utilities: That must be a phone line.

Me: There are several poles that run North and South, from the corner of my yard, North down the alley way (named all the neighbors on the block).

Utilities: Yes, that is a phone line, I have nothing on the map for power lines.

Me: There are THREE LINES running NORTH and SOUTH on a series of POLES down the alleyway, and yes, there is a phone line below those THREE power lines on those  SAME POLES.

Utilities: I will have to see it for myself, It will be several weeks til I can get out there.

Me: I can e-mail you pics to prove I have power lines on real poles.

Utilities: We have adopted a new tree policy, homeowners are responsible for any power lines coming into their house.

Me: It's buried from the pole to the house, if the tree goes it will knock out all the three lines to my house and all the neighbors on the block.

Utilities: I better see it for myself, but it will be a couple of weeks.

Me:....(pause).....thank you....(click)

After then was an assortment of words uttered by me, best left out of print. The whole conversation had me feeling like I had stepped into a really bad episode of Abbott and Costello's "who's on first"?

Needless to say I have been on the phone trying to line up tree arborists and referrals from people I know on tree removal and trimming. I left messages with two of them, and a message with my one neighbor who is closest to me to ask his opinion and at the same time warn him that maybe it would be best if he didn't drive down the alley for awhile.

I am of course still waiting to hear from anyone. It has me beyond annoyed and peeved and ticked off and not at all what I had hoped to blog about today.

There will be no rainbows, adorable puppies, fuzzy ducks, and all of that other assorted cute stuff. There is only a big black cloud over my head with dark thoughts thundering. But I thought I better get this blog posted in the off chance things go really dark here if the utilities should go off.

If they do, I hope they can find me on 1st street. It's right next to 2nd street, with an unknown, unmarked alley running between them with some powerlines.




  1. Just date one of the utility workers for a week and it will get done.

  2. Dynamite is great for taking out stumps.

  3. Well i feel real rural because i know all the power line and phone people and i would drive there and get someone (kidnap so to speak and they would give me an answer! Hope you don't stew on it to long!

  4. Oh Vic....this is uncalled for. Can you call the Better Business Bureau on a ultiliy company?

    And I am praying for rain on your land.

  5. Your customer service center was most likely in Yugoslavia! lol.
    And the utilities crews are contractor companies owned by venture capitalist banks who do the least amount and charge the highest fees possible.. That is what is happening at the dept. of energy.. Shhh don't tell Joe public K?

  6. That is a real bummer about the weather! I wish I could send some of the rain from the northwest to you.

  7. On the bright side, no rain means no wind and lightning and fallen trees . . . whew . . . we dodged a bullet on this one! ;-o

  8. I know the feeling, I am absolutely furious myself today, I am surrounded by idiotic people and if I have to talk to a machine on the phone and press 1 for option or 2 for whatever, I will scream. Have just warned the secretary at medical aid if they do not fix this account now, I will come sit on her desk until she does. I cannot stand incompetence.

    a bit concerned about your tree now though. Is there no one you could get some help from??

    YOu are on blog 30!!!! I think tomorrow you should do a blog 31 - recap of what it has meant to get us all to blog *holding the whip* and *blog police* and all and don't forget some of us will still be blogging, as we started later. I am on 20 for today, which should have been yesterday, I should have been on 29 today, but the week I stole off. *grins*

  9. I'd be too worried to use it...I have a short fuse ;)

  10. lol, I am pretty rural too, but the utilities services are out of another (bigger) town...

  11. Thanks Sharon, we could really use the rain, though I think it will come to late for a lot of farmers. Be prepared for even higher prices at the grocery store this fall...ugh.

  12. As with anything, I think it just comes down to who you know and who has the big bucks....sadly I have neither!

  13. Lol Oz, I have thought of that, especially the wind part...

  14. lol If I can think of something exciting or any thing new develops I will write another blog..til then I look forward to blogs from the rest of you! :)

  15. well at least keep us updated on the tree saga, not to mention the mystery of the big hole in the chocolate pie meant for the neighbour ...............oh ooops was that a secret...............*snickers*

  16. Vic, Congratulations on 30 blogs is 30 days. Quite an accomplishment.
    In Missouri (probably other states also) public utilities are overseen by the State Public Service Comission. Utilities don't like to get complaints to the State. The Phone Co. rep told me once when the utilities try to raise rates the State uses the number of complaints against them. When I have had problems with Public Utilities in the past a complaint to the State Public Service Commission or a threat to complain has resulted in pretty quick service that otherwise would have not been rendered.

  17. lol you don't have to do anything intimate during a date! Just have dinner and make conversation! lol

  18. I will look into that Guy, thanks for the help! I am still waiting to hear back from the tree removal companies...I think it is so darn hot nobody is too anxious to do anything...

  19. uh huh, uh huh.... trying to pimp me out aren't ya George!..

  20. lol it gets the repair job done! Besides, what's life without a bit of spice here and there... who knows.. he might be a cunning linguist or entertainer!

  21. Thank you for the 30 log`s Vic its been great reading them but do not date anyone from the electricity unless I know them or me that is

  22. I came back to get all serious about Vic's problem, and then I encounter this.... now I just have to chuckle....

  23. told you I'd be back... lol.... I guess mostly I am surprised the utility company would be responsible for anything other than trimming private property trees every couple of years. In the three states I have lived, if a tree comes down it is the home owners responsibility.... now if the tree comes down on a structure - usually the home owners insurance will foot some of the bill of removal and repair.... hope you get it all resolved.... you did really great on this 30 day challenge....

    have I given up yet - passing the 30 days, but without the 30 blogs? only time will tell... I have however thought of a new challenge possibility.... working on it, but thinking more of heading back to bed for 30 min....

  24. You should have had Idiot Phone Center Operator come out and invite them to grab the non-existent power line bare-handed.

  25. lol just trying to get her to be sociable

  26. Ring homeland Security ad tell then a terrorist is camping in the tree with a rifle - bound to get a response.

  27. Thanks for the very interesting blogs Viccles .. its been brilliant!...please dont stop.. we need to know what happens with the tree and the power poles..

  28. wb,lol.... ;)

    The utilities usually come by every year to check out lines and trim back anything they think are encroaching on them. Now evidently (I am assuming) they don't do that. I get nervous at the thought of hiring anyone to trim the tree when it is so close to the lines. At least with the electric company, they have the option to turn off the power before trimming.

  29. It took everything in me to try and keep my temper under control...some days I don't know if it really is stupidity or an unwillingness to be cooperative on their part...

  30. Lol, I would but I have a sneaking suspicion they would just bomb the heck out of me to get rid of the "problem"...

  31. I'll update when something new develops Glenda. Thanks for stopping by and posting some new blogs and pics as well!!

  32. Oh my..we don't even have a ''Utilities''. We call the Forest Dept people, as they have a truck and electric saws. Even if it's not a part of their job to cut a bad tree in a residential area, for a few 100 bucks they do it. But then that is how everything gets done in India lol. All residents are required to keep their trees trimmed at their own cost, as we have all age old overhead cables..underground cable is only the internet one...which is fairly new. I hope you can resolve your tree issue soon. We are hoping for rain too...our monsoon has been delayed and the farmers are getting nervous. Prices of veggies and grains have shot up already.

  33. That is funny about 1st and 2nd street...We ran into a bit of a problem following a map that showed 2nd street and then third street........But it didn't show that 3rd street came before 2nd street and that 2nd street was also on the other side of the bridge????? Had to turn around and go back and when we did this third street came 1st!!! We needed the scenic hwy beside 3rd.
    Ahhh today everything seems to be prioritized meaning nothing is that important.

  34. I am trying to adopt your attitude today and let nothing bother me... ;))
