Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!


Happy 4th of July everyone!

I bet you all thought I forgot about you. I bet you all thought I was off busy with holiday festivities and that my 30 day blog challenge was in danger of being interrupted.

I didn't forget, and I haven't been all that busy today either. I was up early this a.m. and puttered around a bit. I put the soaker hose on a bed of hostas and daylilies. Those poor daylilies. Their long grassy leaves, dry and crispy on the ends, yet blooming their hearts out in spite of the hot adversary. It says a lot about the plant, and a small lesson for myself, but that is another blog. Today it is the 4th.

I googled earlier today for something for my special holiday blog. I thought of all kinds of inspirational things to post. I could have gone serious with politics and the state of the economy and the lack luster choices for a leader. I could have gone in the complete other direction with bar-be-que tips and secret sauce recipes. But I have no secret sauce and the only tip I have when it comes to grilling is try not to catch anything on fire but the charcoal.

Googling today I just wasn't feeling it. I just wasn't in the mood for all of the trappings that go along with the 4th. I blame it on not being a big 4th of July celebrator. As holidays go, it's okay, I mean I understand that the meaning behind the holiday is at the very core of our beliefs and existence in this country. Freedom is not free, it's paid with a price daily. I know that, and the rest of you do too. The 4th of July for most mean a day off with a cook out and fireworks later at dusk. It's heat, and smoke and loud noises. Fun and frolic and all sorts of things that come with summer.

I did laundry.

Yeah, I celebrated big this year. The only big bang I heard today was the lid of the washer slamming down. The only smoke I smelled was the faintest aroma wafting from my microwaved noodles. The heat though, I have felt for days and nothing about summer seems that exciting to frolic about.

Later on this evening I plan on cuddling up with a tv remote or the laptop and immersing myself in being lazy.

It is a celebration after all when you think about it. Being free to do as one pleases, even when it is doing nothing.


Enjoy your 4th!


  1. happy 4rth Vucclles spent mine puttin in new hot water tank -too hot muggy for outdoors

  2. Hope you are having that Cuddle time now Vic! Perhaps I can interest you in watching The Tour de France? You will at least 'be watching excercise' no?

    And I totally understand.. Doing nothing is the hardest thing in the world; coz you can't stop to rest!

  3. Happy 4th, Vic. I hear some firecrackers in the distance and as night moves in there will be sparkling displays in the air. I wish you could have come to my house to eat with us....and play the games. : )

  4. Happy 4th of July, Vic. Don't burn the house down tonight with those firecrackers.

  5. It's about independence to spend it any way you like! ;-)

  6. nope I knew where you were.....................over on my site gobbling chocolates, yep that is where I saw you . LOL

    chuckles at your go girl, celebrate whichever way you want to. Like the time , Russell and I was home alone for Christmas Day, everyone was off somewhere or overseas, we had my kids here on Christmas Eve and was expecting his on 26th for Brunch. So we toodled around, had a light lunch and then a nap and pizza for dinner, yes that was nice. .............................

  7. Celebrating your independence from your British Colonial Masters?
    Hope you all had a lovely day!
    G. xxx
