Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Are We There Yet?...

It's been fifteen days. Fifteen days of blogs of thoughts and idle ramblings on my part. And today is the sixteenth day. The over the hump day, past the half way mark of the 30 day blog challenge.

I feel like there should be some sort of mini celebration.There should be an exceptionally awesome blog written by me that will have you all oooohhhing and awwing and amazed at my witty insight.

It's just not gonna happen.

I'm hot. I'm tired. I'm tried of being hot. It could be so much worse, I could be without a/c or fans or a means to cool off in the oppressive heat. Not really much of an excuse to whine, but it has never stopped me before.

I have come to dread stepping out the door each morning. Every day it's an eenie meenie miney mo decision on what should I put the garden soaker hose on today to try and keep it from frying up.

It's a never ending battle with the heat and dryness and so far I am winning the battle with some plants, but others are giving up to the rays of the sun and becoming excessively crispy. Almost as crispy as those tater tots I blogged about yesterday.

Everything is droopy, droopy and wilty, and sulking in the heat. Me included. Today I was going to go out and take a few pics of the apple and pear trees and the fruit that is dangling from their branches. By the time I have been out several times, moving the hoses back and forth, filling bird baths and buckets of water for the planters and wildlife, I am out of the mood to step back outside yet again to face the heat. Weeding has become sporadic. Mowing is done out of necessity and string trimming has become an option.

I'm being lazy. The heat has me whining every time I have to run an errand. Jumping into a hot car interior and hoping it cools down by the time I get to the store, has me scanning for the shortest time and distance, out in the muggy air. Parking lots seem like giant concrete deserts, that have me close to whimpering at the thought of lugging heavy bags or pushing metal carts across it's expanse.

It has me putting off stuff. Leaving things unattended and stockpiles of supplies getting dangerously low. It has me wishing for the past and days of home deliveries. The pizza delivery guy would be my newest bff. I wouldn't have to set foot back outside til winter, when that blazing hot parking lot had frozen over.

I sucked it up though. I went out there. I got my stock pile of diet coke, baby carrots, yogurt, deli turkey, bread, and milk. I can rest easy now. I can do more productive things now, like write a more thought provoking blog tomorrow. I can concentrate better now, knowing I won't have to do that again for quite awhile. There is almost a calmness that has washed over me now and my zen has centered or done whatever it is that zen stuff does. A big sigh of relief.


Aw shoot....I forgot to get kitty litter.




  1. And to think, not so very long ago it was the cold! LOL

    Put kitty out in the yard, she'll find a place to go! ;-)

  2. The cat is more spoiled than I am....she keeps fighting me for the "comfy" chair. I doubt there is anyway I can talk her into going out there in that heat,lol.

  3. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This IS a witty, delightful blog . . . a thoroughly enjoyable read (from here on my comfy chair in my nicely air conditioned home) . . .

    I am SUCH a pansy in the heat . . . I really don't want to do ANYTHING . . . except maybe stretch out on clean sheets, buck naked with a fan blowing air on me while I eat ice cream . . . THAT is about the only appealing activity I can think of (ok ok ok . . . maybe reading a good book also with the fan blowing on me) . . . I come from pioneer stock, but I have always had the uncomfortable awareness that *I* would make a particularly unsuitable, whiny pioneer . . .

    LOL . . . I HATE getting home from the store and discovering that I forgot something important . . .

  4. I LOVE the photo you used for this blog . . . I have been feeling a little JUST like him lately!

  5. Might want to mix up some vinegar cleaning fluid to clean the carpet when your cat poops on it... It worked for me.

  6. When I was a little boy it was this hot, we had never heard of a/c let alone have any. I played all day in the sun and heat and thought I was happy. I still don't mind heat nearly as much as I mind cold but as I get older I'm a whimp and whiner (world class whiner) about the heat, cold and anything else involving discomfort that I don't wish to put up with. My poor Esther must be a saint for putting up with my whining. Your blogs are outstanding and you are tenacious.
    Thanks for your efforts. They are enjoyed and appreciated by all your friends and probably lots more people that just read them and don't comment.


  7. You know, the moment you get buck naked with that bowl of ice cream, the door bell is going to ring....... And it will be your in-laws, school kids selling raffle tickets, or your pastor... ;))

  8. Lol George thanks for the cleaning tip ;))

  9. We didn't have a/c growing up either Guy. When it got hot we just all congregated under the shade tree and read books or snapped green beans or anything else that didn't require a lot of exertion....

  10. LOL absolutely . . . That may be my FANTASY, but not the REALITY of my life . . . My front door is a revolving one and people feel free to stop by ANY ole time, with or without advance notice . . . sigh . . . It just SOUNDED so much more refreshing than saying I lay around in my ratty old sweats eating ice cream and hogging the breeze from the fan . . . =o/

  11. YIKES . . . he pooped on your floor and made YOU clean it up?!?!??? That is SO wrong . . . ;o)

  12. I know sigh... its like taking care of an old person.

  13. Its SO nice to hear a summer whine coming from someone other than me !! It has cooled down here as the monsoon has set in. Not exactly my favourite weather in this city as the streets could get flooded , choked drains and disgusting traffic jams. I'd love to be in the country in this weather but no such luck. Went for just 3 days to my daughter and dad took the wrong pills which made him dizzy and almost had a bad fall..so I have to stay put here and shelve all desires to travel...until December..I'm saving that month for Tania..wish I could meet all of you too.Enjoy your summer..before long you will be whining about how freezing cold it is..that pleasure I never have.

  14. You are going to meet Tania? You lucky duck!! Take a pic of you in "our" room,lol (or is she coming you way?)

  15. Idle ramblings Viccles? Idle ramblings? G. xxx

  16. What no mention of chocolate??? Agrees with Geoff.....lol

  17. *chuckle*.................sounds like me, I hate shopping and always forget something..................ps you can send some heat my way, it is bloddy cold here, but sunny at least. Frozen fingers on keyboard is not funny.

  18. I'd send you the heat if I could, another 100 degree day in the forcast today...(sniffles, my chocolate is going to melt right along with me!)

  19. Okay you two...I have my eyes on both of you...my right eye is on Misty and my left eye is on Geoff... Don't even think about running circles around me ;)

  20. oh my gosh.........disaster !!!! Send the fire brigade !!! *grins*

  21. It would be a travesty!....waste of a perfectly good choccie ;)

  22. Is that a record then Misty?
    Viccles waffling for days with no mention of the unmentionable?
    Did she ever replace your beers by the way?
    G. xxx

  23. No Geoff....It is really sad sitting here in the extreme heat with no beers. Geoff did you know Vic stole some beers from way over at Marianne's? Yep Marianne is suffering a dry spell too. AND it is winter there.
