Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Never let a bored woman near a pair of scissors.

Today I cut my hair.

I didn't cut it really, really short, but I did cut off a few inches. It's not something I haven't done before.

I get bored with myself and my current fashion sense (or lack of it), and I think to myself, I should cut my hair.

Today I cut my hair for more practical reasons. It was hot. It was long and getting in the way and I didn't think twice about chopping off a bit of my tresses. My hair is still long, about 5 inches past my shoulders, but most days you can't tell it's true length.

I have been blessed or cursed, with wavy/curly hair. Every summer with the obsessive humidity, it takes on a life of it's own. It will increase in volume past the point of being reasonable. It's part of the reason I keep it long. Cutting it short would only encourage it to poof out into a frizzy afro that would make many question if the circus had been to town and I was one of it's illegitimate offspring. The shorter I cut it, the curlier it gets. It may have looked cute when I was younger, but fuzzy headed bowling ball heads aren't so cute when one gets older.

My mom loved to style my hair. I think she was envious of it's ability to be coaxed into ringlets and curls when her own thin, straight hair would barely hold a wave. She had hair envy and so she lived vicariously thru my hair. Well, until I got older and did my own styling. I wasn't so adventurous with my hair exploits. I wanted something easy, something I still want today. I want to be able to wash and comb it into a ponytail and go. No curling or straightening irons, no hours of blow drying and fluffing. I want the ease of being natural.

Now as far as my haircut goes today, it looks okayish. It's not exactly perfect, but considering it was done on a whim, it doesn't look bad. Thankfully curls cover up any minuscule length differences. I will look at it again tomorrow when I get out of the shower. Who knows, I might need to take up those scissors again and give it a little more trim.

At this point some of you may be worried I might end up bald with trying to even up my hair. The impulsiveness of taking those scissors in hand, will have you grimacing at the prospect of me running with them. I assure you, I will not run, but only walk to the mirror.

It's that impulsiveness that tends to get a person in trouble. Thankfully I am so darn practical and if I admit it, such a darn chicken, that I rethink a lot of things before doing them. I try to squelch that impulsiveness a lot so that it doesn't get me in trouble. But one only has to look around and see some of my impulsiveness in plain sight.

I have a pink chair. Yes, really, a pinkish mauve chair. It was the rage in the 80's to have mauve pink and dusty blue everywhere and I jumped on that bandwagon with relish. Okay I guess if I admitted to having the pink chair, I can admit to having it's twin dusty blue one right next to it.

Silver, I like silver. I like silver platters and pitchers, and salt and pepper shakers and all kinds of assorted shiny, silvery bits. I bought a lot of it on impulse, only to wonder why? Why, in the world would I buy all of this silver stuff that has to be cleaned and polished? I will admit, some of it is hidden from view, still waiting on that polishing.

Clothes, oh good grief the clothes. I am not a real clothes horse. I don't buy a lot, but sometimes I get in these moods, particularly when I haven't bought anything in awhile and I will lose all sense of sanity and cruise those clearance racks. Forgetting that #1 rule of why they are even on a clearance rack. Nobody wants to buy them. Except me, when I am in one of those impulsive modes and can't see anything past those discounted price stickers. I have a few of those hangers of shame, still with the tags on them. Remember those jackets from the 80's with the big shoulder pads? I still have one, a striped black and white one, with three quarter inch sleeves with a cuff. My eye will go to it every so often while glancing over the closet and I will inwardly cringe at my offending impulse purchase.

It makes me wonder if impulsiveness isn't really stupidity in disguise?

Most of impulsive moves seem to have me experiencing a bit of regret. Why did I buy that item? Why did I do that stupid move? Why did I post that comment on a blog that had me hovering on deleting it, but in my impulsiveness I hit the post button instead? Sometimes I will go back to delete a comment quickly, only to find someone has already read it. It is already out there for the world to read and I can't take it back because they replied to it.

How many times have we started something and immediately regretted it? Made a choice or decision that we stew over and fret about and hope that it was the right one.How many times has our impulsiveness been more of a positive force than a negative one?

I've made a lot of mistakes. I have made a lot of poor choices. Choices I thought were good at the time, but they were made in haste without my thinking thru the consequences. I have said things and then immediately wish that I could take them back. I have remained silent, when I wished that I would have spoken out or at the very least, clarified something that could be taken the wrong way or been confusing for someone else.

I need to monitor my impulsiveness and guide it in a more productive direction. Some things are best done impulsively. Some things you just can't plan but have to do on the fly. I just need to learn the difference between those two things.

One thing I can assure all of you is that despite my hair cut, I won't be coloring my hair any time soon. At least, not until it starts to show a bit more grey and I become self conscious of it. So until then, I can mull over my choices of what color to choose. It won't be mauve pink or dusty blue, I am certain of that.


  1. Oh but your hair looks very nice in a bright bubblegum pink! ;-)

    I would never try to cut my own hair, of course I'm very picky about what so called professionals do to it so I couldn't possibly!

    Have you considered standing on your head? I'm thinking that maybe then the practical side and the impulsive side might get switched around so as to be more to your liking . . . maybe. ;-)

  2. Lol, well I could try, but I might hurt myself...Not to mention, I might come away with a flat head!... ( I said FLAT there, not FAT,lol)

  3. Awww! This is longer than I expected - will have to come back tomorrow in order not to give a generic response. Need to get to bed. See you tomorrow! :)

  4. LOL Now it probably sounds like I've got some really grand reply to post!! :)-

  5. smiles..I had a keratine treatment again this year, and I LOVE the way it controls the frizz and curl...:))

    I agree with you about starting things we cant finish, but its better than not starting at all ...

    great blog..loved it!

  6. lol the blog is missing visual supplements of your new hairdo.

  7. Haha I was just going to say what George said – so tell us Vic how did your hair turn out ? Is it a look in the mirror with the “Oh God” expression or is it a linger at the mirror and smiling at yourself while turning head from side to side? And don’t forget the very explicit details :D

  8. If I cut a few inches off my hair there will be none left

  9. I remember the pinkish/mauve and blue phase ... lol, I had forgotten.... I sold avon [as a part time hobby] for 23 years, have been in a lot of houses! and yes.... some living rooms and kitchen colors were all that rage! that chair will qualify as an antique soon, or maybe the color scheme will come back..... {noooo!]
    I only ever trim my bangs..... I spent 25 years with short short hair, and I was born with stick straight hair.... I went to the hairdresser ever 6 weeks.... to keep it short and to get a perm [every couple of months] and to keep that perm looking good! When Bernie died, I decided to go lighter - there is no going back to my natural color as that is grey at the moment.... lol.... and I decided to grow it long and never perm it again....... that's been 5 years.... now it gets the roots touched up every couple of months, and the bangs trimmed regularly..... no scissor impulses for me!

    generally I am not impulsive - too practical for that..... but one impulsive thing you did was start this challenge! way to go!

  10. I just love the way you write.....................*sigh*.....................just jabber, jabber, jabber, jabber, easy reading, just like chatting on the phone............well, if we could get a word in now and again.............*grins*

    I "inherited" a set of settees and chairs in dusty pink with matching curtains and ashtray and vase and flowerpot and a kind of porcelain birdie thingie from Russell's ex wife, I hated them in the old house and when we bought this house I said : "they go" ..........he says on one condition, as he did not like them either............all your blue accessories goes and we get new throws for the other lounge suite.........................deal !!

    I cut my hair myself every 3-4 weeks, just a trim with Russell's trimmer and gets the hairdresser to fix it up every 2nd month. She bitches at me every time. A few times I have experimented with doing my own colour, never to great success and has yelped Heeeeeeeeeelp, she loves to comment on that. Loudly in Bulgarian !!!

  11. I have a 'pink room', Vic. Enjoyed this blog a lot. Now I will think a lot to day as I do things...am I being implusive? You made some good points....and yes I think maybe some implusive acts can be called stupid. But sometimes they can be called a good idea...or maybe just "fun".

    And I bet your hair is beautiful.

  12. first ...a picture of your newly cut hair would be awesome..i soo want to see it ! and you....:)

    i have a thing for clearance sales too....like mad....so i dont go shopping unless i need something and have a list in hand...if i go shopping----i shop. like really shop ....especially things for the house....i am too much into artsy fartsy stuff....and i am married to a man who shares my love of buying things for the house...so i curb us...and dont go....

    i have phases...several times during the day itself...when i am impulsive...then retrospective...then impulsive...the retrospective...

    vic whatshername ...whats your name ?


  13. and this is the first time EVER i am growing my hair...i've always had crew cuts or short pixie cuts...my hair is thick, wavy and i colour it burgundy...

  14. yes, I agree, time to swop pictures!!! Come now, vic, wipe that chocolate off your face, smile for the camera and share.

  15. Hello onluckybean, thanks for stopping by!...I will have to look into the kearatine treatments....I remember when I was a teenager trying "hot oil" treatments (vo5 I think?) to keep things under control. I don't know if they really did much, I tried to convince myself they did,lol...

  16. Lol George, trust me, you did NOT want to see a before pic of me with dripping wet hair just out of the shower wielding a pair of scissors...

  17. Well Trudi it appears to be okay....kinda hard to tell as it has now curled up a bit more since it's shorter,lol...There are no obvious bits sticking out though, so that is a good thing! ;)

  18. Lol Robert, save you on the cost of shampoo.

  19. I had bangs, on and off during high school. I never could make up my mind. I liked them for awhile and then I would try and grow them out and then they would be in that awkward stage of too long to see thru, and too short to clip back,lol.

  20. (hangs head in shame) yeah, I know I can ramble and ramble and ramble...Zee should have warned you about me, she knows of my rambling ways. ;))

  21. I just wish the majority of my impulses would be more of a good idea....so far, the scale is leaning a bit the other way,lol.

  22. It is the part of me that loves the idea of getting a good deal. Sometimes I hit the jack pot, but when it comes to a lot of things, I have a serious case of "what was I thinking" when I get home with them...

  23. Trying to get me to break my new camera already?!!! ;))

    I didn't think to do a before and after pic, but next time I will try and remember.

  24. Vic stands for Vickie..... nickname all of my brothers and classmates called me when I was growing up. I just stuck with it on here when I first started chatting....faster and easier to type,lol.

  25. Sounds like you've been blessed with the same obnoxious hair that I got. Stupid curls! Stupid humidity! How many times have I fixed my hair all purty and never made it out of the humid bathroom before it turned to ugliness? Or made it out of the house, but by the time I got to the car - ugliness!! Need to learn to love the curls. I don't see it happening...

    LOL At the pink and dusty mauve - those were SO popular! I just loved them but now wonder why...

    And I still have a black jacket like you described from the 80s - only mine's pure black. Why do we keep those things?? LOLOL

  26. It might cause some tension in me. Yes you're right. For everyone's sake I shouldn't see it.

  27. Yes, nobody would want to hear your screams George... ;))

  28. It would put me in a hard position for sure.

  29. Glad your "self done" haircut came out ok. I agree with George. PICTURES!!!!!
    I am also guilty of buying stuff off the clearance rack that other people didin't want. My taste kinda run in the direction that the stuff others don't want is exactly what I do want. One more day? You have done good.

  30. Well I think you look just fine......Have you ever considered fire engine red?

  31. Lol so you can see me coming? I am soooo wise to you Misty!!!
