Thursday, July 5, 2012

7/5/12.......Take 2

I will try this again.

Who knew bloggers were such picky people? I wrote a blog earlier today but it was discounted, an uproar went up that it wasn't a true blog. I had somehow cheated and bent the rules and didn't have a real blog but one of those fake ones that try to come off as something original, but it isn't.

So, here it is, take 2 of blogging today. A real blog written by yours truly. Even though the previous blog was written and typed by my little fingers it didn't count. It was considered a copulation of other's blogs. It was a recap, one of those cut and pasted bits of fluff into something I was trying to call a blog.

Bloggers are unforgiving. They are sticklers for the real stuff. They will cry foul and type in caps at you with lots of punctuation. Nooooo, anything but that!

So having been throughly chastised, and reminded that this was all my idea, I bravely stepped outside to get inspiration for today's blog. Nevermind that it is sooooo hot and it was getting on late in the morning, and there was no breeze, and it was humid without a cloud in the sky.......etc. etc.

I wandered around a bit and thought of Sharon's blog earlier this week on them having a poor apple harvest. So I crossed to the one end of the garden to snap a few pics of my pear trees. I have two, a barlett type pear which is a larger more green colored pear.

And I have a seckel variety of pear that is a smaller, sweeter pear that has more of a redcast to it's skin. Sometimes, even appearing brownish. They really are coloring up fast this year with the heat and there is a fairly big crop this year. Like a lot of fruit and nuts, one year will be a heavy bearing year, and the following year it will be a smaller, lighter crop.


I have a few more fruit trees planted but they are young, under 6 feet, planted in the last couple of years, and I am hoping to get a decent orchard eventually.

Wouldn't you know that I would walk back up the hill and realize I forgot to take a pic of the apple tree with it's crop? I could feel my shoulders droop, feel the "but it's so hot" whine coming on and yes Misty, I cheated, I stood far away and just zoomed with all my camera might to get an apple pic. It turned out a bit blurry, but it DOES count for a pic, just like that first blog does! ;)

A lot of the garden is done, the onions, potatoes, peas, radishes, etc. All of those early crops finished long before this stretch of heat and dryness, but the beans are coming along. The corn is tasseling and it won't be long before the golden ears are dropped into a pot of boiling water and served up with salt,pepper, and butter.

My tomatoes are growing and blooming but still refusing to set fruit. Grrrrr... I know it is the heat. The temps are not cooling down enough at night and the blossoms are falling to the wayside.

There still continues to be a few blooms of the daylilies, and they are a welcome bright sight in the landscape.

Salvia is another one of those plants that seems to be carefree and even though I posted a pic of it blooming back in May, here it is, still blooming as much as before.

There are a few hostas, putting up bloom stalks, a climbing rose, in between it's flush of flowers, and other assorted flowers that, if they had a decent rain, they would be basking in their loveliness. They are like me, conserving their energy for the right time. They will bloom again when they are ready.

As for me, I was ready to head back inside to the coolness. Ready to come back and write another blog to appease the masses. Well at least to appease Misty and Marianne. I couldn't resist one last snap shot of the seed pods I saw dangling from a redbud tree...





  1. Vic I don't know what you've been doing to other peoples blogs but I've got to tell you, *I* didn't feel a thing! Was it good for you? LOLOL ;-p

  2. AND you've got lots of fruits AND nuts!!! Thanks for the laughs, Vic! *I* though your first blog was fine but I REALLY got a chuckle out of this one! LOL

  3. LOL oz . . . MAN . . . great minds DO think alike . . . or at least OURS do . . .

    I HATE when blogs copulate . . . It is soooo . . . MESSY . . . ;o)

    I thought the other one 'counted' . . . Is that why THIS one is dated in the future? What is 7/15/12 . . . like a week from Sunday?

  4. Maybe I will go write next Wednesday's blog now . . . ;o)

  5. I am sure viagra was involved

  6. Go on, make fun of my blogs...(pouts)....see if I ever discuss my drawers with you again....

  7. See how flustered I was?!!....I practically had heat stroke from my foray out there to get material for another blog.... This blogging stuff is dangerous...

  8. Vic. Good pictures...good blog. You said 30 in 30 days. Don't mean ya couldn't have written all 30 in one day so I say you are a day ahead right now.

  9. hahahaha Action, Camera.....Heat Stroke! Now that was a blog Vic. Yu got lots of trees, big enough to hang some Bonemeal balls...hahahahahahaha....wink wink!!!
    Kudos to the author.
    Wowzers on the beautiful pears. I just about have everything packed and flight is booked. Leaving Toronto at 8pm....So get in your BMW and head out to the airport. Oh this time tell Killer I'm coming. And Vic...tell Killer I'm bringing fresh catnip.

  10. Thanks Guy...I feel soooo much better now ;)

  11. ....Lobbing bonemeal balls northward towards Canada....Let me know when one gets marginally close...

  12. Good pictures, Vic. The 'seedpod's is my favorite. And I like both blogs equal. Oh...and the apples look good....tempting.

  13. You got pears?? I love love pears..we get them so rarely here..I love the pics...and what about the old and new blog..I am too scatterbrained to notice anything. Even this blog will look new to me after 10 days..and I'll drool over the pears all REALLY got pears ?? I'm jealous.

  14. stamped real blog alright....:))

    i'd love to have a garden like that !

  15. I liked the seedpods too. But then I like things that look unusual or have an unusual texture.

  16. Whew, Thanks!....Hey you all see that, I got a stamp, it's official I passed on blogging for yesterday!

  17. Awww . . . I WASN'T makin' fun, I LIKED it! LOL ;-)

  18. I guess you'll be eating corn for a while?
