Sunday, July 8, 2012

Astrologically Speaking...

Three stars.

I only have three stars. Three stars is only average. I am only going to have an average day today.

Why can't I ever seem to get 5 stars? I want a five star dynamic day in which all of my stars, planets, karma, and other astrological stuff lines up for that momentous kind of day.

One of my favorite things to do on Sunday is curl up with the Sunday paper. Even though I can read all of it on-line, I love the feel of paper between my finger tips. I love sorting thru the paper and looking over the ads first, then the comics. Then I read the "Parade" insert before tackling the meaty part of the paper, the actual news.

In the "Living" section is all the fun stuff. The movie reviews, the upcoming attractions, the crossword, the word jumble, the sudoku (I pass that one up - it involves math) and my daily horoscope. It's usually the only time I check my horoscope for the whole week, so a lot of pressure is put on that column of astrological information. I want, and sorta expect, to have a good report. A day of 5 stars, 4 at the minimum. I don't want to hear I am going to only have 3 stars and another average day.

I have to confess that about all I know about the zodiac and astrology is that my sign is "Libra". It's not all that exciting looking at it's little icon. It's a scale, it's to show balance, it may be subliminally telling me to go on a diet. I don't want a scale, I want something kewl like a Taurus, or a Gemini. It just seems so boring, that little scale icon, no wonder I only have a 3 star day.

Today had me googling out of curiosity to learn a little bit more about my sign. Evidently there is a lot more to this astrological stuff then just knowing you sign.

Libra's are born between Sept. 24- Oct. 23. Our season is Fall, (well that makes sense-duh). Our metal is Copper. Our Quality is positive (I beg to differ). Our element is Air (well we do need to breath after all). Our mode is Cardinal which evidently means movable, because I saw no hint of any red birds. Our body part is the lower back, kidneys,loins. Funny, it's been my neck that has been hurting this week. Our direction is East, and surprisingly I am facing East, hmmm maybe there is something to this?

According to the internet, and it never lies, Libras are diplomatic, romantic,easygoing, idealistic, but our faults can be that we are indecisive, gullible, flirtatious, and self indulgent. Ha! I snicker while eating another cookie.

That was pretty much the easy stuff that I read. After that things became more confusing. Evidently we can't be content just being Libra's, other things like the sun,moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc. etc. all want to influence our sense of being. I was instructed to fill out a form to get my "Natal" chart at this point which I did...It looks like this...

I stared at it a minute and went back to the previous page. It made no sense at all to me, and being the easygoing Libra that I am, I wasn't about to waste time trying to figure out what all that meant.

It doesn't just stop there though. There are other confusing things out there that only add to the layers of confusion. There is the year that you are born in, year of the rabbit, or snake, or pig or something else that I have no clue about. There is the tropical zodiac which I have no clue as to how it differs from the constellational kind other than I hope there are free daiquiris included.

It's confusing being a Libra, and one would think having a sign of balance that I would be more on keel. Evidently Libra's are rebels though and don't follow the rest of herd as we are the only sign that is not represented by an animal or human.

It really could be quite interesting to delve into and immerse ones self into understanding the stars and planets and how they are suppose to affect my day to day routine. It would be helpful to understand ones faults and realize that I am just prone to some things because it has been written in the stars before I was born.

I like to think that everything is connected, the mind, body, spirit, universe. To know that the wind, air, fire, water are somehow related in a way to us that is intuitive. I can see how one would want to revolve their life around and be in tune with the universe. It's fascinating to read about, and yet part of me wonders if it isn't just a need to feel a part of something bigger that has people rushing to have their charts done or to know if somehow Mars or Venus rules their sign.

My hororscope says today that I am to use today to settle in. A trip to the gym or a walk might be nice...... hmmmm they must have known about that second cookie.

The last sentence of my horoscope says to get some R and R. They must have known it was a good day for a nap. I might just have to think seriously on that. After all who am I to argue with the universe?


  1. lol.... I used to be really good with 'astrological' stuff... after all reading Linda Goodman's Sun Signs is what we did in HS, this was, of course, before the internet..... my own stuff has always been confusing being born on a 'cusp' date... sometimes the newspaper charts says I am one, then the next week: I am the other... being born on the cusp lets me choose to embrace the positive of each sign.... lol.... too bad I am not a Libra, I have worked out the balancing act pretty well....

    get your R&R today.... never argue with the universe!

  2. I didn't even consider the cusp stuff....thank goodness I wasn't born on a cusp...I don't think? ;))

  3. Libra women are great to be with even though I failed with one. I have a lot of great memories.

  4. I wonder what the original meaning of 'cancer' is / was, being my astrological sign I am curious because the word -cancer - has such a negative connotation these days. And me being such a happy go lucky
    kinda guy, it does not jibe at all! I want a new name for 'the crab'. And even that! A Crab? Really? WTF! Who thought of that? If you read what and who a 'cancer' is you don't think of a crab! Period.
    It's kinda pissing me off now that I think about it (which is very un-cancer like)

    Nice One Vic.. Have a third cookie..aight.?

  5. A great read in your blog dear Vic. I think I learned something. And I do believe everything in the universe is connected through our Creator. I don't know much about astrology. But I have (for me) the example of the 'Wise Men' in the Christmas story. I do not know the exact facts of course and am not educated in the things to prove anything or make anything "line up".....but I believe 'those men' did use 'The Star' and other stars and whatever else they needed to "read" to line things up for their travel plan (maybe it is like a GPS). Of course this plan also told them what time to travel. I believe they made charts.

    I think you have made me want to check on my own sign, Capricorn. But I guess I have learned in life that even if my days are 'charted' someone else can make a wrong choice and mess up my day. I will probably be up late tonight again searching and researching Capricorn and it will be all Vic's fault. LOL

  6. Vic. "I like to think that everything is connected, the mind, body, spirit, universe." I like to think that too. Plus some other stuff. I'm a Capacorn, Dec 26. That means ya get one sock for Christmas and the other sock for yer birthday.


  8. I don't really know much about astrology, either . . . other than that I am a Sagittarius . . . I can't see living my life or even planning it by the stars, but as a teenager I used to read mine avidly to see if it mentioned 'romance' at all . . . LOL . . .

  9. Oddly enough I inadvertently got a rather extensive astrological reading the other day from the woman who cuts my hair and is quite the expert on astrology . . . heavy stuff! ;-o

  10. I am glad to hear you have some good memories George despite it not working out.

  11. Lol I am sure there is some technical reasoning behind it involving Latin or star configuration or something. Reading thru the different signs, some of them just sounded so way off base in discribing the character traits. Especially of people I know.

    third cookie eh? you enabler you! ;)

  12. At the very least you should be googling Earth, Wind, and Fire on Youtube Sharon and listening to Aquarius ;)) lol

  13. Lol Guy, I bet you were one of those kids that always found his birthday presents wrapped in Christmas paper too... Thank goodness your birthday wasn't in January, that one foot would have gotten cold waiting on it's partner. :)

  14. Lol Yar, it's not usually til the end of the day when a person realizes it was a perfect day. It's hard to predict anything, and a lot of the time I think horoscopes are generally vague. It does put one into a certain mindset when reading your horoscope into expecting a good day if it is predicted!

  15. From one of the websites I googled earlier for this blog:

    Comparison with its symbol, the Archer: Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer--half-man, half-horse. This symbolizes the Sagittarian's attempt to free itself from man's animal nature. The centaur is thought to symbolize the development of the human soul. It symbolizes the animal natures and desires of man, as well as its spiritual aspirations. In Greek mythology, centaurs were adventurous, brave, and wise; they were also given to brawling and uncivilized behavior.

    The glyph for Sagittarius is a straightforward one -- it depicts the archer's arrow slung in a bow. This glyph symbolizes the desire for direction, a higher purpose, and abundance

    So what do you think? Does it come close to describing you? Or has the arrow missed it's mark? ;)

  16. It can be so confusing! Evidently the moon, sun, planets, can take up house in your sign. They factor in the year you were born, the time, the place, and somehow it all melts together into your prediction.

    Earlier this week I read on someone else's blog about palm reading and one hand represents one thing and the other hand another. It had me staring at the palms of my hands for quite some time but I was too afraid to google anything about it in case I had short life line or something equally disturbing,lol.

  17. In India we have the age old Hindu astrological system..and a Hindu calendar...which differs from the English one..and changes your Zodiac lol. Panchang is the sanskrit name given to the traditional indian standard of time keeping viz. calendar. With the help of the this panchang, indian astrologers compute astrological calculations with a very high degree of accuracy. The Panchang shown below is based on Indian Standard Time (GMT + 05:30:00). Needless to say, our own horoscope calculations are based on these traditional principals of Indian Astrology. The panchang shown here on the right is the basic most common information that is used by the masses in their day to day life. Generally, a day is divided into 8 parts of 1 hrs & 30 mins. each. The first part starting with the Sun Rise on that day and last part ending on Sun Set on that day approximately for the Day Times. Similarly, there are 8 parts starting with Sun Set of current day and ending till Sun Rise Next Day. There are 7 types/grades of time periods of which four are auspicious. Its very very complicated and dates back to third century BC. Just to get a jist of it all..check out this link...even I don't understand much of it though.
    The Zodiac signs are the same, but the dates are different. I was born on 26th Oct which makes me a scorpio, but as per the Hindu calendar I am a Pisces. Wonder why a deadly insect is the symbol of people born in that period.

  18. And as per Linda Goodman and a few others..I am SO VERY UNLIKE a typical Scorpio. So I don't pay much attention to all this. But good topic for a blog Vic and interesting responses too.

  19. HMMMMMM . . . interesting stuff, for sure . . .

  20. husband is a libra...and he is all these things....totally !

    i love sunday papers too...sitting back in bed after my bath with the bed littered with papers n sunday editions and a hot mug of coffee...infact...what i do is...the entire week..i only take the times...but for sat-sunday i take three different newspapers and supplements...delicious reading material...

  21. I'm Cancer... July 10th!
    Very fitting for a Cancer Laryngectomee!
    G. xxx

  22. Lol, definitely confusing! Thanks for the link I have it bookmarked to read up more on it.

  23. Yes, I think if we look hard enough at anything we can find some common ground or grain of truth of reality.

  24. (((Geoff)))....

    Reading up on your zodiac sign some of the traits listed were:
    Emotional and loving
    Intuitive and imaginative
    Shrewd and cautious
    Protective and sympathetic

    Do you think they hit the mark or don't even come close?

  25. Nice Blog Vic , did not know You were into the star thing , I through that You just walked with them . As I am Tauras I am OK , Sally will not let me go into a china shop

  26. haha I think it hit the mark

  27. Lol Robert, does Sally think you are bull-headed?

  28. Yeah, I have always kind of liked being half man/half horse (or at least having that as my astrological sign) . . . but nothing before even really sounded like me, it was just a cool symbol . . . The description above sounded uncomfortably close to something someone recently pointed out about me . . . so yeah, it made me squirm a little . . . I WANT it to be silly nonsense, you know?

  29. There is a good ride in there somewhere... being half human half horse ;)

  30. LOL . . . um . . . keep your spurs to yourself, buddy . . . ;o)

  31. hi - such a fun blog viccles - hope you won't mind my 2 cents.

    the signs of the zodiac - our 'star signs' are REALLY that. ie based on the constellations in the sky. and that is where the names come from.

    so scorpio has nothing to do with the insect except for the fact that the constellation, with some imagination, 'resembles' a scorpion...

    cancer is actually the greek word for CRAB.
    it was used later by the egyptians to describe what a tumor looks like - a crab.

    oh and i'm on the cusp of aries/taurus. but i'm not much like my taurean son..he's more like his leo dad. my piscean son is very like me. i am quite like my sagittarian dad and somewhat like my libran mum.....a little like my gemini brother and nothing like my cancerian sister.

    and i'm an unbeliever :D

  32. haha I'm no cowboy... and I prefer the yellow pages motto "Let your fingers do the walking"

  33. LOL . . . then keep your FINGERS to yourself, buddy . . . =oP

  34. Hello! No I don't mind one bit, in fact I encourage it!

    Astrology is interesting and I can see why people are fascinated by it. It can be a bit confusing though!

  35. hahaha I do! Or I'd very likely lose the use of them in short order.

  36. Hey Tune-ski, thanks for the info on the origins of The Crab. I will do some further reading.

    The fact that some characteristics seem to jibe with the accepted mythology of each particular sign is encouraging to me.. To believe ( just a teeny tiny bit)
