Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I remember reading once, that a person needs 4 hugs a day, minimum for survival and 8 hugs a day for maintenance.

I am assuming they are talking about one's mental or emotional health as I haven't gotten in my quota of hugs today and I feel just fine. But maybe that is what is so sneaky about going without hugs. You will go about your business not knowing that at any moment you will just collapse and croak

I am a firm believer in hugs, even though I am not a really huggy kinda of person. I don't greet strangers with a hug or people I don't know well. Hugging for me, can be awkward in wondering if that person is a hugger or even approachable for a hug, or will they freak when those outstretched arms come their way?

It's hard to hug or be hugged when you are single and the only other living, breathing thing closest by is the cat. Even the cat is not a huggy kind of cat. She has issues, she has attitude. She will let you know when it's perfectly acceptable to pet her. Other times are off limits. She has her own personal quota for quality time together.

Most of her days she is content to be curled up in a ball, oblivious to everything around except the opening of the refrigerator. That will cause a frenzy of her tearing thru the house to be there in time to make her vocal self known.

She has these moments though, when she will sit at the foot of my chair and stare up at me and with a little coaxing, she will crawl up into my lap to settle down. She will look up and throw her head back so that it  leans against me and purr. It's the closest thing to a cat hug that she can do. She will purr and knead her little paws and be an idyllic cat companion for about 5 minutes. Then she will morph into her Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality and snap. She will growl or slap her paw at me and hop down and refuse to have anything more to do with me. She has had enough of that mushy, huggy stuff.

She's an odd cat that she craves togetherness and has to be in the same room as I am all of the time. But she wants to be separated, except for those brief episodes of giving me her "cat hugs". They say dogs are man's best friend, and man is cat's best friend. I think there is more than a grain of truth to that quote.

So, if your alone and your cat won't even hug you, where do you go for hugs? Do you search for a friend, a family member, a co-worker, just someone to give and receive a hug? Do you even crave a hug? Do you crave hugs daily and feel differently if you don't get one?

I think the biggest source of hugs we don't see or take advantage of is in the mirror. No I don't hug the mirror, that would require me breaking out the windex, and I hate cleaning and polishing glass. No the source of hugs is what is staring right back at me.

It only makes sense that I should hug myself. After all, I am my own worst critic. I beat myself up constantly. I whine and complain and ask myself on numerous occasions just why can't you get your act together? Why can't you succeed in your attempts? Why give up so easily? Why don't you become the potential I know that is in you?

Pretty harsh that inner me. A bit demanding, and belittling. That hard, bitter, critical self needs a hug. A hug from the part of me that hopes and dreams. It needs to just waltz right over and give myself a hug. Not just once, but evidently I need to do that at least 4-8 times a day.

It's something I think we all fall into. This trap or abyss of negativity that we fail to give ourselves more than just a pat on the back. We need more than just a pep talk, we need to wrap our inner self up and whisper it's okay when we fail. Failing does not define us, but failing to keep trying does.

So today I am going to try this 4 hugs a day thing. I am going to squash the pessimistic part of me and embrace the part of me that needs a hug. I know that I will never ever be a Pollyanna. I am just not one of those people that are cheery and bright and always sees the good in everything and everybody. If I am completely honest, those sort of people eventually get on my nerves. I mean, nobody can be that happy all the time. It's like their inner hugging self has gone into overdrive. I fear they will eventually choke themselves with their own positivity.

But I can and do appreciate their attitude, and I need to adopt more of it. If only it's for a few minutes a day, like my cat. I will hug myself and be encouraging and supportive. Then I can walk away and go back to being my usual prickly self.

Have you hugged yourself today?





  1. Sorry for just barging in and going through your stuff...:)) My friend Monica...Ms Owens...Mo...whichever you know her as...told me today that you are a wonderful writer and I just had to see for myself!

  2. ... sigh.... like mother earth, come to me and I'll hug you.... but I try not to be that Pollyanna you talk about.... I think I realized the depth of need for human touch [we are not talking sex here] when I my mother once said how that Clint [my only son and her only grandchild] was always hugging her... it was the best part of her day, and with that said, I thought if she was not getting his hugs, she was missing human contact....
    [my mom and I were not huggers to each other, how strange]

    I think that older folk that live alone are missing out the most... sadly.... are right to know that the hugs and tactile contact with a pet are the same for this exercise of touchy/feely.... so hug yourself girl, and know when kitty comes calling it's hugs from her too...
    sending a cyber hug by the way....

  3. Hello! Go ahead and make yourself right at home ;))

    Feel free to comment, agree, disagree on anything I write about. I am always open to others points of view. (It will really help if you like chocolate though...but I won't hold that against you if you don't. I will just think you are nuts *wink*).

  4. Gosh...I hope dark chocolate counts!

  5. There is something special about a hug from a child. I think it is because it is given so freely and with abandon. They are spontaneous. Thanks for the cyber hug! I'll pass one on to the cat from you too ;)

  6. Vic. I do hugs kinda like your cat. On my time and terms. Hugs (or the equivelant) can come in many ways. Today while walking across the production floor my chest scar iched so I was rubbing my chest. Dave was approaching me and asked if I was OK. I said yes I was just scratching. He was relieved and glad I was OK. That's a sorta hug. Someone showing that they care. Good blog as always.

  7. I'm a hugger like you all, if its someone i don't know i value my space and just send a smile! I'm not happy everyday but i try to be in a good mood here! ; ) Smiles & Hugs Vic! Oh and i get my hugs daily from the boys ; )

  8. My part time cat wants to hug me, but she isn't declawed and her nails are like razor blades. So I declined her kind offer. She still tries though...

  9. A wonderful story Guy, and yes I think that definitely counts!

  10. Enjoy those hugs, those boys will grow up so fast!

  11. Lol George, I know the feeling. SP isn't declawed either. I always try to put a blanket or throw over my lap when she hops up. Lessens the pokeys from her claws, not to mention keeps me from being covered in cat hair...

  12. I feel kinda bad though... I know she wants to be affectionate. She has laid on the floor with her head tilted backwards staring at me, whipping her tail back and forth. When I rub her neck... she turns around and tries to hold me with her paws (innocent gesture but the last time I let her, she lacerated my forearm).

  13. I used to have a really hard time giving hugs . . . even if I really, REALLY needed or wanted one . . . The most I would do is sort of stand close to someone that I knew was huggy and hoped they got the urge . . .

    Now that I am older, and have learned (and seen) how very important touch and human contact is. I am MUCH more huggy . . . I will even hug strangers if I feel like they need one, though I don't generally go around groping people . . .

    Maybe that is why I love children so much . . . Like you said, they give hugs SO freely and unselfconsciously . . .

    I will try not to be too PollyAnnaish and annoying . . . (but if you were here for reals, I WOULD hug you because I have loved getting to know you and reading your hilarious, insightful blogs!) ;o)

  14. LOL and the way *I* heard it was 'dogs have owners, cats have staff' . . . ;o)

  15. I would think that anyone who ran around drenched in chocolate would get LOTS of hugs!!!!

    Comere you! {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

  16. I like to hug children..dogs..even bigger animals if they'd let me, some trees too (they usually let me). My dad..but he says my perfume makes him dizzy. ( the man has no taste..I wear the best..tsk) I love hugging my daughter the most because it feels like I am hugging myself. I hug my son in law too, but he is so thin I fear he may snap like a toothpick:))...I'd like to hug some of you all..I want to hug Vero's grand daughter Gina..Glenda's 2 granddaughters..all the children I have ''seen'' growing up online. I am not comfortable hugging men my age..because they squeeze too tight, maybe just my male cousins.. and I DO NOT get 4 hugs even in a month ! Unless doggy hugs count ..get lots of those. And now I am going to hug you Vic..((((HUGS)))).

  17. I have just sent You a HUG or two will give You the rest when I get to the US

  18. Just one a day would be lovely! G. xxx

  19. you really do have a way with words and write the most wonderful blogs, that I can just read again and again...........I nearly missed this one but for once went onto the next page and woe and behold there was a few writes I had missed, from our outage yesterday morning........................I am a hugger, I hug cats my dogs my trees my doctor my dentist my friends my neighbour my kids and most of all my darling husband..................We hug about each time we pass each other and seeing we work together, that is a lot of times *chuckle*.................I get my share of hugs and they are precious every single one of them........................I have some to spare, so sending you a huge big hug right now.................... (((((((( )))))))))...............Mwah !!!

  20. Lol Robert, are you going to be able to talk Sally onto getting on that plane? Hope you guys enjoy your visit and that it is hopefully a bit cooler! I don't envy you wandering around Florida in this weather...

  21. Scoot over here a little closer Geoff! ;))

  22. You know, pretending to hug your husband and putting him in a head lock does not count!,lol ;))

