Thursday, July 12, 2012


I don't know how I missed it. I have walked past it a hundred times this summer and it must have always been there. At least I hope it has been there awhile and didn't just appear over night.

I was out early this morning puttering about, when I noticed a big crack. I had to step back for a moment and take in the size of the crack and try not to get too nervous about seeing the crack.

No, my neighbor was not bending over with un-belted trousers slipping down his hips. It was a tree that had all of my attention. My tree with a crack.

The tree has had issues for some time. It is a messy tree and always loses twiggy branches every time the wind blows. Earlier this year it lost a couple bigger branches, that luckily landed on the other side of the electric line that runs behind it.

It's a huge tree, I am not sure how many people it would take to circumference with their arms stretched out, but probably 4, maybe five. It's an old elm that has been reaching up to the sky for decades. It was severely pruned during one freak ice storm at Halloween. It had me nervously biting my nails and hoping that the wind did not pick up, that the  branches coated in ice would just continue to fall straight down and miss everything, house included.

Today has me feeling that same nervousness. I immediately went in and called the local utilities and after being transferred a few times, I finally talked to a woman who would "pass along my message". That seemed to only add to my anxious state.

Will they show up today? Will they just drive by and go on, not bothering to get out and walk around the tree to see the offending crack? Will they meander down the alley way behind the tree, daydreaming and killing time so they won't have to worry about working in the heat today? Will they shrug their shoulders and leave all of the worrying to me?

So here I wait. Wait with my big cracked tree and wonder about it's plight. Will they say it's okay, will the trim it, will they decide it all must go? I dread that last thought. Despite all of it's messy habits, it is a big shade tree. It helps to cool a lot of the back yard and the house. I am keeping my fingers crossed that despite being cracked, it is still viable....much like me.

At the base of the tree I have the top basin from an old bird bath. I fill it regularly with water for the squirrels and birds and yesterday it was visited by one of the members of the fox family from next door. Today I was out there with my camera, hoping to catch another visit from my tiny, slender friend but the premises were being used by a robin instead.

Puffed up and cleaning his feathers, he seemed unconcerned about my peeping ways.

The bird looked a little sick here, but that was not the case. He was using the side of the concrete basin as a loofah and was scratching his beak...

Thoroughly soaked and ruffled...let's face it, none of us look that great when stepping out of the shower...

Looking a bit cranky at spying me, spying on him...and with a camera no less.

I was hoping that by the time I uploaded a few pics and wrote the majority of this blog the people from the utilities would be here so I could give an update. I guess that will have to wait for tomorrow on another blog, or sometime this week or month, whenever they decide to show up.

Cracked.....crabby bird....and corn, picked from the garden today.

That concludes today's blog....brought to you by the letter "C"... Darn it, I could have done my 30 blog day challenge using the alphabet. Well with a few extra letters thrown in. Somehow I don't feel enthused enough to start a new challenge of the alphabet after this challenge. Which is a good thing. I have a feeling I would be run out of multiply by bloggers with pitch forks, flame throwers, and other assorted painful devices for even suggesting such a thing.

But it has been fun....hasn't it?




  1. I missed the crack but the bird was awesome! Hope the power co. gets to you quick!

  2. corn from the garden.... sigh.... I'm jealous... after the first 55 years of my life either in NJ or MI.... I am a snob when it comes to corn and tomatoes.... they just suck in eastern NC, where every inch of spare land has tobacco on it.... I'm not sure if the local farm stands purchase their stuff from the supermarket, but I am suspicious.... and here you are - picking your own fresh corn....

    sorry about the crack in the tree... hope you feel it well resolved soon!

    and yes, it has been fun... ;-)

  3. Hope that all go`s well with your tree ,do not hold your breath for the Electricity com. As they work in there own time Yes its been fun reading you blogs thank you for them

  4. Looks like an old Chinese Elm, probably near the end of its life.

  5. Vic. Easy to see why ya love the tree. It's magnificent. Give it some chocolate.

  6. I love pictures of corn. And privy to the Robins bath....a wonderful gift of natures theatre. I hope the tree can keep standing. I will cry with you Vic, if it turns out any other way.

    And your blog event has been a blessing for me. I will probably be sad when my 30 days are done.

  7. what a neat tree looks kinda lik one jane and tarz lived in

  8. "Thoroughly soaked and ruffled...let's face it, none of us look that great when stepping out of the shower..."

    HAHAHAHAHAHHA . . . that line totally cracked me up . . . ;o)

    I love the idea for the ABC blogs . . . but yeah, I wish you had thought of it THEN instead of NOW . . . Still, if I get stuck, maybe I will consider that as an 'unsticker' . . . Thanks! ;o)

  9. Vic, I also like the ABC blog idea. This fall I may give that one a try. I already have a title for "Z." "ZUGBUMP"

  10. Vic, I like the ABC idea for blogs. May try this fall. I already have a title for "Z." ZUGBUMP.

  11. Yes my frosty treat, though you are mightily cracked you are certainly still viable, I wouldn't want you any other way!

    And thanks for the 30 day challenge . . . but I may have to sit out the ABC one! ;-o

  12. Get some rope, tie it around the trunk of one of them, then pull it in a direction away from the house, tie it to a stake and drive it into the ground... you can use one of those tension tighteners to help increase the pull. Then you stand on the other side of the trunk (opposite from the pull) and start with a chainsaw on it. You'll have it down in no time :)

  13. Thanks! I hope they do too! Of course nobody showed up today...but I half way expected that...Tommorrow is another story though. I expect someone to at least look at it and decided how big of a priority it is...

  14. I am still waiting on my first ripe tomato....several green ones so it shouldn't be too much longer...I hope!

  15. Thanks for stopping by and reading them Robert! ..(and I didn't hold my breath, I turn purple when I do that ya know)lol

  16. Yes it is! The midwest is blanketed with them.....sadly pests are killing a lot of them.

  17. Lol Guy, saving all the chocolate for me. I am gonna cry when I see my friend go in pieces..

  18. You can keep blogging Sharon! There is no limit, but I know it has been a bit of a struggle to try and think of something new each and every day.

  19. Only if they are squirrels Yar. Otherwise I haven't seen anyone or anything swinging from it,lol.

  20. Yeah, I am kinda wishing I thought of that earlier on too...Oh well, there is always next,er...if there is a next time. People might be getting awfully sick of it by now,lol.

  21. Zugbump?.....(scratches head)....okay what is a zugbump?lol

  22. Lol, I think I will have to let a LOT of time elapse before even mentioning another challenge. I read in the comment's on someone's blog ," just who is the vic person that started this whole thing" and I feared for my little blogging fingers. I just knew if I raised my hand they would come at me with a ruler to rap my fingers,lol.

  23. It is going to be a pain to remove George...just a few feet behind it on the west side is the power/phone the south of it is a shed, to the east is the house and garage and that only leaves the north....where my neighbor parks his car.... But, if you are willing to come hold the rope, I will run and get my chainsaw....I knew I could count on you George!

  24. Sure. I can most probably cut it down in 2 seconds with the electric razors you implanted in my arm. Just don't forget to pull my lever.

  25. i hope they sorted out your crack...i mean your tree...:P

    it has been fun....but last few days i've run into a limbo...sort of....i still have high hopes to catch up though sorry...:(

  26. It has been fun, I am now behind as I hit a stop block by day 17...................I think I might be back later and try to carry on, does that count ???

    I like your old tree and can understand why you are so concerned about it, love your little Robin, so sweet of you to put water out for the fox and the robin.

  27. I was going to introduce you two *chuckle*

  28. Lol, oh sure, tell them who the guilty party is.....probably gonna lend them a shovel too when it comes time to hide the body,lol...

  29. lol, don't worry about it, the important thing is it has gotten people back to blogging and interacting again on here. Blog when you can!

  30. Vic, are you still waiting for that tree inspector from the utility company?

  31. Is the crack superfluous? My 30 year old tree survived for years with a big crack, as it wasn't cracked on the inside. ( until then use duct tape or sumfin) But an inspection would be a good idea.Is it very close to the house? That bird looks like he didnt like the shampoo much. I look like that after a shampoo too. It's corn season here ..loads of carts on the streets..but I haven't had my first one yet. I can't think of what to blog about will sleep over it...keep writing. xx

  32. That robin looks to be not that old. Still has a baby look about it's face. What time is dinner?

  33. Duct tape? Lol you have been hanging around Mac and Vero too long! ;))

  34. You missed was mac and cheese too ;)

  35. Ahhh...blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light.
