Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Entry for August 01, 2006

This blog posting considered politically incorrect....

Mel Gibson....  actor, producer, good-looking guy.......in the news for his actions, and more so for his words. By now we have read of his drunk driving, being pulled over,....and for his comments....his very politically incorrect comments.

We have all at one time, suffered the after affects of our own "foot and mouth" disease. Where our minds and our words (whether spoken or written) have caused us regret or remorse.

I read a comment earlier today on one of the news' sites about the Mel "incident", and the gist of the comment was....it was the booze talking.... And I thought about that.....and thought about that.

I am not an alcoholic.....

and I have never drank so much that I didn't know what I was saying....

Is it the drink that is to blame? Or is it the person?.......and if the person took the drink in the first place does it all come back to the person anyways? Does drinking make you say things you don't think? Or does it put voice to thoughts you have always had but never said?

It makes you wonder,....

I don't know.

Today I posted a quick comment on someone's 360 page. And the moment I hit the send button I winced. What I thought was a clever glib remark stared back at me, and I realized as soon as I posted it.....it could be considered politically incorrect.

It wasn't meant to be. It was to be in good fun. In fact most reading the comment wouldn't even know what I was talking about by saying it could be considered politically incorrect....

But I stared at it, and kicked myself mentally.....I shouldn't have posted it...I should have thought, and I thought I was thinking....but evidently not clearly.

So today, I apologize ....no drink to blame,.... just me.



(2 total)

(((Viccles))) Now you've got me wondering what you said on whose blog! Not that it's ANY of my business, I guess I'm just curious as to what you think constitutes a possible affront. All I know for sure is that blogging, emailing and chatting are all flat playing fields - there are no hills or trees to serve as landmarks, no visible facial muscles expressing whatever, no eyes looking at us while the mouth below speaks the words that are of necessity, typed, no voice inflections. I have seen recently where an innocent morsel of good-hearted but two-dimensional jest turns into a total disaster, since remedied, thankfully. I believe we should all simply trust our instincts regarding the writer of anything on here. We are all able to sense the character of our internet friends...and others, yes? I KNOW that nothing you could say would be intentionally offensive to anyone! If it's taken as such by those who may not 'know' you/us very well, they may have to hang around a little longer and GET to know you/us, yes?

BTW, we're ALL capable of gaffes, so don't go feeling too lonely, dear lady. You at least have Mel for company right now! (JOKING, TREELY ROOLY AND 'ONEST!!!!! - see my wink? And my crinkly eyes? And my left hand over my giggling mouth? And the peace-offering of Minties in my right hand? I didn't breathe on them...true!)

"Carry your head high, and your heart gently."

Wednesday August 2, 2006 - 09:25am (EST)

Dixie is here rubbing her noggin'....wondering just how to comment here. I
use to get upset with people who send funny stuff about Southern people and
jokes and such because it perpetuates the myth that Southerners are idiots
and backward hillbillies. I also sometimes get up set with people who make
uneducated comments about NAs ....then I took a good look at it and just
decide it's a loss cause to try to teach folks...they have been brain washed and encouraged
into believing this stuff is funny. . I took some advice from a friend who
is NA and he said if it's funny just go ahead and laugh....I don't hold much
with being politically correct lollol
guess this doesn't make a lot of sense and I need to just
hush up but I am not all that good at expressing my feelings and there's
always someone around who's gonna shoot me outta the saddle:)....that's my 2
beads worth.

Wednesday August 2, 2006 - 07:22pm (EDT)

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