
Has it really been that long?
It's hard to believe how long I have been on-line. So many,many years ago when I first stumbled into the chat world. Doesn't seem so long ago, but I guess it has been. I won't tell you long though, mainly because I don't want you to know the depths of my addiction,lol.
I have chatted with so many people. People of all ages, from different cultures and countries, and different walks of life. Some I am still in contact with periodically, some are never too far from my thoughts, and some of them I wonder where they are and how life is going for them.
So many people...and so many changes. Now you would think that in all of that time I would be able to convince more of my family to take advantage of all that is before them. How with just the stroke of the keyboard, they are open to so much, and to so many people. But alas, all it seems they are destined for is a random check of e-mail, game downloads for the kids, and in a rare occurance, the posting of pictures on a photo web share site.
Oh I have tried, I have tried to peak their interest. Most of them know that I chat with people far and wide on a regular basis. But they aren't convinced. They can't believe that you....yes all of you... are not deranged, stalking, serial killers. Lurking, and just waiting for the opportunity to hack me up in my sleep.
I try to tell them the truth....tell them that for the most part, you are perfectly harmless.... A bit quirky perhaps, but that is part of your charm.
But they still don't believe.
I think all of us when we logged on-line and ventured into a chat room for the very first time were cautious.... Wanting to see what all the buzz was about...being both leery and curious at the same time.
One of the first people I met in chat was a guy who was talking about mistletoe. He was explaining how it is a plant, that grows in the tree tops and attaches it's self to anything and sucks the life out of everything much like a leech. I told him that reminded me of some of my relatives.
And a friendship was born.... that still lasts today.
People on-line, they really aren't all that strange...or are they?
I am a pretty cautious person. It was almost 4 years before I gave anyone my picture or address. I played it safe. Only a select few knew the real me. Either I have become lax, or I have mellowed, or all of you are not quite as scarey as I first believed. The list of people who have my address has grown into the double digits, and some of you are even on my Christmas card list.
You do have to be careful on-line. There are strange people. Even in a chat room on gardening there are strange people.
I met a few cross-dressing guys in chat. One was a retired ballet dancer who still liked to wear his tights. The other guy just like to wear lingerie. One guy told me he would like nothing better than to come scrub my kitchen floor while dressed up in his maid's costume.
I think of him every so often when I clean house, and sometimes think....if only he lived closer.
I chatted to a guy that would send me instant messages on what color underwear he had on that day. No cybering or anything of that nature. Just a message that would pop up on my screen containing one word..."white"...or "blue"...or some other color he was sporting.
I have gotten a lot of marriage proposals, they are always from someone overseas. On the days I am feeling wicked, I quickly exclaim.."YES,..yes...yes I will marry you...send me a plane ticket right away and I will be on your doorstep by tomorrow.".....I never got any tickets..........
I chatted with a seemingly normal guy for about two weeks, after which he professed his love for me, and he was serious. I found that more scarier than the cross dressing ballerina.
So many people, so many lifestyles. It didn't matter to me, everyone has their own life to live. I sometimes found it a bit bizarre, a bit strange, sometimes funny, but always fascinating.
I am careful though. You have to be. It's just a fact of life.
I got to thinking of how others must view me. I know in the chatrooms I am a bit of a goofball. I can be serious. I can even discuss gardening when my arm is twisted.
But I wonder if anyone finds me scarey? A tricycling, pink haired terror that demands chocolates from the newbies might be considered scarey to some people.
It's okay to be leery of people. There are some people I have known on-line for ages that I am still a bit leery about. Sometimes it takes more than just a few months of chatting to know them,...really know them.. Some people you just know or feel you can trust, and some you just know that you can't.
I try to give everyone the opportunity, ...to let me know them....it only seems fair.
Some people I have lost. Some people I have tried to loose. Some people I try to hide from....and some people just make me smile.....sounds an awful lot like real life doesn't it?
I guess you just have to give everyone a chance.
Still can't convince my family though...
All of you ....are just far too scarey for them.
I got to thinking, well maybe it's just as well that I can't convince any of my family to log on and learn more.....
...after all....I might have to stop writing in my blog about them if they did.
(21 total)Dear viccles, such a wonderful summary of the net 'life' - thankyou! I don't think you're scary at ALL! That cute lil gappy chocolate-covered teef smile and all that pink fru-fru. Sounds about perfect for a tete-a-tete with a cross-dressing ballet dancer! Your family don't know what they're missing...nor do mine, thank goodness! LOL Big hugs to you my friend, from the Mintie chomping, upside down, almost sleepless furry fing (who SAYS we aren't normal?). (((((((((hugs))))))))
Wednesday August 30, 2006 - 06:08am (EST)
- ♥ VE…
Not quite so long for me, Vic as it has been for you (Guessing) but a similar story. I have met so many wonderful people here and have been fortunate to escape most of the weirdos. I DO have a supportive family (although I'm sure they occasionally smile at each other behind my back concerning "Mom and her internet friends") but they understand and allow me my space.
The wonder that was chat is now dimming a bit and allowing opportunity to swipe a few spider webs from the corners and actually prepare meals again
Tuesday August 29, 2006 - 04:11pm (EDT)
- Judy
Nicely written! Oh, and as Patsy Clairmont said, "NORMAL is just a setting on your dryer."
Tuesday August 29, 2006 - 04:31pm (EDT)
- JD
Ah STILL think yer fulla bull-hockey. But yer right ... it ain't all terror and torture like some folks'd have you believe. And who knows??? Ya jest might find ya some good friends and possibly even a life partner.
I dern shore have ...
Ain't so sure I want some hairy-leg gussied up in a maid's costume over here, though.
Tuesday August 29, 2006 - 03:39pm (CDT)
You are at your best, vic, when you write like this - with humor! :)
Tuesday August 29, 2006 - 05:27pm (EDT)
- Spotty
Tuesday August 29, 2006 - 10:53pm (BST)
- gloggy
Well put vic..I was always dubious about chatrooms but curiosity got the better of me, gardning room is the only place I visited...surley nothing can happen to me in a garden room....but I got hooked and found some really nice people..didn't learn too much about gardening though...ya still got to be on guard...keep smiling Hugs..
Wednesday August 30, 2006 - 09:55am (NZST)
- Dixie
Vickles I do believe you think I'm a weirdo because as long as we have know each other I have never ever seen a photo od you....I always picture you as the pink haired poofy dressed chocolate smeared gal on a tricycle...hummmm now JD, I am sorta worried about him hehe
PS if ya ever come across the crossdressing maid send him my way hahahaha
Tuesday August 29, 2006 - 05:57pm (EDT)
- hill_…
I remember seeing my son chatting and I sat a few minutes and watched the screen "fly" by, didn't have chat eyes then, and I asked him what he was doing and he said chatting....he said there is probably a room for gardening so he looked and sure enough there was...I remember my first time in there...sat and watched folks talk back and forth and I gathered my courage and asked a question about growing tomatoes...how many times have you seen newbys ask an actual garden question lol...someone answered me and I was hooked, been chatting over seven years now and have made some good friends...possum I think is my oldest and dearest friend, we met in September 1999 best I remember...the net has taken me places I never knew existed and has brought me friends from far away I would have never known....omg! I should have just written a blog lol
Tuesday August 29, 2006 - 05:37pm (CDT)
Well gee whiz. I woulda thought your family coulda been a little more concerned about us. After all, they know you. HA!! I'm kiddin Vic. I feel lucky to have met you and all these other fine folks.
Tuesday August 29, 2006 - 05:55pm (CDT)
A maid? JD we could use a maid, I don't care how he/she dresses!
I've never done the chat rooms. They scare me, besides they move too fast for my pea-brain.
I've met some nice cyber friends over the years I've been online and very few weirdos. I'm sure they're out there but maybe I have a knack for steering clear of them.
And yes I did meet JD on line, but at that time I thought he was normal. LOL
Tuesday August 29, 2006 - 06:03pm (CDT)
lol Cyn
Tuesday August 29, 2006 - 06:25pm (CDT)
- Vic
Lol Poss, um...er....we are as normal as possible for us,...(wink)...
Now JD, I bet ya would cut a fine figure in your own little french maid's outfit.....(Cyn if ya get a pic of that post it on e-bay and I will bid on it! lol)
Dixie, I thought ya already had my pic, if ya want it just hollar and I will e-mail to you. I won't be held responsible though if your monitor blows,lol
Lol Hillbilly....just cut and paste it all in your blog...
Jim...you are still on probation for breaking my hula hoop :P
Wednesday August 30, 2006 - 12:10am (CDT)
- Vic
Vero, dimming the lights helps on those cobwebs or I can direct ya to the maid guy after Dixie is done with him,lol.
Judy, now I am not gonna claim to be sitting on my dryer, people will talk!
Thanks umbumble!
Spotty...I always wondered...hmmm white with black? or black with white? :)
Gloggy, garden chat is the only room I visit. I was like hillbilly and went in to talk garden stuff...now they can't get rid of me,lol.
(eyes Jim...my family look at it this way....if I am pestering you, then I won't be pestering them ,lol,lol...)
Wednesday August 30, 2006 - 12:15am (CDT)
lol Vic
Wednesday August 30, 2006 - 07:07am (CDT)
- Theresa
<---Shhh...I remember when folks first started talking on voice in that Garden Chat Room...LOL. I was the quiet one in the corner...watching...listening...lol. Over the years we watched some pair off and marry...some pass away. Yes I changed my chat name a couple times...sorta got leery of some of the characters in there and went incognito.(wink) I'd tell you my old chat names...but then I'd have to kill ya. (kidding...am too Jim! LOL)
Vic..have no regrets over that foreign marriage deal falling through. The guy lied to you....he only had three camels anyway...(snicker).
Wednesday August 30, 2006 - 09:10am (EDT)
- Judy
Oh come on Vic....I didn't say ANYTHING about sitting on the dryer! LOL. 'sides, if ya did, your chocolate would melt.
Wednesday August 30, 2006 - 09:47am (EDT)
- Vic
Lol Theresa, aw come on..give us a hint on those past chat names....inquiring minds want to know! lol...
lol Judy....Oh....um...er...never mind about me sitting on the dryer, I um..er...read that wrong...yeah that's it... I don't do that sort of thing...that was..Angie, yeah Angie that told me she does that....lol,lol
Wednesday August 30, 2006 - 10:50am (CDT)
- Dixie
Well mail away Vic..all I got is the lil pink haired tot on the tricycle:):)
Wednesday August 30, 2006 - 01:22pm (EDT)
- Dixie
Well mail away Vic..all I got is the lil pink haired tot on the tricycle:):)
Wednesday August 30, 2006 - 01:23pm (EDT)
Going on 11 years for me, and through it all, one friend remained, wow. Ain't she lucky, my dear friend, Rider. LOL!
Wednesday August 30, 2006 - 09:19pm (PDT)
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