Saturday, August 5, 2006

Entry for August 04, 2006


I've seen "it"......

I have Suri....

and guess what?.....Looks like a baby to me...

Okay I haven't really seen baby Suri Holmes-Cruise. But I will get over it. My life will go on, pretty much as it has been from day to day.

What is this obsession people have with this baby? It is after all, just a baby. A baby kept in seclusion for what purpose I am not exactly sure,.... but I have a suspicion.

I suspect it is  the reason for the seclusion....'s for the attention......

......or maybe ..... Suri has some strange mysterious halo glow around her? (Quick! Alert the Scientologists!)

....... hmmm nope, I still think it's for the attention.

And what a lot of free publicity and grand marketing ploy it is.......use your child, without even showing a glimpse of your child.... for publicity....... it's brilliant. Think of it.... you can invite celebrities over for a "viewing" and then have them rush to the nearest reporter to gush how they have seen "the baby". How they have seen baby Suri.... and it looks just like Tom and Katie! Imagine that....

I have a problem with celebrities using their children for publicity, whether blatantly or otherwise. I don't like the thought of parading children for photo ops or selling their pictures for money. It just doesn't set well with me.

Do the celebrities need the money? ..don't think so...

Do the babies/kids get anything out of it?....don't really think so....

Do the celebrities get anything out of it?...well besides the, yeah...

I think the only thing worse than celebrities selling their baby pics...are the publications that pay them for the pics. Since when do you have to pay for news? What kind of integrity does that bring to your publication?..and is it even "news worthy" to begin with?

The hoopla continues, we still haven't seen baby Suri, but already she has to be one of the most talked about celebrities there is in the world today. I sit here and it begins to sink in , and I slap myself  in the middle of the forhead and think....


I fell right into it.....wrote my whole blog about baby Suri and gave her even more publicity.....

That have to hand it to him.... he is a clever one.





(2 total)

Lol Vic. I agree with you. Except, I blame the media. I don't think most people care until someone makes them think they are missing out not caring about it.But I guess I have to blame the people who buy their magazines or watch the tv shows. All that kind of attention can turn me away faster than it draws me to someone,or something for that matter. I like tv shows until the actors enter the stage then wait for applause and adoration from the studio audience. And if I find myself wearing something everone all of a sudden feels they have to have, I usually stop wearing it. lol. Of course that gets embarrassing if I find out in the middle of a mall.

Saturday August 5, 2006 - 06:23pm (CDT)

Yup vickles, I think stars milk publicity for all it's worth. Even use their own children to help stay in the lime light. Use to be that stars avoided bad publicity but they have discovered the media helps with keeping their name out front whether the news be good or bad. Just changing with them times I suppose.....sigh.

Sunday August 6, 2006 - 01:43am (EDT)


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