Friday, August 11, 2006

Entry for August 11, 2006

Keep on Blogging.

Tomorrow it will be a month since I first started my 360 blog page. In that very short time I have seen so much and read so much from the corners of our very round world.

I have seen pics.....lots of beautiful pics.

Pics of family, kids, grandkids. I have seen pics of oceans, trees, flowers, gardens, a conservatory, quilts, crafts, paintings, cards, food, sunsets, and sunrises. I pilfered a pic of kilted men, (but only till I get a pic of the only real Scotsman that I know).  I saw pics of  geese, turkeys, lorikeets, parrots, dogs, cats, a pig, and deer....triplets to be precise.

I have read blogs on short stories, continuing stories, and poems.  Blogs on culture, on politics, on religions, and on the day to day happenings in other people's lives. I read about fear of the dentist, going to the fair to eat delectable treats. I read about the heat and the drought that is plaguing so many of us. I read about a guy who takes his pig for walks and shakes his can at the neighbors when they drive by.... or something like that.

They do strange things in Oklahoma....

I read recipes.. I read lots of recipes on stir frying, cooking fish, baking cookies and cheesecake.  I read recipes on Mexican cooking, crockpot cooking, vegetarian cooking, casseroles, and tips on cooking kudzu..... I snagged one recipe for a yummy banana pudding.

I read sad things, happy things, wierd things, and I learned new words.

 I spiffified.....oh how I spiffified...

I learned about a hillbilly Yert. I still don't know exactly what it means, but I did make a similiar sound once while trying to control a sneeze and a hiccup at the same time. I feel confident that I can visit that part of the country now and blend in as well as any local.

I read about the hazards of aspartame. I read about other places in other countries and I learned  they have the same problems as over here. Which didn't surprise me,...people are the same everywhere. I read blogs and I read their friend's blogs, and their friends' friend's blogs. I posted on some blogs, only to realize  I was lost and wasn't sure how to get back to their blog to read their replys. I hope they don't mind, and I hope they  make their way to my place to say hello.

I read a blog on answering a question with a far the last time I checked back  they had 145 questions....and no answers..... that's life isn't it?

I got to thinking in such a short time I had seen so much, but in reality it isn''s only a little bit. It just seemed to be so much. Just a few blog pages, that lead to other blog pages, and that was just on yahoo 360. So many more blog pages out there, so many other blog hosts.... it makes the mind boggle, or bloggle (see Poss, I can make new words too!).

I know I won't see everything, I know I won't read everything.... But what I have so far has opened my eyes and connected me to people I may never meet. People who give me a small glimpse into their lives, and for that, I thank each and every one of you.



(8 total)

It's mind bloggling isn't it...and sooooooo cool...I have done the same thing...met new people...been nosy...reading other people's thoughts..that I didn't even know...and gotten to know better people that I was acquanted slightly's fun...this blogglicious...blogglating...bloggling...hugssssss you

Friday August 11, 2006 - 05:57pm (EDT)

Congratulation on your first month's anniversary in the world of the blogged Vic....may you have many more:) Yes it is wonderful to be able to meet so many different folks and it is a small world after all for sure:):) Thanks for all the joy you give to us with your gift of blogging:):)

Friday August 11, 2006 - 06:07pm (EDT)

LOL Vic. You lil stinker. It is a view into the unknown for sure. I truly feel lucky to have the opportunity to have a connection to so many cool people. I feel bad I can't keep up with all of them. I'm sure they have the same problem though. I try hard to keep up with the ones that keep up with mine and some others I just enjoy reading. Three of my kids and a son-in-law are on my list too. I'm sure I've embarrassed them a few times. lol

Friday August 11, 2006 - 05:14pm (CDT)

Well, bloggle me, Ms Vic you are a WHIZZ! AND a lil precious stinker (I concur fully Jim!) lol It's funny how something like blogging becomes a very vital part of life, even in 'just' a month! It's almost to the point where I want to check the blog pages of unmet people I am proud to call friends before I check emails and I NEVER thought I'd see that day! You have summarised so much in this blog, viccles...Thankyou! (((hugs)))

Saturday August 12, 2006 - 08:53am (EST)

p.s. That's the perfect image for this blog...a portal to the world! :)

Saturday August 12, 2006 - 08:54am (EST)

YERT! :)

Friday August 11, 2006 - 06:52pm (CDT)

I must say, out of the many blog hopping that I have done, this would probably be the best entry I have read so far! You seem to be a very sweet person,, I was absolutely thrilled to know other people out there were actually reading my Blog, other then those on my friend list. I hope you have mamy more days of blogging ahead of you! Have a good day hun! Be safe, take care, and God Bless!

Saturday August 12, 2006 - 06:47am (CDT)

YOu have a very nice blog going here, glad i stopped by and thank you for stoppig by mine and leaving a msg. keep up the good blogging!

Monday August 14, 2006 - 10:32am (PDT)

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