Thursday, June 21, 2012

Out My Front Door...

How many times do we go out our front door every day, and pay little attention to what we see? I know we see the same thing thousands of times and we ignore it for the most part, knowing it never changes. I thought about that the other day when out taking pics that it might be a neat idea to have everyone post on a blog one day on what they see when they open up their front door every day.

I tend to ignore what I see most of the time while in pursuit of my original premise for stepping outside. Part of why I ignore what I see first thing stepping out the front door is a project that I keep putting off. Just outside the front door is the concrete drive and then a set of steps that lead up into the front yard which has a large kettle. I got the kettle years ago at an auction and it's original purpose was for processing hogs while butchering. However when I spied it, my immediate thought was for a planter. After it was put in place, nothing has changed much about it except for the replanting of annual flowers every year.

It's due for an overhaul though as you can tell by the pic it has sunk on one side and appears lopsided. Underneath the kettle was an old stump, that at the time, I thought would be smart to place the kettle on and mulch with lava rock surrounded by the railroad ties. It seemed like a good at the time, which is something I find myself saying a lot. In fact I think I can claim that for most of the 1980's.

The stump, however, has rotted over time as well as the old railroad ties. And lava rock, which was so popular and all the rage years ago, is a bit out of place now. It all needs to be replaced or re-landscaped with something that works better for the area.

I keep putting the project off though. It is going to take some work to dig out all of the dirt and drainage rocks in the bottom of the kettle. It is heavy, really too heavy to move easily on my own. Part of the reason for putting off the project, other than the hard work involved, is that my visions of how to redo or remodel the area is a bit beyond my scope of expertise. I want to put in pavers from the top of the steps, thru the arch into a circular path around the kettle that eventually could meander off into the yard to a birdbath with a new flower bed there as well.

It's a big project, which is why it isn't started yet. It won't be started this year, with my excuse being I can't disturb my few handfulls of annual flowers in the kettle. Even though I have big plans on what I would LIKE to do, I know that those plans most likely will be edited to something simpler, maybe even into something that doesn't even involve pavers but just having the kettle leveled with a smaller circular flower bed around it.That is the thing about a garden, it never stays the same. At least it doesn't for me, except when I procrastinate. It's something that I will continue to think about, and ignore while going out my front door.



  1. Interesting blog Vic! Thanks for sharing the view outside your front door.

  2. That is pretty. I really like the big kettle tilted like that. Adds a little homegrown uniqness. Big projects need LOTS of time to plan take your time on

  3. Vic another good one. You are off to a great start on your 30 day mision.
    When I look out my front door I see a big tree, some shrubs, a bunch of junk/good stuff that Esther has decorated with. Then the lawn goes to the street and the mailbox.
    This time of year lots of people usually young kids trying to make a buck knock on my front door wanting to rell siding, guttering, etc.. I don't have much patience with door to door sales men but I thought I was being cute with one kid and it turned out I was being unkind but it's funny anyway.
    The doorbell rings and I go to the door and there is a nervious young man standing on my pourch. He was in his late teens I would guess and he starts his speech. I had to stop him and explain that I don't hear very well and he talks faster then I listen. He starts over and I still can't understand him but thought I heard him say something about lawn care. I interupted him and asked if he was with a lawn care company. He said that he was. I told him to turn around and look at my lawn which he did. As he was looking at my lawn I said "See how much I care!" Took him awhile but he caught on and said thank you and left. I considered my witty joke pretty funny but felt bad because this kid didn't deserve the disrespect. He was just trying to make a buck. I will save my brush off remarks for the pushy sales perople.

  4. I shall post a pic of the most boring view that I get to see out of my front door. Living in the open are sooo lucky.

  5. nice blog Vic ,when I open my front door the rain comes in

  6. I am going backwards I guess...but enjoyed your look out your front door. I have to go back and see which day you began the 30 days. I am gonna try and post as you have suggested. Life has not slowed down for me...big project and changes.

  7. Hold it! Wait a minute! I read thus far "I thought about that the other day when out taking pics that it might be a neat idea to have everyone post on a blog one day on what they see when they open up their front door every day. " end of your quote.
    Does this mean you're giving US homework?
    Love that pot - and the gateway with the two lamp posts. Nice!

  8. Are you one of those people into that re-purposing trend, turning a kettle into a flower pot? I recently turned an old shoe into a stationery pouch for the odd paper clip, staples, misguided pen caps, used post its, bottle caps and other curiosities. I think there is a bird species that collects these things as well so I will donate the shoe and it's contents to them when it is full.

  9. *lurks from around the corner and swipes handpump*

    Hehehe I could reAlly use this come dec.2012!

  10. Well all I see now since I moved out of a house is a beige wallpapered wall! Then as you turn to the left a long beige hallway with doors....When you turn to the right the most amzing sight...beige hallway with doors...
    So I shant be blogging on that topic!
    What's this blogg #3..........I just finished #2...Not sure I'll be able to keep up with you but so far you've given me a lot of reading material for...ahem......well I won't say.

  11. I, for one, love your lopsided little pot . . . It has character and charm!

  12. Love it Vic, how about a gravel path round the kettle. You could get coloured ones easier than paving. O even do grass and mow the 'path' bit shorter than the rest....just a few more thoughts to ponder.......
