Monday, June 25, 2012

I See You....

I am being followed.

I am pretty sure it's not my imagination either. It happens every time I log on-line. I see it at almost every webpage. It doesn't even try to hide it's spying ways. It's right there, right there in front of me with it's big "f" on a blue square.

Facebook is following me. Even when I am not logged into facebook, there it is. Taunting me, suggesting to me, that I tell the world where I have been.

Like a link, suggest a website, tell the fb world I read an article. It's there constantly just a click away wanting to spy on me and let the world join in.

It makes me nervous. I makes me think that fb already knows where I have been, no matter if I have logged in or not.

Do a websearch. Suddenly you find all kinds of ads on your facebook wall for those very things you searched for. Visit a webpage, find that ad for that webpage on your fb wall. It's getting kinda creepy.

The whole world is getting kinda creepy. It's starting to feel less and less private. You can't make a move without someone knowing about it.

Your cellphone keeps track of you. Your computer keeps track of you. The government keeps track of you, and I can only see it getting worse. I am starting to understand more and more why some people want to go off grid. Not because they are extremist, but because they want to be able to have privacy in their own home. Because they want to step outside and not worry that if they fall down, a dozen cellphones will be whipped out and a picture taken of you and uploaded to Youtube before someone even considers reaching a hand out to help you back up.

Let's face it, our privacy has become a way of entertainment. The world is agog with curiosity of what people are doing. It's in our face every day in newspapers, magazines, on the tv. Such and such had a baby. So and so bought a big fancy residence. Horror of all horrors, a certain someone was spotted out on the town with another certain someone going to dinner.

Privacy is becoming a thing of the past, it's no longer respected. By the media, the government, or your very neighbors.

I have complained about my neighbors before. I don't like them. I haven't since the day they moved in. And it's not because they don't keep their yard up. They do, they have a very nice yard. It's not because they throw wild parties, they don't. They have been known to yell at each other a time or two, but nothing that most married coupled don't do on occasion. I don't like them because they are nosey.

They make sad, pathetic attempts to pretend they are doing something while rubbernecking over my way. They move to other parts of their yard to get a better vantage point. They will get in their vehicle and drive around the block if they can't see well enough. I am not the only object of their interest, they spy on their other neighbor as well. They are not retired. They have things to occupy their time. But their greatest interest seems to be knowing what the rest of the world is doing. Something that even after a lot of time, doesn't' seem to help in squelching their interests. They are as nosy today as they were the day they moved in several years ago. There is nothing I can do about it either, other than to put in a taller fence, which I consider often..really, really often.

I read an article that had a video of a kid that was home alone and 3 burglars broke in and he was under the bed on the phone with 911. Poor brave kid. The article and video of the actual 911 call thankfully ended well. But two things ran thru my head when I first watched and listened to that video. First, why in the heck was a little kid left home alone even if the parents were going to be gone a few minutes? Secondly, why are we privy to anyone's 911 calls?

I think that is an invasion of privacy. How is it that our 911 calls can be posted and made public to anyone? I think they should remain private. What possible reason could there be to make them public to the news media, other than to be for entertainment curiosity? I can understand them being used in court to solidify a court case, but the rest of us need to know how scared someone was? How petrified and alone they felt? I don't think so, but that is my opinion.

I believe it was just last year, that there was a big controversy about a rental chain that had installed spy ware on their rented out computers. The computers literally took pics of the users. They were being spied on by video, far beyond just the computer's stored history. Boy, that really makes you think.

Computers that spy on you. Cellphones that track your every movement. Government drones that patrol your airspace. Telemarketers that routinely dial your home phone to find out when you are there or not. It seems like privacy lines are being crossed constantly.

Some will argue that if you have nothing to hide, there should be no problem. I don't think I have anything to hide. Well anything to hide of importance. I would prefer the world didn't know every article I read on line. I read my local paper, I read about the weather on, I read the blogs, check my e-mail, some days check my horoscope. I even (whispers) read dear Abby when I am bored. It's not just something I feel the need to announce to the world though.

I want to be able to visit Walmart and not be afraid that I end up on the People of Walmart webpage. It's not that I go out in public looking like a derelict, but there are days when I have to make a run to the store. Days where I feel and look like crap and don't want to see a pic of me with bloodshot eyes, post nasal drip, and raccoon eyes because my mascara ran from all my sneezing and watery eyes.

I want to be able to go out in public and not be afraid to trip and fall and the rest of the world knowing about my clumsiness. I want to be able to search on-line for pink razzle dazzle sparkley sneakers without the internet thinking I am an 8 year old kid. I want to be able to step out in my backyard without feeling beady eyes watching every step I take with the string trimmer.

I want to be able to feel free to be me without feeling self-conscious when I do something stupid. I want the security of knowing that my life is not an open book for everyone. I want the world to back off a little. I want a little privacy. It's beginning to seem like it is an awful lot to ask.



  1. DAMN I was having a pretty good day till . . . shhhhhh . . . . I think there's someone at the window . . . OMgjkh

  2. Wow . . . AMEN . . . I couldn't agree with this more . . . Privacy IS a thing of the past, and the scariest thing is that I don't think anybody under forty has a clue that there ever WAS such a thing. FB isn't alone in wanting to track your every move . . . every article you peruse or even accidentally click on (though on occasion I will admit that I am in a weird mood and WANT to know what Britney Spears is up to now) . . . but to me, for every computer rental place that installs that spyware on the computers they rent, it is MORE disturbing all the VERY personal information that people share willingly and openly with the entire universe . . . I never did myspace or twitter, but just on facebook (which was touted as being more mature than myspace) I am aghast at what people choose to share . . . I know several couples that have made the entire universe witness the dissolution of their relationships . . . people who share INCREDIBLY intimate things, and some who simply share EVERY minute detail of their existence with . . . yeah . . . EVERYBODY . . . That need for an audience for EVERYTHING baffles me . . . So it isn't just that government, industry, etc is getting more and more intrusive (which it IS) it is also that people seem to have lost all sense of shame and/or privacy and/or appropriateness . . . the combination of those two things is rather horrifying to witness . . . at least to ME . . .

    WE (that is the royal we, not you and I) have become our own 'reality' entertainment . . .

  3. ...(sigh) it was me.... I was wanting to make sure you were not watching me watching you..... You weren't were ya? ;))

  4. Oh thank goodness!!!!!! Who could possibly be concerned by a chocolate covered woman outside the window? LOL ;-o

    No, I wasn't watching.

  5. How very true! There are no boundaries.

  6. Well Glenda might be once she sees the chocolate smudges on her nice clean window panes......(oops!)

  7. Vic...we put up a tall privacy fence years ago when the kids were growing up. The neighbors were raising goats and they stood at the chain link fence and bawled at us when we had picnics or when the kids were playing. I suppose it was the kids they would feed the goats the willow branches through the fence whenever Leroy trimmed the tree....maybe I can't blame the poor goats. But having the fence made a big difference. And we end up with our own private park for a backyard. So a tall fence is a good idea and a blessing. And my man has been known to run out into the backyard naked as a jaybird (as Mom would say) that fence protects important privacy. And why am I telling this kind of stuff? I am invading my own privacy. LOL!!!!

  8. Lol Sharon... well so far I have refrained from running anywhere naked. I don't even like doing that in the house. I could see a friend of family member giving a quick knock and walking right in,lol.

    Yeah, I am thinking eventually a fence is going to have to go in. It's the cost of putting in 150 feet of 6 ft privacy fencing that I am balking at...

  9. this anything like lurking??? or stalking???

    I don't even have facebook and the blue f follows me. I don't care really. No one stalks me either......

    How uneventful.....

  10. Good Blog Vic,
    Nosy people are a pain. I do my best to entertain them so they can really get to know my crazy and dark side. If ya have a social security # ya don't have privacy. When I was a kid we didn't have TV let alone cell phones or internet but in a small town 60 years ago there were very few secrets. Keep in mind that just because you are paranoid it doesn't mean that someone isn't out to get ya. Chocolate is probably a good defense.

  11. Do something crazy every once in awhile to freak everyone out. Especially your neighbors. Smear on some ketchup, shoot a can of whipped topping into your mouth and run toward them with your chain saw yelling at them if they saw half a cat or something run by....Do the same at Walmart or even for drive byes.

  12. To disguise yourself, i can hook you up with a beard and an eye patch. Just a few shots of this hormone thingy and I can poke an eye out with my bb gun... Just don't fidget too much k?

  13. Lol Mac, I think that would only get them more curious...It would be extra trips around the block in their car the moment I stepped outside the door...

  14. George, I love how you look out for me like that ;))

  15. i know what you mean viccle -it agrivates the heck out of me when i lookat the people across the street with my binoculars and see them lookin back at me with theyre's -it just ain't roght

  16. "To disguise yourself, i can hook you up with a beard and an eye patch. Just a few shots of this hormone thingy and I can poke an eye out with my bb gun... Just don't fidget too much k?
    loose the pink -is best choice -rofl

  17. great blog Vic.. I agree, privacy is a thing of the past..if there ever really was any - i suppose somewhere there must have been some- but being human means that for the most part we need others like us and will choose to live in groups.. such as tribes, clans or neighborhoods, which means we will look at each other or look for each other.. sometimes with creepy intent. or with the intent to exploit for personal profit (facebook) but there is no going back.. but.. you could do the tall fence or plant a green hedge. that is what the former owner of my place did. it is a huge blackberry bramble now.

    (famous privacy nuts)
    I am reminded of J.D. Salinger.. now he achieved some Privacy.. as did Thoreau over at the pond..

    and thanks for the laughs.. out loud even :

  18. Looks for a chocolate coated lady.....hmmmmmmmmmm....just smears???

  19. I did have some vines growing on part of a fence that was there. It was the original hedgepost/wire fence that surrounded this property. It was all taken down but the fence between the neighbors as it marked the lot line. Unbeknownest to me, one day the neighbor took out the half of the fence that wasn't covered in vines. Evidently he was tired of string trimming on his side of the lot line. To say I was ready to blow a gasket was an understatement. He didn't even bother to ask. I eventually had to remove all the vines as he was constantly complaining and would prune anything he felt encrouched on his side of the lot line. Funny thing is, he planted two trees less than 4 feet from the lot line. Bet he will have a coronary when I do some selective pruning too in the near future ;))

    Thanks for the chuckles with that walmart link....stingray huh? And here I thought I was styling! lol

  20. Hehehe Glenda....Okay I might have pressed my nose up against the glass too! ;))

  21. I was just trying to protect you... The way you look out for my best interests when you decided I didn't need that extra kidney when you were trying to microchip me.

  22. Can you send me your Bank Account details Viccles and I will check this out for you! G. xxx

  23. Gee Geoff, I don't know how to thank you for looking out for me like that ;))

  24. Because I'm a Gentleman and all heart! G. xxx

  25. Wait till they insist on inserting tracking chips in everyone....That is coming.

  26. I find it amazing that Washington is so intent on knowing our every move, but seems indifferent at times to those who are not naturalized citizens. I think a big part of that is, the government trying to bend over backwards in order to not appear prejudice in some way...
