Monday, June 18, 2012

30 Days...


Today promises to be a hot one, with the rest of the week looking rather warm as well. So I am putting off any outdoor chores and focusing on stuff that allows me to be nearer the a/c today. Yes I am a wimp!.

I got to thinking earlier today, how quiet it has been on Multiply. A few scattered posts on some days. No blogs or guestbook visits on others. It's a busy time of the year, and people's interests lie otherwise, whether outdoors or just on other websites. I miss seeing everyone here. And I am just as guilty of being lax in my blogging ways.

So today I am challenging myself. How hard could it be to blog for 30 days straight I told myself. Not that hard was my inner reply. Though I did have a small gnawing doubt that it might be harder than I thought. Even though I can ramble on and on, to come up with something different every day to blog about for 30 days would require a little more mental effort than I might think. I might have bitten off more than I can chew.

But I am going to try it, this self imposed 30 day challenge. Thirty days of blogs, they might be short blogs, just a pic blogs, but they will be some sort of blogs. I see it is a way to kick start myself back into blogging and getting off my lazy mental keester. I may bore you all, and  in no way do I expect you to comment or even read everything I post (but you can if you want).

So I am counting this as day 1 of the challenge with this blog. Maybe not the most interesting blog, but it's a start. Care to join me in the 30 day challenge?


  1. 30 days huh, I don't know if I can manage that . . . I AM rather slow. I will, however look forward to seeing YOU! ;-)

  2. Vic,

    You can do it and I'll read every one and enjoy it.

  3. Sure you can Oz! Even if you just take a pic every day of what you ate for lunch. You can think of something!

  4. hehehe Guy, if I am stumped for a blog I will steal one of Trudi's good morning cat pics ;))

  5. What a great challenge! Just when I was thinking that I was too busy to 'Multiply'. Hmmm?

    Tell you what, I will start with a 15 day commitment and maybe as it rolls along I can do the 30, K?

  6. Something happened in my brain..I just clean forget to log in here these days?? And nothing exciting happens except a few social evenings..its too hot to take pictures of all brown I am ''eventless'' and boring these days. Making serious plans to travel up north by Nov..which is so far away meet up with mrs R and then remain there for a month. There is talk of my daughter taking me to Turkey in Oct..but its still talk...her whole family is going, not my idea of travelling..with a bunch of excited highly strung tourists.So will look forward to your 30 blogs..may throw in a few if something comes to my mind..

  7. =o)

    I am just here to stalk/lurk and be inspired by your 30 day challenge . . . and because stopping by here gives me TWO things to read every day . . . and yeah, I am that lame . . . ;o)

  8. Lol, feel free to stalk and lurk all you want... I have found most of my bestest friends that way! ;))

  9. Ok...I am taking up the challenge and counting today as my day one. I posted a story. I figure I am trying to be a writer maybe this will help me get my writing up to par.
    I left mine open for everyone so you can read it.
    This should be fun.

  10. Oh MAN . . . if I have your PERMISSION, can it really count as lurking/stalking? Don't I have to be sneaky and unwelcome?!??

    LOL . . . this is a GREAT challenge, and I am really excited about it . . .

    Now I am off to sneak over to sunny's page and trespass to read HER story!

    This is more fun ALREADY!!! =o)

  11. Great Sunshine! Looking forward to reading your stories!

  12. Well...sneaky does help...and I can take my permission back if it makes you feel lurky-like and more unwelcome....So NO, no you cannot have my permission. No way, no how, nope....(arms crossed, shaking head)...

    Feel better? ;))

  13. WHEW . . . MUCH!!!!

    Thanks for making me SO lurky-like and unwelcome here . . . You ARE a pal! ;o)

  14. Yw! You couldn't tell but I tried to look all squinty eyed, aghast, and schoolmarmy-like....evidently it succeeded! ;)

  15. LOL . . . yeah, it was those squinty, scary eyes that sealed the deal for me . . . I felt VERY lurky and unwelcome! I could SO picture you with a big pitt bull straining at its chain AND a shotgun coming next . . . ;o)

  16. I am not allowed any guns....I know this water gun probably had you fooled, but I only use it to squirt the cat when she jumps on the table, to squirt Oz in the back when he isn't looking, and to spritz myself when I get overheated...

  17. I have a large bucket here, I'll be HAPPY to help out when you get overheated! LOL ;-o

  18. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh oh . . . WATER FIGHT!!!!!!!!! You guys are ON . . . *I* have a super soaker ten MILLION . . . You guys are TOAST (um . . . very, very, very SOGGY toast) ;o)

  19. Be careful Vic, Sioux is reportedly a MASTER of the Slip 'N Slide! LOLOL ;-D

  20. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh MAN, oz . . . that was LOW . . .


  21. Tsk, tsk...I can already tell I am gonna have to keep an eye on you two..

  22. AHEM . . . *I* am the WELL BEHAVED one . . . Keep both eyes (AND two pitt bulls) trained on HIM . . .

    Oz is the naughty one . . . ask ANYBODY . . . =o)

  23. Well, ask anybody ELSE . . .

    It is DEFINITELY , absolutely HIM . . .

  24. Vic knows me, I am a perfect gentleman at ALL times!

  25. Well, it IS true that I am just a random lurker, but I have a VERY honest face . . .


    (I am staring directly into my computer screen so you can SEE the purity of my soul . . . or if you can't you can just kind of take my word for it, you know, because of the whole purity of my soul stuff)

    Honest . . . =o)

  26. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I KNEW something wasn't quite right . . . DANG . . .

    You know me and technology . . .


  27. Does bloggin in the comment section count?

  28. Wait . . . did you ALREADY miss a day and fall behind?!?!???

  29. Is this one of those things where you stare and stare at the screen and someone or something pops up screaming and scares you?.. ;))

  30. LOL yeah . . . sorry about that . . . My sense of humor gets more and more juvenile the later I am up . . . ;o)

  31. 30 days eh? OK I'll start counting lol.

  32. I will tag along with your commendable effort... It might rub off on me... Unless its one of the experimental glue that you typically use on me.

  33. Hehe George, you have to admit I haven't glued you or glued anything to you in AGES....must work on that ;))

  34. You never bore us!

    And I will try to blog 30 days...I am a bit late and so have to begin today. I appreciate the thank you dear Vic for thinking of this and invitring all of us.

  35. I feel a sudden chill run down my leg

  36. I am sure it was just an ice cube George!..

  37. Should I trust you? Why does it have a neon green glow?
