Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Entry for October 15, 2007 -Scary Blog ...

Lately there has been a lot of scary stories posted of ghosts, unexplainable happenings, and creepy things in the spirit of October and Halloween. I have been racking my brain for anything scary or any ghost sightings on my part and I keep drawing a blank. I am feeling a bit left out that I haven't been visited by a ghost, or seen any apparitions, or experienced anything hair raising to ellicit a Halloween scary story for my blog.

No ghosts, no witches, not even a stale piece of candycorn floating around to blog about. Halloween seems to have left me holding the bag....empty with nary even a Charlie Brown rock.

I thought about writing a blog on scary movies, making a poll on your favorite monster, or posting something as filler till I started seeing dead people.

Just what is scary? For each person there is a different answer. What someone might view as scary others might see as exciting...like rollercoasters, or haunted houses, or flying. Something that gives pleasure to some can strike fear in the hearts and minds of others. We all have experienced something in life that was frightening, life it's self can be scary...the alternative even scarier. The sound of a helicopter will make my heart race and give me a sick feeling. Having sat in a hospital waiting on Life Line to transport a loved one to a bigger hospital for life threatening injuries now makes me dread the sound of those whirling blades. Two o'clock phone calls in the morning scare me. The red engine light of the car, flashing on scares me. Brussel sprouts, okra, and liver scare me.

Boobs scare me.

I know, you did a double take on that comment. Scary boobs.... I've seen them.

One day last week while 360 seemed to be so slow and there wasn't very many new blog postings I went on a tour of 360. I randomly chose a friend's page and just clicked someone on their page to visit. I then clicked a friend on the front of their blog page and continued blogging in circles. Each time I tried to click on a friend listed on their front page that had a real pic up of themselves that was at least my age or older. It's scary what is out there. Oh I know we have all seen the pages with body parts and graphic photos and art work. I don't consider myself a prude in any way. The human form can be quite beautiful. Beauty is also in the eye of the beholder. I was surprised though, so many older bloggers who posted pics of themselves or more specifically, their cleavage. I know that I should give them kudos for being so comfortable and accepting of their bodies.

But I thought it was scary. The more pages I clicked on, the more it seemed the bloggers were getting older and with more cleavage showing. I was afraid I was only a click away from finding my own mother or grandmother posting a cam shot of their cleavage for the world to admire. I don't think it was the actual boobs that scared me as much as the age of the people posting the pics. Maybe I am guilty of age discrimination, a boob is a boob, and it shouldn't matter the size, or shape, or if they can be tucked in the waistband of your pants. I think what scared me most was....why? Are people that lonely, starved for any kind of human contact? Are they game playing, seeking the titillation (no pun intended) of exhibitionism? In so many ways it was like finding out June and Ward Cleaver were really nudists and left Wally and the Beaver in the dark of their alternative lifestyle.

Some don't find it scary though, in fact a lot won't. We all have different feelings on what we feel is scary. There has been a lot of talk of 360 even going by the wayside and being abandoned by Yahoo, most of us find that scary. Some fears are real, some fears are imagined, and some fears are silly.

In fact I am even a little afraid to post this blog entry. I know some won't agree with me, some will think I am nuts, some will no doubt even be a bit offended which isn't my intent at all. Everyone is different, with different thoughts and ideas, and different things they view as scary.

It's a big scary world,... just beware of the booby traps.

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