Sunday, June 24, 2007

Entry for June 24, 2007 - U.S. Invasion...

Warning...warning...warning.... we are about to be invaded....

No,.... it's not the Beatles again,.... or another H.G. Wells moment.....

(Well in a way it kind of could be),... but it doesn't involve aliens or creatures from another planet, just creatures from another country.... Two countries in fact....

Teaming up to be make a bigger wave than any Tsunami, Wukky and Gloggy are making plans to visit the U.S. (and possibly parts of Canada).....

....(insert panic'd shrieks here).....

In an effort to extend to them the same hospitality as was shown to numerous bloggers on their trips down under, bloggers are needed to entertain and host the twosome while on their adventures here in North America.

Sign up now to be a "host" and have them visit your blog area. Make sure to mention the great state or area you live in, so efforts can be coordinated to have them visit as many bloggers as possible. Also a welcoming party is needed to greet the two as they enter into the country and to pat them down for any smuggled vegemite or huhus.

In the event that all bloggers have gone mysteriously MIA as the two arrive on their U.S. blog visit, Wukky and Gloggy will be "whined" and dined at Chuck E. Cheese and given 10 free game tokens. They will then be presented a gift basket of leftover ketchup packets, bubble gum, a coffee mug, and t-shirt, before being hastily loaded onto the nearest plane, train, ship, canoe, or inflatable raft available.

Let's give them a trip they won't soon forget, .....and show them the awesome sights,... wonders,.... and Motel 6's our country has to offer.

Sign up now..................(don't make me do any begging and arm twisting!)

*Sign up by the 29th to ensure a visit with the twosome. Not legally responsible for any thefts, trauma, accidents, fleas, diseases, huhus, drama queeens, spilled drinks, crashed modems, temporary blindness, or pre-existing medical (or mental!)conditions...

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