Thursday, June 14, 2007

Entry for June 13, 2007 - ARGH! Tagged by Jean....

I was tagged when I wasn't looking.... that will teach me to nap while blogging...

I will be a good sport and play along, but this is my one and only good deed for the day, I don't want to get into the habit of being too nice or people will talk. I think my fear of tagging comes from being traumatized as a child when being tagged to be "it" and everyone ran away. I never did find all of my friends,... to this day I still feel the guilt. I just know there is someone hiding in a cupboard thinking any day I will show up to find them.......

(Sorry Suzi, I know ya had a big 50 question tag-type thingey but there is just not 50 interesting things to say about me, just finding 7 things, I will have to do some creative fibbing,lol)....

Okay, down to the specifics....

The rules and mechanics about this chain:

Each player starts with seven random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged, need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose seven people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog. Let's begin!

1. I am a twin (not identical though)
2. I really do live next to a cornfield ...
3. I am artistic...
4. I studied in college to be a teacher, but I have never taught school...
5. I have never owned a pair of red knickers :P
6. I have been on-line well over 10 years and I am still using the same computer...
7. I procrastinate.....a lot...

And now drawing from a big hat the seven lucky contestants to be tagged......(drumroll please)....

1. Farrell
2. Barb
3. Teddy
4. Teddy
5. Teddy
6. Teddy
7. Teddy

No, that wasn't a misprint or typo, I am tagging Teddy FIVE times so he has to write 5 x 7 = 35 comments about himself as well as tag 35 people and go visit their blogs to tell them he has tagged them. By the time he has made all of his rounds, he should be one tired little bear :) ...

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