Saturday, January 27, 2007

Entry for January 27, 2007 - Raining Cats and Dogs

Going thru Yahoo 360 this week and reading all of the blogs, I took particular note of the many dogs and cats that seem to be roaming about. Avatars of animals, photo sharing of pets, and blogs being written, it occurred to me what a huge part they play in a lot of people's lives. Anyone that owns a pet will most likely tell you that you don't own them, they own you. To a degree that is true. They require the same reponsibilities that you have towards raising a child. To feed, give shelter, to care for their well being, and a lot of people think of their pets as their children. Pets can be so much more, I know one of my dear chat friends lost his pet dog recently, and he has been blue. Pets can be a best friend.

I hadn't planned on doing a blog about pets. I came from Suzi's blog not long ago and she had blogged on boobs and had a pic of a guy in speedos,... and well a blog on pets pales in comparison. Oh sure I can lure you over here with suggestives lines ..."come see me purr"......"want to pet me?"..."I am a real animal in the bedroom".... but once here you would see that it was a ruse. Any hopes of nudey pics and cleavage and an adult rated blog would be dashed as soon as you saw just pics of cute puppies and kittens and stuff. I would be the only "Disney-type blog in a Hooter's -type 360 world".

.....sigh........I guess we all can't be sex kittens.

Most of you growing up I am sure had a pet, a particular favorite pet. I had both cats and dogs growing up, but the one pet that stood out far and above the others was a siamese cat that I had for over 20 years. If you have ever had a siamese cat you know that they have their own idiocincracies, and my cat was no different. He would bask in the sun for the majority of the day. But once we had settled down for the evening and were tucked snug in our beds, it would begin. Within a few moments of all the lights having been turned off, he would start to howl, a painfully deep howl. He would then run thru the house as if persued by the devil himself. You could hear the claws from his back feet digging into the carpet as he ran up and down the hall. My mom or my dad would then yell at the cat and he would give another howl or two and then slink off to sleep on a pillow next to my head. He grew up with me and it was hard when it was his time to leave this world.

I haven't really had a real pet since. Oh I have another cat but it's not the same. It's a stray cat that has adopted me. It lives outside and it's half wild and will come and rub up against my legs when it wants to be fed, but then that is about it. That is all the emotional involvement it wants. My next door neighbor and I joke about having joint custody of the cat. It will rush over when it sees me arriving home. Stand at the back door looking in till I go out to feed it. Then once satisfied it ambles off towards the neighbors to look for more attention, more gratification, more food. I should feel used. I know it's all a ploy to be fed, and perhaps that is why I am not so attached to the cat. Or it could be that secretively I don't think any other pet will measure up to that favorite pet of mine.

There are people on both sides of the fence on pets. Some are dog lovers and some are cat lovers and some people can't stand the thought of shedding, smelly, hacked up fur balls on their carpeted floors. I think you can tell a lot about someone on how they treat their pets or any other animals. I think it's a good indication on how they will treat people. Some guys can be dogs, some girls can be b*tches. Kindness to smaller creatures usually overlaps into kindness for smaller, weaker humans. At least I hope it does.

I am leaving you with a poll on pets....

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