When you were born, you were named after two of your grandpas...
When I was born, a baby monkey was born at a local zoo, and it was given the same name as mine.
You had lots of hair when you were a baby...
I didn't have any hair till I was almost two.
When you were three, I stole your cookies...
Given the chance, I would do it today.
Your eyes are hazel green...
My eyes are dark brown.
You would talk to complete strangers...
I was too quiet and shy.
You had a little yellow pet parakeet...
My cat ate your bird.
You liked math...
I liked art.
You excelled in speech and science class...
I sat in the back of the room and got detention for doodling on my desk.
Your first car was a Toyota Corolla...
My first vehicle was a Ford pick-up truck.
You graduated from high school and joined the Army...
I graduated from high school and went to college.
You traveled the world and fought in a war...
I stayed in Nebraska and sent you letters and packages.
You were always broke and borrowing money...
I was a pushover and always lent you the money.
You smoke...
I don't.
You have a tattoo...
I don't.
Your best friend is my one of neighbors...
I count him as my friend too.
In your spare time you work with wood...
In my spare time I work with paint and ink.
You try to fix all kinds of stuff for me...
My stuff never works any more after you fix it.
You like sweet pickles...
I like dill.
You drink pots of coffee all day...
I can't stand the stuff.
You married twice, had a daughter, and just this year you are a grandfather...
I never married, or had any kids, and I refuse to admit I could ever be that old.
So very different...
Yet so connected.
My twin...
And me.
Happy Birthday Bro...
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