Monday, September 11, 2006

Entry for September 10, 2006 - Scandal in 360

Scandal in 360...

It wasn't me.

I think I should say that right off the bat to dispel any rumors that have...or will be flying.

It was just an ordinary day...a typical blogging day....but in a moment that typical ordinariness of the day changed. I didn't see it coming. I didn't have a clue. It shocked me to my very 360 blogging core.

A message popped up....."you have mail"....

I hopped on over to check my e-mail ...and there it was.....

A baby gnome......a baby gnome was in my in-box.

(Well, I guess that shot the lettuce theory down)

"It" arrived all bundled up complete with it's own little cone shaped cap. Cute little thing. I oooohed and ahhhed over the little gnome...and then reality hit. I don't know anything about baby gnomes. I can't handle taking care of a baby gnome, and who in their right mind would leave a baby gnome on my doorstep...

Now before tongues start wagging, I assure you once again that the gnome is NOT mine. It just came to me in my e-mail.... in an attachment. There was no fessing of where the gnome came from, who it belonged too, how it came about...but there it was, staring at me from my e-mail.

My head gets weary thinking of all the blogs I have been at, and wondering if I need to backtrack to all those blogs and compare the baby gnome's eyes with each of those bloggers? Most likely they will deny knowing of any baby gnome's existence, slam their blogs shut, and peek out from the curtains of their monitor windows.

It's a scandal......a baby gnome.

I thought of heading straight over to Gloggy's blog to ask on the care and upkeep of a baby gnome. But I am afraid Gloggy is still reeling over the tattoo his gnome attained on our last journey and mention of a baby gnome might send him over the edge. His own gnome is still grounded and can't come out to blog for awhile.

I considered going over to Wukky's blog. Wukky adopts and cares for orphaned wombats, how much different  could a baby gnome be?

As I stare at the baby gnome in my e-mail, I realize that a baby gnome is a lot more challenging than a puppy. I can't just set it on some newspapers and hopes that it does it's "thing". I have a feeling that eventually it will want to be fed,  and the nuked burrito I was planning for lunch might not be the best baby gnome fare.

I sigh once again.... Oh the whispers there is going to be.... the sideways glances... the hushed tones as soon as I step foot in another blog.

I get ready to hit the reply button on my e-mail when the baby gnome catches my eye. He is a cute little fellow....pointy head and all.

So I guess I will keep him for a bit.

Till I can find where he really came from,... where he really belongs.

I will either strap him on my back in a little papoose or place him in the basket on the front of my tricycle as I wander from blog to blog.

I think I will start my journey at Angie's blog page. She posted a blog on the birth of a candybar,...that could very well be the first clue to the baby gnome.

All I know is once it is diaper changing time, I am heading over to Gloggy's blog page... and hopefully he will have some newspapers lying about....

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