Friday, September 22, 2006

Entry for September 22, 2006 - The Blogging Blahs...

The blogging blahs....

Yesterday I was going to write a blog. It had been awhile since my last blog entry. I had been busy reading other people's blogs, and they seemed so much more interesting than anything I could write. I just wasn't feeling very inspired....I felt bloggish.

Maybe it was the weather. It had rained all day, the sun never peeked out. It was cold and nothing seemed to be blog worthy. It was just after midnight when a message popped up on my screen from yahoo messenger from a very wise Kiwi, that said....."get to bed"...Perhaps they could sense clear over there on the underside of the world, my blog-less-ness. So I took their advice...and went to bed.

I woke up this morning with the same predicament....a blog without a clue...or a subject.

I thought of all things fallish. The Autumnal arrival. I thought of pumpkins and recipes of pumpkins, but pumpkins just didn't hit the blog spot.

I thought of the recent blogs I had read on the migration of birds and butterflies...but nothing seemed to be migrating in Nebraska....or to Nebraska....or from Nebraska.

(Twiddling of thumbs..... Ho hum....this blogging could be work if you let it be....)

I read a blog today that told me I was deleted from their friend's list because I was dumb. The first thing that popped in my head..........What?...Who said?

I thought, and thought of what could possibly be considered offensive  to land me in the dumb category....and the more I thought of it....the more I thought........this IS dumb.

I don't think I am or was so dumb....I think it was more of the fact my blog didn't show enough cleavage....(darn those turtlenecks!)

So I deleted them too....left them to float adrift on their own in 360. It might be the smartest thing I have done today...

Yesterday I posted on someone's blog and within a couple of minutes a message was winging it's way to me from them.  The blogger had accidently deleted my comment....I had to smile...I thought that was funnier than the posting I had left. So I sent a message back to them joking...."I had been censored"...and then I thought... I hope that didn't sound dumb. Once you have been labeled you start to feel so insecure...

I read on a blog this morning about a blogging friend who had been under the weather. He was busy doing stuff and he claims he forgot to eat. I knew it would happen one day to someone. They would be so immersed in this blogging stuff, they would start wasting away for fear of leaving their computer screen. I hope he gets to feeling better...and I hope he remembers to stuff snacks in his computer desk for the next time he is feeling peckish and is afraid to leave his blog.

Just when I was at my blogging end. I read a message someone sent to me.....I had been kidnapped! Wooohoo! The best blogging news I have had all day.

I won't have to think...I won't have to be witty...I really can be dumb......I can stay locked up in Wukky's blog for days...

I got to wondering then....who would pay the blogging ransom?... Or would the kidnapper pay the other bloggers to take me back? It's out of my hands....out of my control...

In any case, I am "vacationing" during my kidnapping at the land of's just what I needed....A small respite from the pressure of  all this blogging....

Feel free to drop by for a visit while I am at Wukky's....and bring me candy cigarettes......and a file baked in the chocolate cake.

I am not really planning on breaking out anytime soon....the file is for my nails....all this blog typing really does a number on them....

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