Monday, December 19, 2011



I can't believe it is already December 19th. Whatever happened to the 12 days of Christmas? If my math serves me correctly, there is only 6 days left til Christmas. I could have swore just a day or so ago I had two weeks til that holiday was upon us. I am blaming it on the government and inflation and the fact that everything is being downsized including the days in the month of December.

I always have good intentions, I always have big plans, and I try to implement those plans but nothing ever really seems to go without a hitch.

I came across the cartoon above and thought it was hysterical. It would be more funny if I actually wrote a holiday newsletter and had all my Christmas cards sent out. As it is I have only a handful that are actually in the mail and a distinct possibility of not getting any more sent out. I should look to see if they sell boxes of just winter holiday cards that wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Valentines day, and St. Patrick's day all rolled into one. I would then have several months in which to send out those cards and still be covered. I, of course, also run the risk of procrastinating with those cards as well and then I would be late for not just one holiday but several consecutive ones.

(sigh) I am so tired.

And I am not even sure why I am so tired, it doesn't seem like I have a lot accomplished when I look around and take stock. I did finally get a bunch of plates of candy delivered to all my neighbors, (well not all of them, just the ones I like,lol). It seemed like it took weeks to just whip up a few batches of candy and even then I didn't get everything made on my list. I have given it all away and yet I can not scratch that chore off my list, as I will once again have to make more goodies for when my family members all get together for the holiday.

Friday I made a dash to the post office to get some pack and ship boxes, what a madhouse. I wedged my way out of there and realized when packing up the boxes of goodies later that the boxes seemed a bit bare so I wandered back into the kitchen to make another batch of candy to fill out their boxes. One more package to assemble was a gift for a special overseas pooch when I realized I had a small problem with the packaging. The shipping envelope I had bought was smaller than I thought, or the gift was bigger than I had imagined. No matter how hard I looked at that gift in it's pretty gift bag, there was no way it was going to fit in that envelope. Desperate times call for desperate measures though and I took it out of it's gift bag and tried to carefully wrap it in tissue and stuff it in it's envelope. It fit, but the envelope now looked like a balloon about to burst. Hmmm, decisions,decisions, another trip to town for a new envelope or box and wait til Monday to post the package or send the puffy package. I opted to send the puffy package.


 I keep telling myself, next year, next year I will be better prepared. I will be on top of things, I will be in total control. I will not be a frazzled, crazed woman running around in circles. I will be on time, maybe even early. I will hand make all my Christmas presents and cards. I will be one of those people whom everyone envies because of their cool ingenuity and craftiness. I will be perfect.

Yeah, I will keep telling myself year after year. It's like Santa Claus, one has to have something to believe in.

Merry Christmas Multiply!



  1. I send puffy packages ALL the time, people feel like they're getting more! LOL ;-)

  2. Wait a minute, what's going on here??? *I* thought you already WERE perfect!!! Do you actually mean to tell me that beneath that that particularly pleasing,peculiarly pink,principally, preeminently and prevailingly paragon and prototype of pulchritudinous perfection there lurk some tiny FLAWS? I am CRUSHED!!! And next I suppose you'll be telling me there is no Santa Claus either?!?!?

  3. (Observation:The Oz "P'd" twelve times in the above comment.) Merry Christmas Vic...for me it will be just another day. My daughter, family and friends are going to Mysore (south india) for a holiday. My friends are going to Goa. I will be home alone..with the construction work still going on. And Santa already declared me as I am just waiting for all the madness to end and 2012 to begin.

  4. I will keep checking my mail for the puffy package.

  5. I knew my Pink Princess would need one for each day! ;-)

  6. Thanks for the blog Vic! I am not perfect either, but would like to be more organised and have it all done before hand too,.. I swear that the older we get the busier we are and the faster time goes by .. I also think we are slower! lol so thats why December went so fast ..[:p] lol Happy Christmas to you and your loved ones Vic ...Thanks for all your wonderful entertainment over the past year...xx

  7. Great Blog Vic , yes it has come round so fast ,You have a great Christmas

  8. Happy holidays Vic! All of them! lol.
    This blog post could serve as a holiday newsletter just print on pink construction paper and fold it into the shape of and envelope and voila! Stamp and mail. See it is soooo easy to be organized. You just gotta let the holiday spirits (100 proof and above) work their magic :)

  9. Lol John I have never written a holiday letter. Just sitting down to attempt one would make me realize just how boring and mundane my world really is. I have been tempted though to just make up a bunch of stuff as a gag but I am afraid not everyone would see the sense of humor in that,lol.

  10. Now THAT sure was a new one to me. I had no clue what it meant. Usually I can pick apart the syllables and come pretty close to guessing the meaning but this one had me stumped.

  11. I think he was calling me stinky....but I could be wrong

  12. pul·chri·tu·di·nous (plkr-tdn-s, -tyd-)
    Characterized by or having great physical beauty and appeal.


  13. We did actually get a full A4 holiday letter laid out like a newsletter complete with photographs etc from a long standing Multiply friend who has now absconded to the other unmentionable site. The advantage of this month flying by is that tomorrow is the 21st and we can start to look forward to the evenings getting lighter again. Whichever way you look at it Christmas is a pain in the amount of work and worry it generates not to mention the raiding of ones wallet - if it is a real hassle be independant and move it too a time of the year more convenient to you.

  14. OH I know. I googled it and I could see you really had Vic in mind. lol

  15. Well now we're down to 4 days, I figured I got the main meal and entrées settled, most of it in the freezer I have just got to remember to get it out and defrost it. I will do the last of the fresh food shopping Friday and am negotiating with the Mr to have Saturday off (if he wants home made treats I need it off) but I do feel relaxed and calm. Uncanny really I should be panicking like the rest of the female world population. Maybe my Christmas will all go pear shaped on the day....I like pears...with ice cream and chocolate sauce......must buy chocolate sauce......

  16. I am all done with everything, too. I am going to make some goodies every day but nothing is pressing.

  17. BBQ'd spare ribs and peanut butter balls. (What a combo, huh?) lol

  18. Mmmm mmm mmmm BBQ spare Ribs, (looks in I go to Veros's.....).....a dilemma

  19. Viiiiiiic! It's the 22 day of Christmas today! What will Vero cook today? That partridge that was hanging around in the Christmas tree? lol.

  20. Lol John, no doubt it will be accompanied by some sort of pear sauce ;)

  21. Mannnnn that thing had skinny drumsticks!
