Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Multiply...

Merry Christmas Multiply! I tried visiting all of my friend's guest books or at least the ones who seem to still be here. I always fear that I have unintentionally omitted or over looked someone and don't want anyone to feel left out by any oversight by me.

I do hope the holiday finds all of you warm, happy, surrounded by the people that matter to you the most. My wish for all of you is to have the best in the upcoming new year and that if not all your dreams come true, at least the one that matters most.

I am including a video of my favorite Christmas song.

**(you will note John that this song does not contain a partridge and should therefore be safe from Vero's soup pot,lol)



  1. Merry Christmas to you my frozen, frosty friend!

  2. Beautiful song, Vic. I know what you mean about feeling you may have missed someone.It somehow seems misjointed jumping around on here...even worse now that Facebook is in the picture.
    I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas. All our gifts have been opened and most of the mess cleared away. Everyone is playing with their new toys, and "Grandma" is fluttering around trying to be helpful.

  3. lol... very nice song.. is there a version in INGRISH tho? .. i think not.

    as regards the partridge, iam sure vero is aware that she needs to simmer that bird long and sloooow

  4. Thanks for the greetings Vic it was a nice surprise, Wishing you a wery wery Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, take care stay warm... The Glogs (28C here today)

  5. Yup he was one tough old bird. lol

  6. Am I late . . . did I miss the gifts . . .

  7. Somewhere around here is a fruitcake, chai pet, or snuggie with your name on it....(seriously, your name on it, I had it personalized!)

  8. ahem...I think Um is late period...I'm sure the fruitcake is appropriate.

  9. Ooooooo Ums want some butter for that burn???
