Thursday, December 29, 2011

Buckets and Lists

This blog is inspired by fishing4silence who wrote a blog on her bucket list. She remarked on how short her list seemed to be and I had a giggle, thinking surely she just needed another cup of coffee to get her woke up so she could concentrate more to finish out her list of things to do before one literally kicks the bucket.

I thought, hmmmm, since it's a bit slow today on Multiply I should have everyone make a list of 10 things they would have on their own "bucket list". Pretty simple stuff really, and how interesting it would be to see everyone's perspective and what they want to experience or have yet to experience in this life.

So I sat here for a bit and started to think, what would I put on my bucket list? I found though that my list was not quite materializing the way I thought it would. I realized that my thoughts kept wandering in other directions. Ooooh I thought, I want a new and bigger kitchen, no make that a brand new house built the way I want it designed. Ooooh, a new car, a brand spanking new car with 0 miles on it. Just googling for the image above had me ooohing, what a kewl bucket, I would like a neat bucket like that.

It was then that I realized I wasn't really following the bucket list rules. I was listing things, material things that I wanted and I wasn't really thinking or keeping this thing in perspective. The list was or is suppose to include experiences. Things that I haven't yet experienced or want to experience or do before my time is called up.

There were a few obvious things that came to mind such as see the ocean. I have never been to either coast or been out of the US for that matter. Travel was a biggy, but then after that I was starting to draw a blank. My list was starting to look even smaller than Fishing4silence's list and I couldn't claim I just needed another cup of coffee when I don't even drink the stuff.

It made me think that I shouldn't have to think so hard of what should or should not be on this bucket list. Why was it so hard to come up with stuff? Had I really been so content with life that I felt it could not be enriched further? Had I given up dreaming so long ago that I couldn't grasp that concept any more? It has me perplexed and thinking and wondering that perhaps I really should make a real bucket list in order to give me a kick start in that dreaming direction. That I should forget about this wanting stuff and go for that stuff that can't be bought but only felt.

So tell me Multiply people, do you have a list? How long is your list? Is it something you dream about or are you like me and have to really give this some thought, and that those items don't just jump to the fore front of your mind?

Is it as hard for you as it is for me, when thinking about buckets and lists?



  1. I have lived a very full life. My bucket is very small. I have only one desire travel out of my country and see the world. And meet up a few dear people whom I have begun to care for online. And I want to do it while my faculties are still wouldn't be much fun if I landed at some vague airport and forget who I am supposed to meet! ;))

  2. I'm sitting here thinking,and can't come up with a single thing that I just can't leave this world without doing. Actually there isn't anything that I even want at the moment, (unless it's more flowers) lol (oh yeah and a full time gardener).

  3. Traveling alone to a foreign country is exciting and liberating. Do it, Viccles!

  4. Now you got me thinking. I do not have a list, but I do have plenty of buckets. It is hard to think of things for my bucket list. I too would like to meet in person the people I have come to care about online. I think that will for sure go on my list. I have more thinking to do on this. See what ya went and did?? You are making me think, that can sometimes hurt my little head :)

  5. I have done that..saw the far east and middle was so so scary the first time my flight left the soil of my country, and I looked out of the window, and saw myself flying across the ocean towards another strange land. And I was alone, nervous and excited all at the same time. But once I landed...all my fears were gone and I went into the tourist mode. My one peaceful thought was that I had a return ticket back to Mumbai. But now I am so so ready to travel, if only the few domestic pressures/commitments would ease off. I dont even need a bucket for the list..this one wish, with the list of countries that I want to see, would fit into a tea cup ! You wanna go with me Vic? I'll pick you up.

  6. Well Vic , I was like you , I started thinking..........LOL yes I know...sniggers....[:*] [:*] ... but I do agree...I could only think of traveling to met all my online friends... the special ones...all the rest was wanting things , a new bathroom , a concrete drive[:p] and my house painted... I guess that I am happy with where I am and my lot in life!

  7. No I don't have a Bucket List - well not until we win the Lottery that is. Then I am going to come to Nebraska and play with a squeaky toy all night outside your bedroom window!!!!!

  8. i also want to ride the mystery train in North carolina

  9. You and Vic should go traveling together... it would be fun!

  10. My bucket list is a bunch of places I want to travel to. Not very exciting or original. Although thanks to Zee I have added Mfuwe Lodge in Zambia to my list of places I want to see :)

  11. Nice to see you here, HH. If you're traveling to Zambia, I'm sure you'll be spending a lot of time in Egypt first.

  12. thhinkin thermometor be 100 deg rofl -

  13. I love what Mr Chippy said..I'll get my own toy too..we can both sit and squeak it outside her window.

  14. hahaha Chippy...Never gave it much thought. Just getting to VA last year was a real biggy for me. All goes well this year it'll be a repeat!
    I'd love to see the east coast for sure.

  15. Vic,
    I've been thinking about the "Bucket List' ever since you posted it. Evidently I am pretty content with my life. My list is short.

    1. Take more visits to the Ozarks where I grew up. (Done quite a bit of this the past 4 years but wish to do more.)
    2. Reconnect with friends from my school days. (Done some of this but not enough.) It's wonderful to see and visit with friends that I haven't seen for 50 years and discover that we are still friends and have much in common.
    3. I used to make "Rube Goldberg" type machines. They don't do anything but jiggle, wheeze, etc and look cool. I want to get off my lazy rear and do some more of that. Behind where I am sitting now is a mobile I made with old typrwriter parts. I have tons of stuff to make things with and some ideas so I need to get busy. Some people call this stuff art. I also used to make knives. Haven't done that in a long time but may get inspired again some day.

    That's about it for my "Bucket List."

    I saw the Atlantic Ocean when I was 19. Hadn't been much more than 3 inches from Missouri in life and the Ocean was beyond description. So powerful and calming. I have since lived for two years on a Carribean Island and flown accross the Pacific. You mentioned never seeing the Ocean. If ya can do it. No picture or words or movie can describe the real experience. Walking along the beach, watching the waves, getting your feet wet, smell the Ocean, and wondering about all the places and things so far away on the other side. All that gave me a bit of perspective. The world doesn't revolve around me after all. Go see the Ocean Vic. You'll not regret that venture.
