Saturday, April 4, 2009

Call Me Elmer


Sorry, I just had to get that out. It's been one of those weeks in that no matter how hard I try to get ahead or stay on top of things, I keep finding myself and all my efforts slipping backwards. I do one project only to find out I need to redo it again and then again...again. It's beyond frustrating and I have run the gamut of emotions this week. Maybe I am having mood swings, going thru menopause, or just becoming a crabby, cranky person that I swore I would never become as I grew older.

I am not sure on who or what to blame all my frustrations on, but this week I am blaming the animal kingdom...yep the whole kingdom. It started with the squirrels. In the past we have had an amicable existence. They do their thing, and I do mine. They are overstepping their bounds lately as they continue to wreck havoc on my new tulip bed. At first I thought it was the neighborhood cats and dogs, doing the digging to get to the bone meal I used when making the flower bed. I went out periodically and scattered pepper and more pepper, black, red, crushed, whatever pepper I had on hand and it seemed to work for awhile. But more holes keep appearing. Now I would think by now they would have had their fill of the numerous walnuts they have been gathering all winter and replanting in my freshly turned veggie garden bed, but seems variety is truly the spice of life, and pepper not so much.

Darn squirrels...

The cat..(big exasperated sigh). Gee just where to begin with that creature that has gone from being a roommate to thinking she is the landlord. She has developed a couple of really annoying habits, one of which is biting. The little ankle biter is becoming just that, and braver she gets each day. If she feels she is ignored she will first warn you with a small high pitched meow while at my feet. Then she will lay her ears back, meow again louder and then reach over and nip, and nip again til she has my attention. Spoiled? Yeah, I think beyond the point of living up to her name of Stink Pot.

Darn cat...

The neighbor's dog, another bone of contention and maybe there wouldn't be much contention if it had a bone. I like my neighbor, I like his dog, I don't like my neighbor's dog destroying all my hard work though. Last fall I did a lot of digging and rearranging and made new flower beds all around a small shed. On the north side, a new bed of hostas, east and west side of the shed, a bed of daylilies, orange coneflowers, and my new (and expensive!) tall bearded iris. On the south side, climbing roses. Each side of the shed now has gaping holes that were dug to try and tunnel underneath the shed to get to a nest of rabbits, (yes another member of the animal species that has me fuming) I've gone out twice to replace the dirt, replant the flowers and with crossed fingers, I hope that things will survive. But each day that I go out there to view my efforts, I find new gaping holes, AND damaged siding from the dogs digging. It's a mess, just a huge ongoing mess that only promises to get worse unless something more drastic is done.

I talked to my neighbor about it the other day and he mentioned putting electric fencing around the building to get the dog to stop digging. I just kinda gave him an odd stare and mumbled, "I will probably be the one who will get zapped more than the dog". But my neighbor has a odd sense of humor so maybe he was thinking of that all along?

Darn rabbits, ...darn neighbor,... darn neighbor's dog...

I am beginning to have a huge empathy for Elmer Fudd. I know,... I really, really know and feel his frustration. It IS all the rabbit's fault, it really is!....

Along with the squirrels, the cat's, and the dogs... vewy, vewy quiet...

I am going hunting....

(Now where did I put that darn squirt gun?)


  1. Holy mackerel, she said darn six times! Perhaps this is the root of your problem, as squirrels can't abide profanity. I was thinking maybe I could send you pics of Eddie, which you can enlarge and place around your precious (and expensive!) flower beds. This, combined with you toning down the salty chatter, just may work . . .

  2. Next mood 7 minutes..sits very quietly and watches Vic shoot da wabbit.

  3. Just st still and let the world go by !! Then shoot the dam rabbit

  4. LOL Poor Viccles....passes the chocolate gun.

  5. Dwat dat wabbit! I'd be havin' conniption fits, Vic. Call me a cranky old crab if you want to but them critters better steer clear of my flower beds. LOL

  6. Vic, are fire crackers legal in Nebraska? I'm betting you could have a good time and work off some of your frustrations by scaring the heck out of the critters. Smoke bombs under the shed will work rather well under the shed for the rabbits and a few stink bombs for the dog. The stinky dog can be a gift for your neighbor.

    Huh, Cranky Crab, How did I miss that?

  7. As far as the cat goes, would a squirt gun help? I know it taught a cat I once had to stay off the least while I was around...

    As for the rest of the critters? Chocolate.

  8. Hi Vic:
    Shoot the squirrels, kick the cat and sue your neighbour. Eat the rabbits. LMAO

  9. Get a cap gun..Sit out back with ya chocolate bars in a Easter Basket. When one or the other appears....(squirrel/rabbit) .......FIRE!!! It's cheap. 2 bucks at the dollar store.
    Never mind purchasing that Critter Ritter stuff as it doesn't work. Cayenne Pepper, Black Pepper, Red Pepper or any colour of the rainbow pepper...doesn't work. Squirrels and dogs luv a challenge.
    I had a cat who gave birth to six kittens one of whom I gave to my next door neighbour. Turns out the kitten/cat was an ankle biter that snuck up on her while she was in the bathroom first thing in the morning. Cat aged, and died an ankle biter. Neighbour had battle scars ya could even play tic tac toe on her calves. No solution other than a water pistol as SuziQ suggests.
    Buy a can of Whipping cream...get nice and close up to neighbour's dog and spray/empty cream all around his muzzle.....
    Call SPCA and tell them you got a wild dog frothing at the mouth trying to dig under ya shed.
    Pulls up a rocker and sits with Zzee and waits for Vic's Next mood swing.

  10. Ok...first of all I love the blogs you write!! And here are my thoughts about the problems...a groundhog was trying to dig under the foundation of our house and no matter how many times Leroy filled the holes at the opening of the tunnel...even put some big rocks over the covered holes to the tunnel...well, the groundhog just moved the big rocks and dug some more. So someone at the nursery told Leroy to get some fox urine and there were little bottle thingies to fill with the urine and then hang around the place the groundhog was digging. And it worked. Ask someone at a nursery in your area about this...maybe it will work on squirrels...not sure about the dog though since Fox is in 'his family tree' (oh wait..dogs and foxes are not friends...forgot about the famous 'Fox Hunts')...anyway, it is worth asking about. I don't know why it is Fox urine though. Now for the kitty....maybe Vicks Vapo Rub on your ankles will head that little fourlegged away from biting you and after a while the ankle won't be a desired target even when it doesn't have Vicks on it. .

  11. now on sale yars' squirrel away - comes in convieniant 5# bags - or my new book how to cook squirrel and shoot straight - also have a book on gogs ? well if,n u like chinese food? -or u c

  12. Vic..look at your porch..we are all lined up sitting there eating your chocolates and watching you.

  13. I would throw some moth ball's under the shed and that would get rid of the rabbits and the dog would not like the smell. But I would like to see you chasing down a fox and making him pee in a cup, that would be more fun than reading your blog and all the helpful hint's you have been offered. lol

  14. Joins the crowd on the porch to watch Vic try to get a urine sample from a fox.

  15. I'll furnish the iced tea for everyone or maybe that should be hot chocolate cause I know it's cold up there. lol

  16. Woww...Thought that I had the only cat in the world that liked to bite to get noticed. Vic I have a fat cat here with the same traits. Usually he will do that sort of thing when he wants me to notice that his food bowl needs filling.

  17. Cat = Muzzle it
    Dog = Shoot the neighbour
    Squirrels = 1" gravel across the top or lay weed fabric and bark, they eat the bulbs untill the shoots grow
    Rabbits = Get a ferret

  18. I am going to start charging admission...

  19. A ferret? The object was to get rid of the critters Mkchippy, not add more to the mix,lol.

  20. Cat, dog, squirrels, rabbits, fox and ferret. This is getting more interesting all the time. Admission will be worth it. What gets the ferret? Whistles Pop Goes The Weeeeezel

  21. NO ferrets, this is a designated ferret-free blog page...

  22. I got in here first..I'm not paying any admission charges..all these just follow me around..tsk tsk...charge them Vic. ( make Mac pay double for that fox pee comment)

  23. Builds Vic a weather vane with soaring eagle silhouettes on the arrow ends. The sun will cast the shadow of the eagles to scare off the critters. The dog and cat can chase the shadows around in a circle till they exhaust themselves. Places a skunk in Zee's bloomers. That will clear the free loader off the porch and I'll get my moneys worth for the double admission.

  24. What's up? Don't you think you are worth following, must be that wiggle!

  25. That wiggle is the skunk trying to get out of her britches. Lol.

  26. This has got to be worth watching. Then we can sneek in and pinch her chocolates. lol

  27. Just call me a "skunkdog millionaire'' darling..wiggles...

  28. And by the way......has anyone begun to notice Mac's obssession for my chaste and pretty bloomers????

  29. You guys are cracking me up. ROFL!!! (((But you buy the Fox urine.)))

  30. So this is where everyone has been all day! In here partying while I was outside working.

  31. Sits eating a box of Samoas and not sharing.

  32. Awe hon, just go in the house and make some fudge. My cat has been tormenting me too...must be spring fever, I could nip at her heals today after seeing snow on the ground again. Have you thought of getting yourself a lion?

  33. Geesh I go off and do some work, when I could of been here with the rest of the spectators...heres my admission, a 2lb box of homemade fudge :D ...... I have a problem with rabbits too, the stinkers think they have the right to come in my yard and nibble on all the lovely things I have planted around the base of my gianormous tree. And the darn squirrels that live in the tree run up & down it, over to my bird feeder and bath. (hmm.. David put a squirrel feeder on that tree, duh..) And I four schnauzers, only one (max) of them knows he was bred to be a varmint hunter, the buger hates the squirells, & has a fit if he see's one out there, so to shut him up, ya gotta let him out. And ZOOM he goes, right straight to the tree, smushing up my hosta's and other pretties..Darn dog. I was given advice on how to keep the Varmints & dog away to put 'Coyote' urine about the base of the bed and tree...didn't work. Non of the pepper did either,,, reachs over while Vero isn't looking and grabs a hand full of Samoas and crams 'em all in my mouth so she can't take em back,,yum, My favorite G.S. cookie ! Shoot the cat with the squirt gun or bottle, hehe.. it really works? hey, ..I yak too much, stuff another cookie in mouth..

  34. woohoo, skoot over i am coming too and watch it all, oh Vic can i bring my bbgun? LOL, i can tell ya what would happen if the dang squarrell was doing that in my flowerbeds, he/she would come face to face with some thing called bullet, or a trap. damned things breed like rabbits too, so your likely have more coming yet to dig up your bulbs. was there mentioning of chocolates ? gee Vic hope you have enough to share...
    Good luck with the critters (hugs)

  35. My dogs take care of the critters but I will not confess to the little pig or goat or butchering stuff I have found in the yard.I have one dog that kills snakes. Maybe you could just chain the neighbor's dog with a long enough chain to kill critters.

  36. Ties a pretty bow around your squirt gun - I got it from the gate keeper over at the rabbit's place, yea yea my cousins where they were holding a meeting CAASVGGG (come all and see Viccles go ga ga) - I've brought the brownies and the blankets for everybody it's going to be chilly tonight but I suspect it'll be hoot er I mean hot with all the goings on.
