Friday, March 20, 2009

Plaid, Mister Rogers, and Forward Thinking...


Earlier this week as I was looking over my blog page, I came upon the realization that I really haven't blogged a whole lot lately. I have done a few graphics of the birthday magazine spoofs, but other than that there hasn't been a whole lot of substance in my blogging. I haven't really had much exciting going on lately to blog about but my life has never been all that exciting and earth shattering,... but I did use to blog more. So this week I thought, I need to write a blog about something. I read blogs posted by others in hopes of getting some kind of inspiration and I did have a few ideas that lead me to do some googling, but I never actually got around to taking one of those ideas and running with it.

Over at Zzee's blog page, I came across one of the pics she had posted of her wearing a pair of plaid pants as a child. I left a comment about we should bring back plaid, which got me to thinking and googling for plaid. Let's face it, plaid has fallen out of style, well unless you are Scottish and wear kilts, you really don't see a whole lot of plaid gracing the runways of Milan. I still googled in hopes of doing a graphic of me in a kewl set of plaid pedal pushers or some other kind of retro plaid concoction but I soon gave up all plans of plaid. I just couldn't top that cute pic of Zzee in her high plaid pants.

I left a comment on Sueshoovrs guest book, singing the theme song from Mister Roger's. Asking her wouldn't she please be my neighbor. I kind of garbled the theme song as I couldn't quite remember the lyrics, which sent me back to googling for the theme song. One thing lead to another and I was soon downloading pics of Mister Roger's and his nifty cardigan, thinking I would do a spoof on Mister Roger's neighborhood over here on the blog pages. That sounded like an awful lot of work and I grew tired of that thought quickly. But while googling one of the puppets from that show, Lady Elaine Fairchild, I thought what a remarkable resemblance she had towards Bret Somers (from the Match Game TV Show). Staring at that puppet it made me wonder just what or who was the basis for that puppet. Let's face it, that puppet is just down right creepy, and with it's garish red cheeks and nose, it looks more like a derelict wino found in a back lit alley way. It's just such a huge contrast to the quiet mild mannered Mister Rogers in his tennis shoes and sensible cardigan, that I wondered if it wasn't some kind of subliminal message being sent over the airwaves.

That got me to thinking about conspiracy theories. I thought about posting a blog of outlandish theories of conspiracy that I could ask each blogger to come up with and post. Whether politically inspired or otherwise, I thought it could be fun to see just how outrageous each of you could be and still have the theory have a glimmer of a possibility. I even had an idea for my own conspiracy theory of how McCain threw the presidential election with his choice of bad running mates on purpose and the reasoning behind it. But I bypassed that blog choice as well.

I read a blog posted by Strongwilledwoman on paying it forward. The premise was you were suppose to make five things for the first five people that responded to your blog and agreed to post the blog on their page so that it created a domino affect. My first thought was I have to actually make something? What in the world could I make that people would want? A picture, a card, a bookmark perhaps? (I will forget about the baking part as the last person I sent something homemade to, thought I had plans to slowly poison them to death. As far as I know they did survive but they have been awfully quiet lately....hmmm, making a note to check up on them encase it was a very, very slow poisonous reaction). But I still thought on the blog and if I posted it, who would respond and what if I didn't know them? Should or could I still send them something? Or what if they were some wierdo? Which then made me think I was losing all perspective of the original premise of paying it forward. I am still thinking on it and who knows the mood might strike me to post it and pay it forward later. But then I feel guilty that if I have to actually sit and think about it, does it lessen the whole experience? I think it might...

Which got me to thinking.... that I do a lot of thinking. I blame it on my early childhood and sitting in the classroom and being bored, I daydreamed a lot. Something I still do. You would think that with all of that thinking I would be smarter than I am. But perhaps it's the thinking I do that isn't the right kind of thinking that is the real culprit. My mind is always thinking, so much so, that I am usually lost in thought with my head down as I travel from spot to spot that I tend to miss a lot that is going on around me while I am thinking. So I think I need to do less thinking or at least more thinking of the right kind of thinking...I think.

I still don't have much of an idea for a blog today, but just a blog of randomness of my thoughts this week, and what almost was a blog or could have been a blog or perhaps might be a blog in some near future.

I'll keep thinking til I think of something...


  1. Vic don't think too hard. You're dangerous when you think. lol My life if so boring that I have nothing to blog about either. I like Big Bird so wonder if I should blog about him...but I'm not going to kill myself thinking ...Do I or Don't I? I just won't is what I come up with. lol

  2. ROFLMAO ......... I think I know EXACLTY who you sound like......he is a deep thinker here too....( here being our house)

  3. Those dang puppets from Mr. Rogers "hood" always kinda creeped me out too...don't feel too bad. I saw this really cool pink and beige plaid that I think you might really like! If I find it I will let you know.

  4. Can I get this in Chapter form?

  5. Vic, your mind jumps around more than an Aussie kangaroo! LOL
    Have you seen the movie "Pay it Forward"? It was reccommended to me by a special chat friend who is no longer with us. When I see it mentioned, it makes me think of him and I would like to feel that he's fully aware of just how he is still "paying it forward."

  6. Believe it or not, I did try to condense it some,lol.

  7. Yep Vero I have seen the movie and it's a good movie. The kid in the movie was also in second hand lions which is also good if you haven't seen it.

  8. I wear plaid every day. It's still pretty popular for us construction workers. I like your thinkings Vic.

  9. I loved it! And your humor never fails to make me laugh. I am kind of a Grover myself, he is the one that lives in the trash can isn't he? I always thought that was how I looked when I woke up in the morning.

    I love your random thinking....and your new hat with your pink hair it just perfect!

    You paid it forward and didn't even know are an inspiration!

  10. "Which got me to thinking.... that I do a lot of thinking. I blame it on my early childhood and sitting in the classroom and being bored, I daydreamed a lot. Something I still do." Hey thats exactly how I am ! I'm always thinking, and it just never shuts up.
    Great Blog, :)

  11. Oscar is going to be maaaaaaad. Nothing new for a grouch though.

  12. hey i heard that MR ROGERS is was a navy seal or in special forces,i think,anyway they said thats why he always wore long sleeves to cover up the tatoos ,i guess i should do more research on the guy,or Vic ,your so good at this stuff,maybe you could research the guy haha thanks for your random thinking ,ill be gone a few days,yall have fun and thanks for the laughs see ya deb

  13. we didn't have that puppet show here, maybe its just as well.

  14. Wonders how many plaid flannel shirts Mac has in his closet....

  15. No no Misty that was just Vic thinking.

  16. I agree with Viccles.....Second Hand lions is a FANTASTIC movie if you haven't seen it.......and I think you have to be talking about Haley Joel Osment. he was GREAT in it.

  17. No Vic, I haven't seen this movie. In face I haven't even heard of it. (I don't get out much) LoL Is it fairly new?

  18. Ah 2003... hardly a new movie. I'll have to look for it.

  19. We have a neighbor who has every dvd ever made I think. LOL

  20. I didn't know we were that close of neighbors Vero.....lmao

  21. I haven't gotten into collecting dvd's. We had tons of movies on cassette and now they are obsolete. I'm gonna hold off and wait to see what else gets invented. lol

  22. ROFL - aaaawww I brought you some coffee to help you with your brain-burn that you accumulated by now by accumulating all these possible blogs. Blogging does have the chance to meet up with an avalanche eh LOL.

  23. I never did get an answer on the plaid flannel shirt inventory...

  24. Almost all my shirts are plaid Akey. And before anyone asks, most of my boxers are too. Plaids an excellent style. Wheres that run way?

  25. Run way or run AWAY?????? LMAO

  26. Okay Mac, now do ya match those plaids or do you mix them?

  27. Okay Mac, now do ya match those plaids or do you mix them?

    Just like a woman to start accessorizing, lol. I hope I don't have an accident and go to the hospital and get in trouble because my underoos don't match my shirt
    My daughters go to Catholic School. They wear plaid every day too. Their uniform skirts are plaid. That's a daughter in high school and the other in middle school, so there/s 2 schools worth of plaid right there.

  28. Bet Mac will start coordinating now that you said something Vic lol.

  29. Hubby wears plaid flannel shirts too and his favorite is the one with all the holes in the tail. I keep trying to make cleaning rags out of it but he pitches a fit every time I mention it.

  30. I HATED my H.S. uniform....and have NEVER worn plaid after that !!!!!!! LOL

  31. love the green plaid now I am trying to figure if you are a mcviccles or a do look fetching in the green wig and eye shadow ...heard there was a green shortage in m&ms in your area...wonder what happened lol

  32. The mad ramblings of the criminally insane . . .

  33. Hi Vic. Enjoyed reading your "blog of randomness". I know that I should do the same soon before zee gets home from her vacation. She accuses me of having "nothing on my blog" which is true. Perhaps this could be the day, now that you have motivated me.

  34. Hey...those charges were never proven! lol,lol.. :P

  35. ROFLMAO Viccles! That was such a good blog, and my gawd, do I RELATE to your "thinking!" Especially as of late! I get to a destination while driving, and think, I don't remember driving here, lost in "thought".....oh this blog made my day! And plaid.....i like it on others....but for me...Naaaah!!

  36. I too liked your Blog of Thinking Vic. I am sorry I am just now getting around to seems to get in my way these days...I like to just think and find my self doing that best when I can climb aboard my steel steed and mow grass and just think and think ...summer will be here soon and I am really looking forward to being able to do that...ride my tractor and just think:):) good for body and soul:):):) As for plaid I absolutley love it but alas.... it makes my butt look big hehe

  37. I think I am a wee bit late reading this delightful blog. I love the way you make me chuckle. I smile a lot while I read your writing...and then when I am done...there is a delayed reaction and I chuckle outloud.
