Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Dreamed A Dream....Of Chickens

I guess I should clarify my title of this blog in that it is NOT my dream to have chickens. I don't have pleasure thru poultry, I don't even have a clue about the feathered creatures, other than that they smell when wet (and when dry) , they peck, and make a good sandwich with a bit of mayo or miracle whip.

Earlier this week I had a chat with my mom and the subject of chickens came up, yet again. I say again in that she has been talking about raising chickens quite a bit lately. It hasn't helped that she got a free issue of Backyard Poultry in the mail and has been reliving a bit of her childhood in her memories of chickens. I have heard the stories before of how her mom raised a ton of chickens when she was a kid. They ate a lot of eggs and fried chicken and potatoes growing up and to this day some of her family members won't eat fried chicken hardly at all. She told me stories of how one year her mom ordered some leghorns (I think?) and they flew up into the trees when startled, that was the one and only year with those variety of birds. She has told me a couple of times how her younger brother, who was only a toddler at the time, was found sticking the baby chicks down the spout of a gas or kerosene can. The baby chicks fit just perfect and I guess he can be given credit for trying to stuff a chick in a round hole. The baby chicks didn't fare so well though and I am not sure how many were "stuffed" before he was found out.

Growing up we never had chickens, there really wasn't any place for them, and we were in the middle of town as well. But I have been around a chicken once or twice and they peck. So there has never been any amorous feelings on my part for chickens. I helped clean chickens once and was given the job of plucking and picking pin feathers, not another thing that ranks too highly on my chicken scale. But my mom continued on her ramblings of wanting chickens. I sighed, rolled my eyes a bit and started the protests... "Mom, chickens aren't cheap to raise, they won't save you any money"....."where are you going to put them?"..."Are you going to be willing to feed and water them daily in the middle of winter"...and a host of other thoughts in my head that I thought best not to mention out loud. I thought I had her talked out of it, I thought I was in the clear, there would be no chickens that I would have to worry about her taking care of. Finally all of this chicken talk would be put to rest...Well, until she said the one thing that made my little grinch-like heart grow two times smaller...

"But you have your flowers, you have your hobbies, why can't I have a hobby too?"

That kind of hit home. I don't know if it is because I have watched the Susan Boyle Youtube videos too much this week that MkChippy and Judy had both posted about in their blogs, but I could see a bit of my mom in that video. No she didn't have a dream of singing and being famous, she had a dream of chickens. So I swallowed my big sigh, and said okay we will go look at chickens, but you need to get things ready for them, you don't have anything for them.

I expected the trip we made to the local farm/feed store to be for just a few things, and I will be truthful in that I figured she would just do more looking than buying...

Ha! I couldn't have been more wrong. As I stood at one counter buying a few pepper plants, there stood my 70 year old mom, bravely clutching a bird feeder, a waterer, and a heat lamp with a look of childish anticipation and a bit of defiance in that upward set of her chin. When she came out with her purchases being followed by the salesman I asked her how many chickens she got, expecting her to say she got maybe 5-10, a dozen at the most, she proudly chirped she had gotten 25. Good grief, 25 chickens I exclaimed. Well, she explained, some of them will probably die. I mumbled under my breath, no, they will probably all live just to spite me.

It's not that I don't want my mom to have chickens, it's that I know my mom. When she retired a few years ago, she went nuts. She was bored. She started new projects, new hobbies and she never stuck with any of them too long. Stuff was started and then put back away. Thankfully she went back to work part-time. I think what is my biggest fear, is that being the nearest relative  living closest to her, I will somehow inherit the chickens. I really, really was hoping for the china or the silver tea set, but most likely it will go to one of my sister-in-laws and I will get a bunch of feathered, pooping poultry.

I don't have a clue about chickens, and I am starting to think my mom is a bit fuzzy on her chicken memories as well. All of my questions asked have been met with vague, "I can't remembers"...

For the sake of my mom and her dream, and for the welfare of the chickens, and most importantly for me....Please, ....please.... chicken people of the blog world, feel free to leave any advice on the rearing of the feathered creatures.

...And encase you are wondering, yes, I have already thought about the benefits of the chicken poop mulch. It's not exactly my dream, but I am willing to reap some of the rewards from it...


  1. Goes off to get bread, lettuce and mayo...waits...

  2. Looks for the pepper to go with the lettuce, mayo and bread.

  3. Fires up the grill.......gets the BBQ sauce..............

  4. Viccles, you'll be at the top of everyone's guest list come Easter...

    Egg salad!

  5. The benefit is obvious, viccles. When you stand near a chicken, your legs will look glorious . . .

  6. Why does your body look so round . . . under that chocolate - kinda creepy, really . . .

  7. Oh and what are those bumps . . .

  8. Chickens are cute, but I don't have a clue about how to raise and care for them. Then, there's the cleaning up the hen house. Ew.

  9. Isn't chicken poo supose to be quite strong as a as in burn stuff? Be very careful.

  10. We had chickens growing up. I learned they are called fowl for a reason. They are the most disgusting creatures on the face of the earth.I don't mind eating chicken but I would never raise them again.

  11. Chickens stink, they poop more than they eat, and some are mean and peck hard enough to leave bruises. I hated butchering day. That is what I know about chickens.

  12. We had chickens when I was a child and they were a mess to deal with when I had to go gather eggs. Then on top of that you had to watch for snakes in the nests. lol I have been told that fresh chick poop will burn up your plant's so we always use rabbit dropping and man we did have a wonderful garden. Now as a child I had to help with the plucking of feather's after Mother chopped the heads off the chicken and I spent several minutes running from that flopping chickens body. The stinch of dipping the chicken in hot water so you could pull the feather's was really gross. Besides that most of the time in the hot summer time (I believe they molt) and then don't lay egg's. If she gets a rooster just be sure to carry a big club in the pen with you because that rooster will think you are a new chick in the pen and want to "court' you. rofl Tell your Mom if she decides it's too much trouble you don't want the chicken's because you have a pack of wolves that will eat them up in one night. Tell her she should just get herself a puppy that will cuddle up on the bed with her at night and she can teach it new trick's. Anyway that's my experience with chicken's, I love eating them but not after I had to pluck the darn things. Good luck Vic!

  13. I don't know much about chickens except that they are (were) good to eat, and contrary to anything Set says, they DON'T lay square eggs. While I sit and wonder how you got a picture of my legs (albeit they are a little oranger up there) on your blog, I'm going to go google chickens and see if I can come up with anything even remotely helpful for you.

  14. Don't chickens grow on trees??

  15. Hey we got chooks at our place and they are the most easiest going chooks in the district. No savage little chicks here. They are so layed back their almost comatose. Heck even the rooster likes to chat with us occassionally. Can't understand a word he says but if you nod and grunt in the right spots he seems to be happy and goes on his merry way. I must admit though that output is more than input. Chook poop makes good compost if you mix it with your other garden waste, let it mature for quite some time. We sell our eggs and that pays for the feed. Everyone raves over our free range eggs. If you need any advice Vic give us a yell.

  16. Viccles, I am sooooOOOooo VERY grateful after your post that my mother @ 75 now decided traveling and teaching would keep her busy when she retired form her 9-5. I applaud your commitment to see your mother through with her vision. Isn't that when we all learn the most?- when we become involved in someone ELSES passion? Please post pictures of Mom & the fuzzy chicks! My own mother would love to see them as she too had chickens as a girl and shares many of the memories your own mother has. Thanks for the wonderful blog!

  17. We do use Chicken poop in the garden , but for me they are best cold between to bits of bread

  18. I feel for you, all I can say is good luck. Never had any as a child or wanted them.

  19. Sorry can't help you. I heard the stories of raising chickens from my mother too. She didn't like chicken after having to do the boiling & plucking like Judy said. Bleck...I just stick to the already done chicken.
    Suzy & Misty have the bread, mayo,lettuce salt & pepper, I got some tomater slice's, I got dibs on some of the white meat. Pulls up chair to sit & wait .....

  20. yumm, I like bbq chicken too and egg salad, and we cant forget the deviled eggs ! drooling

  21. There will be plenty "chicken poop" they poop every where! We had some and let them out during the day because they eat bugs like fleas etc... Got tired of the poop so i gave them away ;o)! Great blog Vic!

  22. I just stopped by to peer closely (again) at your unusual tub.

  23. My mothers family raised chickens too, and she hated them. Thank goodness her love was sewing. I would look at her closets full of thread and fabric and shake my head in wonder at the amount she had---I am grateful it wasn't chicken poop.

  24. Just think of all those playful rats they will attract for you to play with.

  25. Lol I will tell mom I will "rent" her the cat.....but it will be her job to show the cat the difference between a rat and a chicken,lol

  26. Hey Vic, I think you should prolly get outta the tub soon, all that choccy is going straight to your hips.

  27. I think it is cool you actually write original blogs. Some morons just post silly pics with a caption or two. Good onya!

  28. My mom had chickens, my dad let them hop up on his shoulders and he'd tend to the garden with the chickens in more ways than one. Chicken poop *is* good for the garden, go for it Viccles.

  29. Hey Vic, I agree with Wukky about his chooks, we have seen them first hand and whenever we went outside they were there hoping you had something to eat for them.....

    If you got some chooks look what you would save on eggs....I know I used to go months without buying any as I was getting at least 3-4 eggs a day from my ducks..... (haven't had any for a while now though)...

    They may be smelly but if you can hose the area down regularly it will be O.K. and it is definitely good for the garden.....

  30. ROF well Farmer Vic...we might as well get use to calling you that ...your Mom will soon tire of her new hobby and you will inherit the job of Chicken care taker for sure LOLLOL we want photos when it happens:):):):)
