Monday, July 21, 2008


It was an exciting past week-end here in the world of Multiply blogging. A cyber birthday for MkChippy full of Trekkie fans and aliens, html and videos. Pics of whatzits, Suzi smoking,... Sue doped up on drugs with lepper-cons aboard Captain Morgan's pirate ship. Vero's Jack in the beanstalk pepper plant, (or a possible midget confession) Mac's reappearance in the blogging world, and a host of other blogs that lead to the distractions of every day life.

If only real life could be so exciting...but it never is, or at least not in the way we hope it to be. Between all the giggles and postings, I will admit to having a few grumblings this past week-end in my real world. During one of the hottest weeks in the month, the ancient hulk of a deep freeze in it's quiet little corner decided to give one last cough and sputter before dieing a most inopportune death.

Sunday....why does everything have to break down on a Sunday? Living in the middle of nowhere in my cornfield, the closest thing open is a discount store and if I am lucky, a Dairy Queen. I can't get a deep freeze at either, except for a brain freeze at the DQ if I eat my ice cream too fast.

So some of the unintelligible frozen blobs of something were farmed out to other places. Some crammed in the fridge, some moved to another fridge of my mother's...and some just had to sit tight in state of semi-mushyness til they could be fostered out (or frosted?) to a new home. Frozen bags of shredded zucchini were rock solid... bags of this year's crop of strawberries were thawing quickly along with frozen pizzas. I've been eating pizza for two days now, and I think I will be having a few more days of the stuff.

It's enough to give a person a head-ache trying to figure out what should be cooked, what looks okay and is pretty solid yet, and figuring out just how many jars a person needs for bags and bags of thawed strawberries now needing to be made into preserves. I think some stuff is just going to have to be cooked and frozen again.

I am not sure on whether to be thankful or not that the two year old turkey at the back of the freezer seems to be okay. I'd gladly give up the turkey for something else that takes up less space.

So today was a day spent looking for a new freezer and having it delivered. Everything is now tucked in it's new home, minus a few things.... okay several things....

Anyone have a good recipe that calls for strawberries, thawed pizza, coolwhip, peas, hamburger and a package of bacon?...


(Come on Chef Mac,... I know you won't disappoint me).... 


  1. All I can say is LOLOLOL ! (I'm laffin too hard to come up with anything else)
    Huggs, Vic. I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time.

  2. You are right crap always happens like this at the weekend, Hope you have not lost too much.

  3. All I can do is offer you a beer to go with your pizza. What a bummer to have it go on ya not to mention (whispers) on a Sunday.

  4. Ok...scrape the topping off the thawed pizza...bake the crust...cover with strawberries and cool In the meantime...cook the bacon and crumble...mix up the hamburger, peas, bacon and whatever else you happen to put in a meatloaf...cook....throw away, and go back to eating the strawberry pizza! Yay, me! :D

  5. Oh the recipe is simple Vic - just call it a raspberry muffin after you pull your thumb out of it - falls over laughing lol.
    It's soooo true - why do things break down always on a Sunday when Plummers are either not available or it's double time pay, same can be said for electricians. And lets not even think about what you need out of the Pharmacy.
    Now take the bag off your head and lets see the mess you made hehe

  6. oh my hahahahaha
    toooooooooo funny

  7. LOL vic, and it's not funny either! But look on the bright side of things, yer freezer got cleaned out. I mean, you know that unidentifiable stuff crammed way in the back, freezer burned and all. I know, my washer went into outter space this spring, and the dryer was soon behind, Thing is, it's NEVER a good time for the car to break down, chip a tooth on a holiday weekend. Ahhhh life, it's just grand! Hope the new freezer last for YEARS! And uh, by the way, how's the leg doing??
    I love the bag, but I miss the hair. Omg...that bag is funny !!

  8. Went through this a couple weeks ago only it was the spare frig in the garage. The freezer thawed and the frig froze. Had 5 dozen eggs in there that split open from the freezing. Cooked one flat for the dogs and decided to do the other one later. The durn thing was fixed and seemed to be working right. Went out the other day to bring the eggs in for the dogs and when they thawed they leaked all over the frig, threw the eggs that hadn't run all over the frig away but sure had plenty I still have to clean up. I'm thinking I should have cooked the eggs all at once and threw away the frig.

  9. OMG!! Sorry for your weekend delima...yup disasters have a way of happening on the weekends or some ungodly time when there's not much we can do about it:(:( Maybe Stinkpot will help ya eat those thawed goodies or you could have a party and make some really clever appetizers lollol

  10. Sounds like its time for a neighborhood BBQ.......just dont serve tomatos or jalapenos........We have been blessed with things breakiing down on Christmas eve....Water heater, refridgerator, microwave, coffee pot, about timing....... Glad you got a new one and hope you didnt lose too much!!

  11. I don't know whether to laugh or cry for ya, but a neighbourhood bbq sounds like a good solution ROF. All welcome, the only entry fee would be to bring some chocolate lol!

  12. Hey as long as you left your freezer closed you should have been able to keep everything frozen for at least 24 hours. But I'm sorry you had to have the freezer go out on you but at least you can make some strawberry muffin's for all your friend's. lol

  13. That two year old turkey must have snuck out and pulled the plug on the freezer. lol He really really wanted to be let out. snickers

  14. yumm, strawberries, pizza, strwberrypizza & muffins, AND Meat loaf ? yea throw it away. LOL I am sorry to hear that it picked the weekend to give out. I had a washer go out on a holiday weekend, and on another holiday weekend in the Winter the darn heater went out. I did call the Co,'s on call technician, he called back and walked me through a check of what might be wrong, turns out when I had repllaced the filter for a clean one, I didn't have the door cover thingie on all the way & thas what kept the thing from firing up. That was quiet a deal, and no charge at all. (He didn't want to go out that day I bet) And I thought I was the only one with a 2 year old turkey in my deep freeze. I wonder if would be ant good if I were to take it out & cook it?

  15. Lol, now the strawberries and cool whip are a no brainer and with a blender handy and a shot or 2 of rum I am thinking of a pretty good drink. Bacon can last a while out of the freezer so I am sure you can save that for some BLT's later. Vero can even come over with some of her tomatoes and make you some BLT''s to help you get over all that frozen pizza you have been eating. ( That's after she is done laughing) I have been away for a few days so I am thinking the frozen pizza has been finished off so bbq some hamburgers and make Stink Pot eat the peas.

  16. Dear Vic now its time to have your own pot luck dinner just dont let on that the menu includes a hamburger pizza with peas and bacon crumbles...yum and you even have desert...think of the money you can rake in for the freezer taps are a nice touch and it will make a great sunk in planter for your yard as for the turkey just a few more years and you can have it you are well take care luv to ya

  17. I am on my way! Fork in hand, all excited. ohhhh! and have one of mac's strawberry drinks ready for me please to cool the roof of my mouth after I bite into the frozen pizza that i'm never smart enough to let cool before the first bite.

  18. Sounds like an interesting life you lead there chocolate girl. Your freezer .... my washing machine. Aren't we truly blessed. Other than the obvious new creation cooking issue you face I do hope all else is well in the cornfield. ((hugs))

  19. Sounds like a delicious parfait in the making. And, with peas! Yummy, Vic.

  20. You stored a turkey for TWO YEARS!!??!! Oh now its soul may have been reincarnated 4 times at least lol. Mac is so helpful..lets party!

  21. a pea, bacon, hamburger pizza topped off with coolwhip and strawberries........sounds delish don't it??? lol. Have a good day!!
