Sunday, July 6, 2008

You Ought to be in Pictures...



One always dreams of making it big time. The fame, the glamour, the endless pursuit of the papparazzi hounding you for just a glimpse,.. a picture....

Well, I finally made it....thanks to Zzee and her "connections" she has landed me on the cover of not one but TWO magazines. I knew that my fashion sense and style would turn heads and it would only be a matter of time that I would arrive...

Okay I will admit the National Geographic- Geography has me a bit perplexed in that I never travel much except to the edges of the cornfield, and as far as I know I don't think I am an endangered species, but I will admit to being unique and one of a kind...

But Vogue....yes Vogue is where I belong, with the flash and sparkle of a cubic zirconia tiara, I have found my niche in the glamorous catalog... Til I squint my eyes and see it's not really Vogue but Vague...

"Sigh".....okay who told? I thought I was doing a pretty good job at disguising my cluelessness, but evidently they must have glimpsed more than one glassey-eyed vacant look....So Vague it is... It's just as well, being a fashion diva is hard work...I can muster being vague with two hands tied behind my back and a twinkie stuffed in my kisser...

Vague just seems to fit...

...too well most days...



(Thanks for the giggles Zzee!!!)


  1. Just don't become the next Brattany Spears. LOL

  2. Lol Sue I don't think there is any chance of that.....

  3. All those high school outfits in your closet may just be the next fad.Play it for all its worth.

  4. I KNOW there isnt., just giving ya a hard time, cause thats what I do LOL

  5. I'm going to have to search my files for that NY Times article from last year regarding your bloomer sightings.

  6. And I can say "I knew her back when..." ((sigh))

  7. Wow the bright lights are blinding
    Vic's name UP in Lights !! lolol..

  8. Excuse me but your eyes are like mine were the other night - its Natural Geography. Seems very apt to me to display the Weird & Wonderful!

  9. GRRRRRRRRR*&*&*&)&^%#@$%^^%% ### DAM - TOSSIN OUT THE NEW PIRATE FLAG -USE IT NOW TO WIPE ME)(()*&((*(*& DON'T NEED A FLEET OF POPaLOWSKI'S Or any other ozzies -followin morgs vessel -might as well hoist me light blue's up da pole -now i'll have to warsh them - and i hope the snappin of da elastic don't give us away in da dead of night-- and now *(*(*(*&^%^^& we can't be pillagin and signin autographs -slaps ya with a pice a liver - ya land lovin-geographic star - where's cat MORGAN this 'l be worse than mutiny-where be me hairspray and matches-oh this can't be it just can't be - what bad timming - just as we bout ready to get outa da kidy pool too- oh ur unique and one of a kind ya arrrrrrrrrrrrrr -now with a majic marker tucked behind ur ear -u better have answer young lady:: oh so much fer da code of piracy - ok but just one more thang- - miss viccles could u autograph a 20 spot fer me ? and send it by mail?????

  10. ahhhhhhhhhhhh just bought two national geographic and posted them in garden - -[smilen] hehehehehe no moe siwwy wabbits now

  11. Oh dahlin...I know exactly how you must feel...those reporters, and the press...tsk tsk...and all those hysterical screaming fans...its so lonely being at the top...I have some toyboy phone numbers if you feel like a change...or a personal trainer...theres also this 7 foot tall young man I can lend you, who teaches Yoga and ''heals'' the soul. Ahhh...have to run..have this so very pressing appointment with know Val..the designer ofcourse..he is such a tart. See you at the spa...we could have some strawberry diet daiquiris and talk about the new fall showing at Paris...while we have our hair done. Muaahh..muaahh....ohh..the paparazzi...wont leave me alone either.

  12. your simply smashing dahhhhling

  13. Don't be silly, she can only type!

  14. Vickles ya sure being sick with a high fever hasn't done some real damage to ya thinking process.......could it be you're delusional????....LMBAO!

  15. Are you still on medication?, because if you are I would stop taking it, as it seems to be sending you a bit gar gar. lol

  16. They are all jealous Vic..they all want your hairdo..i'm tellin ya..

  17. You were all way in the big time with me

  18. Hey, it don't surprise me a bit! I just KNEW that pink beehive and cat glasses were gonna get yah somewhere! LOL! Yer a hoot for sure!

  19. What was I thinking.??You become wear them purty red bloomers!!!!!

  20. Hmmmm... We have tried in all the shops here, and looked online, but can't seem to find a copy of Vague or the Natural Geography to buy? What we really want to know is... what were you on the front cover for???? Is there an article on the inside and if so, tell us more lololol.

  21. Well, after reading the last few blogs I see you weren't at the Olympics trials but fighting cats and infections. Good thing it's getting better or I was gonna show up with a knife and cut through the center of it and suck out the infection. (Dang, that made me gag.) You should be embarrassed of those magazine pics. You know your way too young to wear that much rouge. ( Licks thumb and starts rubbin')

  22. uhhhhhhh Jim I am pretty sure those are freckles.not rogue............giggles

  23. Ow, that was my eye!..quit poking Jim!

  24. wow just the mags for my living room table...needs a bit of class and I can say I knew her when she was just a little shy thing who was riding around on a trike with her tiny pink beehive and bag of chocolates ...those were the days lol
