Thursday, November 2, 2006

Entry for November 02, 2006 - Faster...

What in the world happened to October? It's already the 2nd of November and I wonder who stole those days that I seem to have lost. I was going to do a Halloween blog. I was going to make a gaphic of me in a halloween costume, post fun and creepy links, quizzes, and all things Halloweenish. I know I could have made a blog anytime that month on Halloween, but I wanted to wait...wait for that day, it had to be THAT day, and wouldn't you know it.....THAT day came and went. My graphic only got halfway finished, I got distracted, waylaid, ....just busy, and before I knew it was the day of Halloween. I mentally kicked myself and told myself quietly...

"Blog faster"...

Every morning I try and get up and get the mundane things of life out of the way before logging on to my blog page. By then you have all come and gone and had a party and all sorts of things. I must be so slow. I blog from page to page and by the time I stop in at everyone on my friend's list (that keep a current blog), it's been about an hour. It takes even longer if you have written a blog and I stop to read it and the comments and then post a comment as well. Yesterday I read a blog and thought and thought on it. I wanted to compose my thoughts into a reasonably intelligent comment, and well....I had to go and just come back to it at a later time. It only added to my blogging minutes. I hate when you have something to say but just can't figure out how you want to say it. Time flies by and before I know it, even more blogs have been posted....

"Blog faster"...

Last night I logged on after 10 p.m. I chatted a bit in messenger to an old chat friend who had told me she had spent over 450 dollars to find out her pet bird had a cold. I was thinking for that price it should have come stuffed and served with caviar and a red wine sauce, but I consoled her and listened to her other problems of other pets on medications, a pet that got sprayed by a skunk, and a cat that was hacking up something unintelligible. Before I knew it, it was half past midnight and I still hadn't written a new blog entry or visited everyone's page.

"Blog faster"...

I got a message from someone yesterday, apologizing that they had forgotten to leave a comment on my page. They didn't want me to feel bad that I had been left out inadvertantly. I assured them my world would not come crashing to an end and that I wasn't slighted or keeping score. Comments are nice, I enjoy them, but I am realistic in knowing that time is short and blog time seems even shorter most days. I won't be offended if you don't stop. I am glad when you do, but I won't be miffed or hurt if your day is short or if you have nothing to say. I have those days too.

"Blog faster"...

I read on a blog that someone is getting broadband and they hope that will help speed up their blogging. I got my broadband modem in the mail and haven't rushed to hook it up yet. Part of me wants to hook it up right this very minute. A bigger part of me is afraid I will blow up something or mess up some computer settings, something that will keep me from blogging on and get me even more behind.

I read a blog from someone on how they were changing the content of their blog. Nothing political, nothing religious, nothing of controversy. I thought to myself....he's done it! He has made a neutral blog...he has become Switzerland. I don't know if I could do that though, refrain from all things controversial. It's not that I like drama, far from it. But some days, some days I think or hear something and want to put in my own two cents worth.

"Blog faster"...

In the past few days I have seen some pilgrims and turkeys, and someone even left a comment on Christmas carols.... I feel behind before I even log on here to write a blog. I had a couple of ideas for blogs, and I don't know if the moment has passed for them, but I will keep them in the back of my mind along with other half-baked ideas or thoughts that have yet to come to fruition.

 I read a blog this past week of a guy who wanted to be "one of the herd". He didn't want to stick out or be singled out. I thought that a bit ironic, most people want to be popular and have lots of attention. There are many days I read interesting blogs on happenings in other peoples lives, trips they are taking, places they are going, things they are doing, and I start to get that feeling..............gosh I am boring.

There I have said it...

What all of us fear the most....... boring life equals boring blog....or vice versa...

I enjoy blogging...reading your blogs. They make me laugh, they make me smile, they make me think.

I guess that is all they were originally meant to do.......

Some of us aren't going to have exciting things to write about.

Some of us are just leading quiet lives...

....and it's some of those blogs that I enjoy reading  the most.

Blog faster....

...there is a lot to see and read out there....

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