Saturday, October 21, 2006

Entry for October 21, 2006 - Ghost Story...

It was a dark and dreary night.

The kind of night that ghost stories are made from...

The moon was bright and full, shining thru the window. It had an eery, almost sinister glow about it tonight.

As I settled in for a good night's sleep,...I heard it. The tiniest "rap, tap, tap" on my front door. Who in the world could be out at this hour I groaned?  It was so late, so dark, my mind started to wonder, and then worry.

I heard it again......"rap, tap, tap"....

Whoever it was, they weren't going away. I searched blindly in the dark for my robe, I fumbled for my slippers. I dragged myself down the hallway, flicking on the light to help me find my way....and my confidence.

What if it was a stranger? Lost and confused and needing directions, or perhaps just pretending to be lost and confused. What if it was really an escaped convict...a burglar....a person intent on doing me bodily harm?

I was fully awake now, my consciousness alive with thoughts of unknown creatures banging on my door. I searched vainly for a weapon, something to fight off an attacker...The rapping was getting louder.

"RAP, ..TAP...TAP"....

I reached the door and flicked on the outside light. All I could see was two heart raced..there was TWO of them!

One I might be able to overpower, with two however, my chances were slim to none. Oh how at that moment I wished I had a baseball bat, like those people have in the movies and tv shows when they confront someone at their door. I wanted to bolt and run, but I had already turned on the outside light.

I took a deep breath.

I squinted my eyes shut for a moment as I heard the unclick of the lock as I slowly opened the door.

My eyes grew wide with horror.....still not focusing on what was before me.

I rubbed my eyes again and gasped.

There they were............Gloggy and Wukky.

They yelled in unison..."trick or treat".

I rolled my eyes and mumbled ,..."you are too early... It's not Halloween yet!"

I slammed the door shut...and as I started to turn away, I stopped.

I opened the door back up and there they still stood...

I yelled at them..."and next time wear a Halloween costume!"....

The End....

Early Trick or Treaters">.

1 comment:

  1. Great storie, I hope you are able to bring over all of the pictures !
