Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Well it's over. Or at least, I hope it is all over. The junk mail, the unsolicited phone calls, the commercials, and all of the controversy of the latest political election.

Some are claiming victory, some are claiming a crushing defeat. I see it as inevitable with whoever was elected. I wasn't happy with either candidate and the amount of damage possible on both sides gives one thought and concern and the realization that we are just screwed no matter which way the ballot was cast.

It's scary when one delves into the background of each individual, follow the money trail of just who their backers were/are, and it's frightening to realize that anything and everything has a price.

Who the big winners of the last election were, are not the American people but big business. Big business has their hand in every politician's pocket and we can only hope as we go forward that we do not completely bankrupt this country literally and figuratively.

But that is enough of politics. I am tired of politics. I am tired of seeing friend versus friend, family member pitted against family member. I am tired of a false sense of belonging to a political party of any sort that really doesn't have your best interest at heart. I guess I hold those who are elected to a certain standard. Not a higher standard, but a standard in which they are their to serve the people and not their own interests.

Today is Wednesay, a cool day, but a sunny one. I have been a bit crabby the last few days and today I am of the mindset to shed my crabbiness and embrace something more sunny. I am not going to let any perceived slights or negativity to entertain any of my thoughts today. I am going shopping. I am going to think of Christmas, Thanksgiving, and all things chocolate covered.

Today I vote for me. A party of my own making. No donkeys or elephants for me, I will embrace being one of many sheep in this flock of red,white, and blue...

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